Sentences with phrase «one's committee structure»

Our unique public policy committee structure balances the priorities of our grassroots Members with the strategic direction set out by our board of directors, policy council and management team.
With an annually rotating chair, and a weak committee structure, the executive lacks any effective political leadership of its own.
The main forum for those choices will be the little - understood cabinet committee structure of the Harper government.
Reforming the current administrative committee structure by which the Board of Trustees oversees the Library's president and other library personnel and replace it with an executive committee comprised of a broader cross - section of the Board's membership
U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican, announced he will retire after two terms, shocking colleagues, scrambling next year's election map, and causing a seismic change in the chamber's entrenched committee structure.
All members are independent directors under the Nasdaq and SEC compensation committee structure and membership requirements.
Brewers Association (BA) Board of Directors member Larry Horwitz has been named chair of the safety subcommittee, which is part of the technical committee structure.
And in order to ensure transparency of the selection process, a defined committee structure must be put in place,» the former Vice-Chancellor said.
«Our proposed committee structure is bi-partisan, featuring three members from each caucus of the legislature; it would also incorporate input from private citizens to ensure its work is conducted at the highest standard»
«My streamlined Executive Committee structure is now in place and demanding targets for 2013, including for cash cost savings, are locked into our performance measures.
Some of those recommendations are already being addressed — for example, in February NCATS replaced the CTSAs» sprawling committee structure with a streamlined 15 - member steering committee.
As a consequence, the European Union has now set up, within the existing CITES committee structure, a new working group to advise specifically on enforcement matters.
The Syracuse City School District Board of Education announced the restructuring of the Board of Education committee structure.
The Center is comprised of an elementary, middle and high school division, each organized around a board of control and with a standing committee structure.
The Board of Directors has an active committee structure that guides policy development, implementation, oversight and decision making.
In addition to an Executive Board, the work of IRRTO is accomplished through committee structures and responsibilities.
Using the political action committee structure, For Freedoms, represents a modern evolution of artist activism.
The Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee structure established under the Victorian agreement, for example, provides «a possible forum in which the issues can potentially be better addressed» (52).
Accordingly it is an area that requires great attention before introducing further administrative structures.The Commission's proposal is also too ambiguous and unclear as to how these new institutions might fit with ATSIC's regional council and state advisory committee structures.
Opportunities for service on other NAR committees are detailed on the NAR Committee Structure pages.
Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker will retire from the Senate after two terms, scrambling next year's election map and causing a seismic change in the Senate's entrenched committee structure.
Programs and committee structures can continue for generations simply because they are the local tradition.
Those problems spring from Congress's bicameralism, from its four - party organisation across the two chambers, and from its committee structure.
«Political gamesmanship must not be allowed to jeopardize the leadership, committee structure and staff of the New York State Senate and push this institution into turmoil.»
Each Board establishes the committee structure and procedures it feels will best meet the needs of its district.
Their rejection of political compromise means that members of anti-establishment parties do not cooperate within the day - to - day parliamentary and committee structure.
Churchill was fascinated by intelligence and in wartime gave the agencies the resources they needed and relied upon the committee structures to process the raw material, but at his worse consumed too much of the unrefined data and jumped to too many conclusions to browbeat the chiefs of staff.
«Political gamesmanship must not be allowed to jeopardize the leadership, committee structure and staff of the New York State Senate and push this institution into turmoil,» Felder said.
«Political gamesmanship must not be allowed to jeopardize the leadership, committee structure and staff of the New York State Senate,» Felder reportedly said in a statement.
It should commit extra resources to providing careers advice and mentoring to CRS, liaise with the Scottish Executive to develop a career structure for CRS, ensure pension contributions are maintained during gaps between contracts, and undertake a review of committee structures.
Customized support includes assistance with scheduling models, shared leadership systems and committee structures, parent and community engagement, business partnerships, creating environments that support project - based learning and personalization.
Committee structure was very different in those early days and the Genetics Committee consisted of two people: Chairman Betty Nelson and me.
She advises clients on a wide variety of corporate governance matters, including director independence, board and committee structures, proxy disclosure, shareholder proposals, board leadership structures, shareholder relationships and the impact of proxy advisory services.
My local bar association even conflates the two ideas in its committee structure, which is so baffling that both the international lawyers and the immigration lawyers in town have given up trying to convince everybody else.
Her representative matters include advising boards and companies on board and disclosure issues, including director independence, board and committee structure, securities law compliance, board leadership structures, board composition, proxy disclosure, listing standards, shareholder proposals, shareholder engagement and relationships, annual meetings, committee charters, listing standards and the impact of proxy advisory firms.
It was the committee structure of the Association at that time, eventually diversifying into specific areas of substantive law, professional development, and administration, which would become the foundation for the innovative work and activity of the Association.
I suspect that the changes in the committee structure are one more symbolic sop to the stupid right without much practical significance (Harper has given out a lot of those)-- though I don't say that symbols are not important.
Surely the change of government would have that effect without a change of committee structure.
Attendees of the REALTOR ® Party Training Conference will have an in - depth review of their committee structure & best practices.
Boards aren't helping their cause by whipping their committee structures along at the speed of the tortoise.
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