Sentences with phrase «one's children at home»

This small paperback selling for under $ 10 is a must for a family with children at home or children who visit.
While many parts of the initiative are directed toward school programs, some parts of the campaign are also aimed at creating a healthier lifestyle for children at home.
What is it really like to educate children at home?
If one partner is carrying the financial weight and the other is taking care of children at home, there may be no true understanding of the other's contribution.
If you have other animals or young children at home keep them away from your dog for at least 48 hours after surgery.
It helps get parents involved in their child's literacy development by giving practical tips for helping children at home.
Opinions are split on keeping children at home in the case of a mild cold.
My only issue is keeping them organized with many small children at home.
It's not easy to decide the right time or age to leave children at home on their own.
Assessments and evaluations offer individualized recommendations to support children at home, in school, and with therapeutic interventions.
This would be music to the ears of any pregnant woman with other children at home.
If you're married and have young children at home who depend on your income, you have a clear need for life insurance.
When watch our own children at home, playing and negotiating, we see skills that will need to be developed, strengthened, and recognized.
Nursing babies are welcome, but we ask that you leave your older children at home as the event is crowded and not fun for children.
Eight days ago, I gave birth to my second child at home in my bedroom.
I don't have young children at home so the balance thing is a bit easier for me.
Contrary to expectations, however, individuals with minor children at home had lower time declines than individuals without children.
Thankfully we never had more than 6 of our 9 children at home at the same time!
Finally, raising children appears to have a negative association with credit scores, as households with one or more children at home are more likely to report poor credit.
This also helps working moms who are faced with a sick child at home occasionally.
I already have plans to add some to one room in our home... I just have to wait 4 years until I have one less child at home because it's a bedroom.
This curriculum has grown out of the experiences I have had in teaching my own preschool age children at home.
I also have a few furry children at home too, a lab / boxer mix, and 3 cats.
And if you're like most people with pets, you'll probably be leaving your furry children at home.
I work outside the home for the past 4 years, we only have 1 child at home full time now but life seems to still get the better of us.
Having your child / children at your home birth is a very personal decision.
After two hospital births, my husband and I chose to have our third child at home.
When told that «some parents prefer to educate their high school children at home» rather than to «send them to a school,» support falls even further.
Have 4 children at home now some may move someday in the future.
We don't have children at home anymore, but we are still concerned about how much maintenance they will require.
There is no way I could be unhappy having a living child at home.
For my sins, I still have 2 teenage children at home.
Find out how sensory issues can affect children at home and in school, and what can be done to make kids more comfortable.
This especially applies if the teen becomes the oldest or last child at home.
I wish I had little children at home again to bring into the kitchen to help make a fall meal.
Three simple ways to help your anxious child at home and in the moment.
However, trying to entertain two young children at home proved to be more difficult than I had expected.
We have one child at home yet, and he is very good about eating various vegetables.
She had delivered all of her nine previous children at home, and she thought she could do so again.
That was my last visit to a hospital and I've had two healthy children at home.
A dear friend gave birth to her 2nd child at home in the early - 60s — by herself as she was in labor such a short time without help.
With two very small children at home I sometimes find it very difficult getting dinner in the table in a timely fashion.
The mother will also be able to use these skills with other children at home, as she will be able to better handle and improve her relationship with them.
While overall marriage rates have fallen significantly, most parents with children at home are married.
If you have young children at home who will help to care for the bunny, you may want to consider a smaller breed that will be easy to handle.

Phrases with «one's children at home»

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