Sentences with phrase «one's choices in life»

Sometimes people come in who are single who want to make good choices in life partners and perhaps have been making mistakes in the past.
It's truly a wonderful decade full of choices in life that only become possibilities at this age.
Sometimes people come in by themselves who are dating, they want to get clear about right choices and making healthy choices in life partners.
This will help you can make the proper choice in life insurance products.
She shares how we do indeed have choices in our life in regards to how we deal with issues that occur in our life.
Through seeing how we are in the practice, we are empowered with more choices in our lives.
We help people along the way whether you're coming in when you're dating somebody and you want to make a different decision or a good choice in your life partner.
«We make bad choices in life,» she says.
I really wanted to make a film that celebrates that, celebrates those who stay on the reservation, who make the tough choices in life, who keep going.
The important choices in life seldom present themselves in extraordinary appearance.
You need to give them information and advice and encourage them to use that to make wise choices in their lives.
But I want to start this piece by saying that we have so many choices in life.
I make certain choices in life and end up worm food like everyone else.
I am forever grateful for her guidance throughout the times in my life where I felt lost, confused, and in the thick of the most difficult choices in my life.
People want choice in their lives, including education.
It also says something about the strange communication between twins, who, may end up making similar choices in their lives even though they have been separated at birth.
This diet has made people realize to have healthier food choices in life and keep themselves fit than ever before.
This cover letter is focused on you and your achievements, your major choices in life and how they fit with the career opportunity presenting itself.
We must quantify it and assign some sort of value to it to determine if it is superior to other monetary choices in our life.
To practice «Positive Parenting,» model good character and guide your children in making proper choices in life, you must be able to answer those questions.
I was so impressed with your art choices in your living room and dining room.
Coordinated school health can positively affect student academic achievement and empower students with the knowledge, skills, and judgment essential to help them make healthy and responsible choices in life.
But the point is that most of us atheists do make a clear rational choice in our lives that we do not believe in supernatural beings.
«Make the right choice in life early» wow I love that!
We are looking for alumni willing to speak to audiences about the positive impact of educational choice in their lives.
Choosing the right mortgage can save you thousands of dollars and give you flexibility to make informed choices in your life.
The most profound choice in life is to either accept things as they exist or to accept the responsibility for changing them.
You have two main choices in life insurance plan designs to choose from.
This is particularly true for seniors who are facing different financial choices in their lives often on a fixed income.
She aims to empower you to make purposeful choices in your life, and to show you that an adventurous life is completely within your reach.
I'm pro choice in life, and don't want to be told what to do, nor have others dictate what I do.
We all make our own choices in life and deal with our own circumstances.
There is very little in this day and age to encourage anyone to make good choices in life.
You can not control what your teens do but you can influence them to make more healthy choices in life.
That means that you will help her brain develops in the way she starts to make right choices in her life.
This has allowed me to have a lot more choices in my life, to live a life of much more freedom.
I have to admit i have made some bad choices in my life.
Let's face it: Dogs really don't have many choices in life.
We must quantify it and assign some sort of value to it to determine if it is superior to other monetary choices in our life.
Beginning in 1987, he worked on several manuscripts until, in 2002, he published Blue Road to Atlantis - a novel about making courageous choices in life as told from the perspective of of «Old Fish» - a huge marlin who is on a journey of self - discovery.
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.
I think it would be great to win the Citizen Kip lunch system - I am trying to make more positive choices in life, and going green is one of them.
And Labour are far more green and far more socially just than the Tories — they are not perfect, but there are rarely perfect choices in life or elections.
AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company offers broad choices in life insurance plans from one to 30 years and several different types of policies.
Will we look back and see that we have finally joined the rest of the advanced economies by creating systems of education, employment, child care and health care that support and strengthen families and give all women real choices in their lives.
The state of North Carolina has a lot of excellent choices in life insurance products.
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