Sentences with phrase «one's clone»

A kind of clone of the artist, her life is staged in real time and space.
They could have done animated series on the books to catch newer fans like they did with clone wars and the newest animated series.
Except you know, with every employee replaced with a genetically engineered army of clones in slightly different colours.
The researchers would have to eliminate the extra set of chromosomes and effectively create an embryonic human clone for the technique to ever become a viable treatment.
Use both of these sandwich hacks to serve up two different sandwich clones for different tastes, with little extra effort.
Sure, it looked like a reasonably solid game, but I want more than just another Call of Duty clone from a next - generation shooter.
In this case, an error will be the birth of a human clone with any deviations.
When women who can act as women, rather than as clones of men, take power at law firms, the culture will change.
The twist is that it's guarded by clones of you, which actually learn from your behavior and adapt to it as you try and fail over and over.
If T cell clones created before birth can stick around for decades, they might account for a substantial amount of shared T cells between any two unrelated people.
There is no easy way to insert a higher capacity card unless you know how to use clone imaging software.
You can also use this time manipulation to create clones in the air and rise great distances.
Despite popular belief, twins are not clones of each other.
As yet, there is no reliable way to screen clone embryos for the regulatory - molecule deficiency.
He and his colleagues were trying to make clones from fetal cells and used adult ones as experimental controls — not expecting that they would actually generate an embryo of their own.
Ultimately, there is a healthy amount of variation in animations which effectively prevents the soldiers from looking like clones of one another.
We had the dubious distinction of having produced the world's first clone that did not resemble its genetic donor.
For many years this recipe has been the most - searched - for clone recipe on the Internet, according to Red Lobster.
Different for different models (that is, models that really are different and not just clones of other models)?
The study fits with what other scientists had noticed about other clones.
Now, with this simple formula, you can make your own clone at home and use it on any of your favorite bowls of green.
If the potatoes have properly developed they contain enough sugar on their own to make a good clone with great color.
This is the game that made the genre popular, and the reason there are so many clones in the genre now.
«The vast majority of clones don't make it to adulthood,» he says.
Even when clones appear healthy at birth, they often develop mysterious illnesses later.
Basically clone characters without taking up an additional spot!
This Top Secret Recipes reduced - fat clone version uses unsweetened applesauce to keep the muffins moist and to help replace fat.
The researchers can create even more clones by applying a magnetic field.
But anything's worth it to see those stupid Story clones go away.
Ever since bitcoin cash and bitcoin gold were born, there's been a race to issue bitcoin clones, each claiming to offer some sort of improvement over bitcoin core.
This isn't a drop - in and play co-op game where the second player joins as a random person never mentioned or as an exact clone of the single player.
Many testing companies today can do impressive comparisons of candidates against existing employees — the goal being to essentially clone top performers.
This will put more emphasis on the stories themselves and hopefully provide a more robust alternative to all the news app clones out there that basically do the same thing.
They took an ear cell from a healthy adult cow and used it to create a new clone.
For technical reasons, the genetic makeup of the remaining two couldn't be verified, although the company believes that they are also clones.
The company increased its efforts in 2017 when it expanded its cleanup campaign to include clone and spam applications.
Cars Thief is a GTA clone filled with unique vehicles.
You travel around rescuing you friends all while fighting evil clones of yourself along the way.
The other nine clones came from fetal cells and were born from 2006 to 2008.
It's been an interesting journey for the Dark Souls series, which has inspired multiple clones and created a genre due to its impact on gaming.
It was only a matter of time until the wave of Souls clones emerged from over the horizon.
Hundreds have now been added to the list — and that's for the successful clones that make it to birth.
How we work will never be the same, and we will need to find clones of ourselves to get it all put together in a timely fashion.
So, is this the handset that'll inject some spice back into an industry that's become incredibly bland in recent years or is it just another Android clone?
The advent of real price competition between the major online services that are now seen as virtual clones of each other, is fast bringing that practice to an end.
You can have up to eleven of these time clones running around at any given time, thus allowing you to be in numerous places at once.
That will involve adding human genes to the DNA of a pig clone so its organs will look more familiar to a human immune system.
You play as a single clone trying to escape one evil scientists traps.
That means it's more than just a cheap Chinese clone that's headed to the market.
In the future, genomic screening at diagnosis should allow care providers to choose the best treatment option or monitor for the emergence of clone stem cells.
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