Sentences with phrase «one's coinage»

Currently, large commemorative coinage of Bitcoin as a collection of coin for users and Bitcoin stores is widely used for promotional purposes of companies.
Many reasons for this master troublemaker's continuing grip on the artistic imagination are evident in the Bronx Museum of Art's exhibition «Gordon Matta - Clark: Anarchitect,» which takes its subtitle from the subject's own coinage for his contrarian occupation.
Professor Joseph R. Peden, in his lecture «Inflation and the Fall of the Roman Empire,» outlined how, during the 3rd century of the Roman Empire, the corrupt son of Emperor Septimius Severus, Caracalla, inflated (debased) gold coinage from 45 coins to 50 coins to a pound of gold, and within 20 years it was circulating at 72 coins to a pound of gold.
In the Poland speech, the catchphrase that resounded most powerfully wasn't his own coinage: «We want God.»
The seven - member advisory group, which celebrated its centennial anniversary last year, provides advice to the President and Congress on design and aesthetic issues, and weighs in on issues like coinage and the site of future national monuments.
The term «Mega Church» is a modern pheonomeno of recent coinage.
That means no adverts for existing coins, from major players to more minor fish, and the aforementioned initial coin offerings or ICOs — basically the virtual coinage equivalent of an IPO, which as you can imagine, is an area fraught with potential dangers in terms of scams or hackers.
The «Gold Coinage Act» was passed by US Congress and there is a big buzz in California - Gold!
There is also an extra extension where they can try to find a more effective coinage system for this!
XP is gained by interacting with any of the game's features, and leveling up unlocks new plays, more stamina (and a 100 % stamina refill), and a little bit of extra coinage.
Her portrait of Queen Elizabeth II became the image of the new Queen on all British and Commonwealth coinage until decimalisation in 1971.
In other words, gold remained, in terms of its purchasing power, a stable value whereas all this other coinage just became increasingly worthless.
[MUSIC] Coinage.
«Singletons» a good word, and it applies to both men and women Any new coinages?
For the photograph Jaamburr, an 18th - century African American coinage meaning «free black,» Simmons photographed a college - aged man sitting up in bed, pen in hand, writing in a notebook.
But now as officials turn an eye toward the increasingly pervasive technology, the risk is that they're reacting too late to both the pitfalls and the opportunities presented by digital coinage.
Satoshi Citadel Industries calls itself a «provider of bitcoin solutions» and manages a range of different digital currency services and sites, including Bitmarket, in - beta exchange Coinage, photo - sharing site, and remittance service ReBit.
For example, they rejected the customary belief in «gods» since «god» was a severely debased coinage used to refer to popular religious cults of the day.
It's the perfect example of that modern coinage, the «dramedy»: a fundamentally serious character study that attempts to leaven the heavy bits with jabs of self - mockery, extended karaoke singalongs and drunken freakouts.
The chronological clothesline offers him only the illusion of narrative, and he's left with scenes of varying quality, and with lines such as «No good deed goes unpunished,» which predates Clare Boothe Luce's coinage by about a century.
They are not very bonus - like: You will see 5X more coinage in a regular slaughter chamber than in the entire run of the bonus level, and the rewards for completing it are also rather piddly.
Beginning with Bitcoin, the first symbol of decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitsymbol makes and sells various accessories such as Bitcoin coinage, Bitcoin cash, Ethereum, Bitcoin pendant.
Historically, one popular method was to lower the precious metals content in minted coinage.
(Meanwhile: Can we please get a moratorium on generational coinages?)
«They want to see the technology develop,» Rogoff said, adding that the private sector has historically «invented everything» in the history of currency, from standardized coinage to paper currency.
That puts pressure on currencies, because bonds are mostly denominated in the local coinage.
Many startups such as and Coinage already offer bitcoin exchange services in the Philippines.
But inasmuch as Northern banks only had about $ 100 million of gold and silver coinage or bullion, it was clear that most of the money would have to be created de novo.
Other than getting the computerised coinage from a Bitcoin trade, you can likewise purchase BTC on other Bitcoin organisations that offer advantageous and speedier approaches to obtain cryptocurrency on the web.
For example, in ancient Rome it took the merchants a few months to catch up following a round of coinage debasement, meaning that it took a few months for prices to adjust to the reduced value of the money.
Chad Pankewitz, CEO of Coinage says:
Considering coinages like «Teavangelical,» not to mention the....
Scholars have long recognized that the Bible supplied what Mark Noll has called the «common coinage of the realm» in early America.
As Henderson says, «In some important points, Bultmann and the existentialists mint their verbal coinage and use words in a sense which is not necessarily contained in other German writing.»
A capsule of his findings would include the following facts: Over the past century, Christian populations in the West have either been holding steady or declining, while in Africa, Asia and Latin America — the «global South» in current geopolitical coinage — the numbers have been rising significantly and in some cases dramatically.
F. F. Bruce says that, «The date of his [Felix's] recall and replacement by Porcius Festus is disputed, but a change in the provincial coinage of Judaea attested for Nero's fifth year points to A.D. 59» [2] Conybeare and Howson lay out an extended argument for the replacement taking place in A.D. 60.
The word shalom has gained coinage in Christian discourse.
What, you might wonder, is that high - sounding coinage supposed to mean?
The problem on the second count is that most people in the area at the time only had access to Roman coinage, but the biblical rules for paying for your «pure» animal only outlined a «price» in what would have been «Hebrew» money.
All serious preachers are bound by the fear that in the responsible transaction of changing coinage, there may be a reduction of value.4
Ridiculing coinages like «chairperson» is a side issue, serving to distract us from dealing with whether we have the will or the intention to include both sexes in what ought to be general.
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