Sentences with phrase «one's close friendship»

Our entire legal team takes pride in the fact that we maintain close friendships with those we help, long after we win compensation in your case.
They are developing close friendships, gaining some independence and forming their social circles.
But now and then, it gets the not - romantic intimacy of close friendships exactly right.
Children with ADHD can find it challenging to form close friendships at school.
In this day and age there is more opportunity for women to have affairs — many from close friendships in the workplace, at the gym or on social networking sites.
Learning to set healthy boundaries for the relationship while maintaining close friendships can require a balance.
A few months ago, a casual friendship with another man has turned into a very close friendship.
- I want to find the good friend first of all because I think, that serious relations is possible to forward only by close friendship.
A little healthy competition is one thing — it's even expected in many close friendships.
Cats in captive colonies at animal shelters, often form close friendships which last for many years.
It proved impossible to maintain several close friendships I had formed.
Conversely, the lack of a supportive close friendship did not predict worse psychological functioning; however, depressive symptoms and low self - worth did predict less close friend support two years later.
In all my novels the central women characters need and establish close friendships with other women who often differ widely from one another.
But keep in mind, that not every parent is receptive to hearing something negative about their kids, despite how close your friendship is.
On top of that, nurturing close friendships has been shown to reduce the risk of mortality.
But more than anything, her visit reminded me of how valuable close friendships are.
These ladies are actual friends in real life and are focusing on the joy that close friendships bring to people's lives.
In fact, she found that in spite of more differences in attitudes, values and behaviors, students on small campuses reported closer friendships than their large - campus counterparts.
A single close friendship could make the difference in helping to build your resilience.
If you want closer friendships, find someone who seems to have a lot of intimacy and love in their life — and study them.
Long close friendships with girlfriends usually end up with each revealing their deeper secrets as well.
During primary school close friendships are most often with a child of the same sex.
High - quality friendships were defined as close friendships with a degree of attachment and support, and those that allow for intimate exchanges.
Now it's much easier to develop close friendship and build strong relationships online.
They can talk, support each other and form close friendships.
It was roundly dismissed by the Frenchman but one wonders whether the alleged close friendship between the two has led to Arsene asking his pal to float the idea to test the water.
Many people have experienced this new way of finding close friendships on free dating sites which have flourished not just for weeks or months, but for years!
Just as bacterial cultures flourish in an agar - filled petri dish, laboratories are ideal breeding grounds for close friendships.
Levy forged close friendships with many of the artists he represented, in particular Arshile Gorky (first U.S. solo show at Levy's gallery in 1945), whose suicide in 1948 was devastating to the gallerist.
I take a bit of a different stance on this particular question, as although we could list an arrary of books and films alike that fit into this catagory, I wouldn't personally go as far as to say there is a leaning towards romanticizing the interconnectedness of women by which evolves through close friendships of the same sex.
The apostles (movement leaders) and worship leaders enjoyed close friendships.
I think males have a right to close friendship as a result of filial love or charitable love without being labelled gay.
One of the upsides of being a grandparent or kinship carer is being able to make close friendships with people in a similar situation to you.
With only brief flashes of the last few years of her life, her world has narrowed to a few close friendships on the island where she lives with her devoted husband, Jacob.
I was the only patron, so Wilburt and I shared some conversation on a beautiful night (This is how so many close friendships begin in the Yucatan).
Trust in a relationship can be strengthened when partners share their insecurities, discuss any vulnerable feelings they may have, and have open discussions about close friendships with people whom the other partner might perceive as a threat.
Researchers found that teens who prioritized close friendships at age 15 had lower social anxiety, an increased sense of self - worth, and fewer symptoms of depression by the time they reached age 25 than their peers.
Results indicated that both high - quality close friendships and a drive to fit in with peers in adolescence were associated with better health at age 27, even after taking other potentially influential variables such as household income, body mass index, and drug use into account.
Andy Warhol always made himself available and accessible to younger emerging artists, and in the vibrant New York art scene of the 1980s, Jean - Michel Basquiat and Francesco Clemente forged particularly close friendships with Warhol — even becoming something of a triumvirate, as this new publication on the three artists shows.
Diane Keaton stars as Emily Walters is Emily Walters, an American widow living on the edge of Hampstead Heath who, despite close friendships and a nice flat, can't help but worry that she's drifting through life without a plan.
Where you've seen him before: Barbieri made a big impression on arthouse audiences as the young aspiring actor Tony, whose close friendship with his new landlord's son Jake is complicated by the conflict between their parents in Ira Sachs» «Little Men,» and will next be seen in the highly anticipated «The Dark Tower.»
Using close friendships with influential Democrats, GOP members, business owners and executives, Walsh attracted a diverse range of supporters during his campaign with deep connections in the area.
Prime Minister Chretien said that he hoped to see closer friendship and cooperation between Ottawa and Beijing and Mr. Jia said that he hoped that the two countries will cooperate closely in urban planning, hi - tech development and the construction of sports...
The continuous state of distraction created by the system may deprive kids of the ability to be fully present with each other, affecting their power to build and sustain close friendships: to give one another attention, gain confidence in their bond, achieve mutual understanding, experience commiseration, feel a deep sense of connection.
In addition, we offer Members the opportunity to participate in a Peer Leadership Forum group, where you will share career advice in an intimate group of other young professionals — often developing close friendships along the way.
She also struck up close friendships with...
«We weren't surprised that better adolescent close friendships turned out to be important, but we were surprised by just how important they turned out to be into adulthood,» Rachel Narr, University of Virginia doctoral student and lead author of the study, told New York Magazine.
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