Sentences with phrase «one's committee assignments»

She accepted professional association committee assignments for which no one else raised a hand.
The chair picks committee assignments in consultation with the majority leader, runs meetings and controls the flow of legislation.
He leaves the conference and attacks everyone, but then cries about getting one less committee assignment?
Before they visit, learn about the elected official and their interests, policy views, and committee assignments by visiting their website and social media outlets.
The grand majority of the same faces will be there, only the majority and committee assignments shift.
They don't care about what committee assignments you have.
So far, Sen. Jeff Klein and the three other Democrats who split from the party's conference last week have been denied spots on any Senate committees, though the Republicans can still dole out assignments to them and other Democrats (here's a list of committee assignments Democratic leader John Sampson released a few days ago).
That sounds almost Kafkaesque, but the executive committee decides on committee assignments, and Bunning was chosen to look after the interests of the freshmen.
As Speaker, considered one of the most powerful positions in the state's government, Heastie will direct the flow of legislation, set committee assignments and direct budget negotiations with Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Republican - controlled State Senate.
Speaker of the Assembly Toni Atkins announced committee assignments for the 2015 - 16 Regular Session of the California State Assembly.
Nassau County Legislator Carrié Solages, who was arrested last week on charges related to alleged domestic violence, has been stripped of legislative committee assignments and expelled from the Democrats» caucus.
He said he viewed his new role, which is expected to be formally announced Thursday along with other Council committee assignments for the next four years, as focused on prodding a «complacent bureaucracy» to better provide city services and dig «deep into the operational failures of city government.»
Several sources who back Garodnick claimed de Blasio and Mark - Viverito have promised plum committee assignments in back - room deals, with particular emphasis on the coveted finance and land use committees.
With the ban up for vote, elected officials could be bought off in exchange for support, or receive sweet committee assignments as inducements from the top — perhaps even throw in a little something extra for their district?
His other committee assignments included the Senate Standing Committees on Banks, Cities, Crime Victims, Crime and Corrections, Finance, Judiciary, Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities and Rules.
As a freshman with a lone Financial Services Committee assignment — Bachmann is 29th in seniority among 32 Republicans — she has had to create her own publicity, and she's done her darnedest.
But he denied that the issues he has raised have anything to do with committee assignments and insisted they are «far beyond my candidacy.»
But, the biggest winner was Assemblymember Susan Bonilla, who received more juice committee assignments than any other member.
Interesting analysis in The Hayride on the Louisiana House Committee assignments — «Nancy Landry is Education Committee Chairwoman so Edwards's agenda of weakening charters and school choice will be dead on arrival.»
The renegade foursome of Senate Democrats who broke away from their conference to caucus on their own have received committee assignments, but the offer did not, as was expected, come from the Republican majority.
More common are other benefits, says Anita Levy of the American Association of University Professors in Washington, D.C., such as «stopping the tenure clock» or offering a reduced teaching load and fewer committee assignments to free up fathers» time for family duties.
Senate Republicans and the five - member Independent Democratic Conference announced this afternoon a power - sharing agreement that will allow feature a rotating Senate presidency and equal control over committee assignments, the Senate's active list, appointments and other key functions of the chamber.
They were given committee assignments and an office on the Capitol's fifth floor, and they were allowed to sit together in the chamber.
«We have a good relationship, I have excellent committee assignments
Other efforts to put her stamp on the Senate, like reshuffling committee assignments, will come later, she said.
The Milwaukee Common Council went back into session after a month without committee assignments.
Syracuse - area Rep. - elect John Katko's congressional committee assignments will put him in a place to see a lot of action as the 114th Congress opens in January.
Donaldson, speaking to perspective, suggests committee assignments should be for the two - year term of the legislature instead of being doled out every year.
Both Smith and Halloran were stripped of their respective committee assignments in Albany and the City Council.
Hudson Valley - area Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney has received his second committee assignment for the 113th Congress.
Aides to Mayor Bill de Blasio were in touch with leaders of the City Council as they decided which members would be awarded coveted committee assignments, a councilman acknowledged on Wednesday.
That puts Seddio in good standing for high - level committee assignments for his members, patronage jobs in the Council and other perks, such as the appointment of city clerk, which the Council chooses.
Acting more naturally than some might appreciate, Ulster legislature Chairman John Parete rewarded friends and punished enemies through his annual committee assignments last week.
She added Peralta has not received a new committee assignment and would give up his $ 14,500 stipend as Minority Whip on Monday.
Syracuse, N.Y. — New York state Sen. Malcolm Smith, who was charged this morning in a political bribery case, has been stripped of his Senate committee assignments and leadership position in the Independent Democratic Conference.
Carlucci is a member of the controversial Independent Democratic Conference (IDC), a small group of Democratic state senators who have agreed to support Republican control of the State Senate in exchange for better committee assignments, expanded budgets for hiring staff, and promises of attention to issues important to IDC members.
However, Cuttino adds that she expects to see efforts to pass similar restrictions return in the next Congress, because critics of the program retain powerful committee assignments in both the House and Senate.
Few external committee assignments have been as pleasurable for me as serving on the Spencer Foundation's Exemplary Dissertation Award Committee.
Vern Buchanan (R) does not have any related committee assignments in the House of Representatives.
One of her first committee assignments, the HELP Committee, will put her in the mix when it comes to student loan legislation and policy.
Aside from his short tenure, Neal Dunn's (R) committee assignments take him far away from the student loan discussion, so he does not have much activity on the issue.
None of Knight's committee assignments bring him into the mix on the student loan issue or associated reform.
Senator Schatz has worked hard to gain Committee assignments that enable him to fight for his constituents and their vital ocean resources.
The constitutional amendment is now pending on the House Speaker's desk awaiting committee assignment.
Prosecutors say Weitz & Luxenberg hired Silver for $ 120,000 a year despite his having no clients and no prior experience representing asbestos plaintiffs, because as Speaker he controlled the flow of legislation through the statehouse as well as key committee assignments.
At the national level, with the National Association of REALTORS ®, Bob was the 2002 Regional Vice President for Region 5 and has Chaired of NAR's Diversity Committee, RPIC Committee, and Commercial Legislative, and Regulatory Committee amongst his numerous committee assignments.
Sen. Jeff Klein, the ringleader of the Independence Democratic Conference, said the renegade foursome will accept Minority Leader John Sampson's offer of committee assignments, but couldn't help but bite the hand that fed him in the process.
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