Sentences with phrase «one's climate challenges»

Understanding human capacities to address climate challenges is as important today as it was in the past.
And so, in a time when there was no chance of federal action on climate and energy, we started with a campus climate challenge.
Their «natural» disasters were human made in conjunction with climate challenges.
Here is a way to participate in developing environmental responsibility and awareness that climate challenges facing our planet need to be global.
Scientists say that even though the cooling effect from aerosols is real, the biggest climate challenge from the tar sands is their carbon dioxide emissions.
The global climate challenge is about opportunity, security, even our very survival in the long term.
«While climate challenges pose threats to agricultural productivity, continued innovation and use of advanced farming techniques enable farmers to adapt to the effects of climate change,» he said.
But the country has a number of business climate challenges that must be addressed before it can reach its full potential as an investment magnet.
The collective climate challenge could become much more meaningful if we could start thinking and talking about it at this more inclusive level.
In each case, eight variables — ranging from social to environmental aspects — were applied to quantify vulnerability to food shortage before extreme climate challenges.
-- A second industry - led initiative was launched by leading producers of petroleum who committed to address methane as well as other key climate challenges, followed by regular reporting on ongoing efforts.
But the country has a number of business climate challenges that must be addressed before it can reach its full potential as an investment destination.
The projects adopted here will make a real impact in the face of climate challenges» Oquist added.
C2ES regularly organizes events with top experts, policymakers and business leaders advancing the public debate on climate challenges and solutions.
The proposed law also requires the state to create consistent sea level rise standards, and provides assistance to local governments as they address climate challenges in their communities.
So let's turn climate challenges into opportunities at COP24 in Katowice.»
«The traditional scheduling of the Paralympic Winter Games, approximately a month after the Olympic Winter Games, poses additional climate challenges as temperatures are warmer and the probability of rain instead of snowfall increases in most of the host locations,» Scott said.
This activity report provides an overview of mitigation and adaptation finance in the context of the Multilateral Development Banks» strengthened commitment to work with clients, other development finance institutions, the private sector, and stakeholders to tackle climate challenge with targeted and innovative finance.
Her IOP affiliation is hammered in every interview and profile, and was listed with her signature to the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Challenge open letter to the U.N. Not only that, it's the sole affiliation given for her upcoming stint as featured speaker at — wait for it — the upcoming Heartland Institute sponsored climate conference in Chicago, where Jackson will join U.K. contrarian heavyweights like Piers Corbyn and Lord Christopher Monckton.
Bob Carter was a speaker at the «Paris Climate Challenge» (PCC) an event organized by the newly created Independent Committee on Geoethics (ICG) with the goal of «Challenging the groupthink of COP21.»
Climate Day at Natural Products Expo West moved beyond companies talking about climate challenges to committing to real change.
Almost every project offered a new climate challenge.
The nations of the world gathered on Monday in Paris to reach a new and universal climate change agreement, in the knowledge that they have already delivered an almost universal set of national responses to meet the long - term climate challenge before the conference even begins.
Obama has delivered new auto pollution standards that can guide us as we tackle the next climate challenges: slashing power plant emissions and oil use.
When we were designing the Campus Climate Challenge campaign, we would basically open up a Google Doc and put in it all the information about which group was doing what, and what questions we needed to have answered.
A clear majority of Europeans expect their politicians and business leaders to address the serious climate challenge now
More McKibben on Yale Environment 360: President Obama's Big Climate Challenge Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Carbon Caps Carbon Tax, Not More Financial Engineering, Best Way to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Jeffrey Sachs Renewable Energy Economy 101: Lester Brown Updates Us on the Story So Far Nuclear Power «Economics Are Just Not There»: Lester Brown, Earth Policy Institute Climate Change Will Cost U.S. States Billions of Dollars
Cuomo said clean energy is a business opportunity for the state, as well as an important step to address increasing climate challenges.
Even with adaptation, there are limits to what farmers can do, explained Richard Eckard, one of the authors of the report and an associate professor and director of the Primary Industries Climate Challenges Centre at the University of Melbourne.
CGIAR scientists wielding big data tools to blunt the impacts of climate change on Latin America's rice production have been named one of two winners of the Big Data Climate Challenge at the recent United Nations Climate Summit held in New York City, U.S.A.
The alignment in goals evolved into a multi-team partnership that produced the G4C Climate Challenge.
Together, his artworks and research seek to facilitate an increased understanding of the shared social, political, environmental, and cultural climate challenges we face, both within our local communities, and in the international arena.
Last week The Financial Times selected the Kyoto Box as the winner in its FT Climate Challenge, over 300 other entries.
Will low gasoline prices put America (and the world) in another fossil - fuel «trance» — as President - elect Barack Obama cautioned — and make us forget the long - term energy and climate challenges ahead?
One is that addressing humanity's entwined energy and climate challenges requires an unlikely mix of urgency and patience:
Glad to see word is getting out about the SF Climate Challenge... As one responder said, the effort we've initiated here in SF will not save the planet, but it's a step in the right direction.
Data - driven maintenance strategies, emerging technologies and service offerings, cold climate challenges, and health and safety best practices were discussed by the summit's line up of expert speakers from across North America.
Volvo Group's Construction Climate Challenge initiative is an example that promotes greater sustainability in the international construction industry.
Solving our black carbon problem — and the larger climate challenge — will require a kind of global chu len me len practice: carrying hot «embers» from nation to nation, in the form of shared technology, finance, and ideas.
11/19/15 — One science watcher is seeing «fantastic news» in how some Republicans are viewing climate challenges, with separate groups of federal legislators declaring intentions to «protect our environment and climate while also bolstering clean energy innovation» and to be «good stewards of our environment... and base our policy decisions in science.»
Praween Dayananda and Ada Aroneanu started the Pomona College Campus Climate Challenge chapter in 2006, completing the College's first carbon emissions inventory.
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