Sentences with phrase «one's community as a whole»

More systemic efforts are required by communities as a whole for student outcomes — particularly for traditionally underserved children and youth — to improve.
But it simply has to be said that the scientific community as a whole didn't expect this pattern to emerge.
Rather than look at conflict resolution, the parties concerned and the international community as a whole should concentrate on crisis prevention.
This is a major milestone for us and the bitcoin community as whole — bitcoin adoption is growing, faster than ever before!
To varying degrees, that stigma exists at other schools and within the legal community as a whole.
On top of that, there will be a far larger focus on the indie game development community, as well as the retro gaming community as a whole.
The latter two exchanges have shown that there has been a massive change in the attitude of exchanges towards their users and the cryptocurrency community as a whole.
Its mission is to help artists sell and buy relevant resources to help elevate the art community as a whole.
Furthermore, it will take a deep - dive into the crypto market and investor ecosystem, with speakers and panel discussions exploring the challenges the crypto community as a whole is up against.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if perhaps the Christian community as a whole could deliberately act to reduce the number of these horror stories?
The local community as a whole should also benefit from the increased number of tourists attracted to the area because of the shark dive.
We are committed to fostering and maintaining a culture of learning and teaching within our organization and the veterinary community as a whole.
Sometimes, the discount rate can touch even 20 percent, which is really a boon for the student community as a whole.
On a scale of one to ten, what is your impression that the general public has of real estate sales people regarding the cultural integrity of the real estate community as a whole?
Maybe if they learned to practice some love and forgiveness, then the Black community as a whole could too.
A futures market helps individual investors and the investing community as a whole in numerous ways.
«This research ties very well into looking at and understanding microbial communities as a whole,» he added.
The medical community as a whole is addicted to handing out prescriptions because that is all they are taught in school.
Our work has a powerful impact not only on the dogs that we save, but also on the larger community as a whole.
It is time for us to step up to the plate and do what we can for the animal welfare community as a whole.
These give to the Protestant community as a whole its most distinctive characteristics.
Many are produced in collaboration with other societies to ensure they are wide - reaching and useful to the international respiratory community as a whole.
That's a huge step forward for the homebirth community as a whole.
Share your experiences to help improve recommendations as well as the dating community as a whole.
But many conflicts can lead to deeper social and emotional understanding for the students involved, and for the classroom community as a whole.
The science education community as a whole has not clarified how information technology complements and promotes the goals of science teaching.
The truth is that spaying or neutering your puppy has some pretty paw - some benefits — both for your pooch and for the dog community as a whole!
We're not referring to no - kill rescue groups or shelters — we're discussing no - kill communities as a whole in this blog post.
I've asked myself that about the travel blogging community as a whole.
Thank you for showing us openly how little you must think of Destiny gamers and the wider community as a whole.
Couple Money is also involved in the personal finance community as a whole.
The chief objective of a community lawyer is to provide justice to the entire community as a whole and not to any individual in particular.
The most successful programs take a whole school approach, focusing not only on students, but on the educational community as a whole.
For the most part, higher ranked schools have a better reputation in the legal community as a whole.
What's more, they'll be conducting these live streams on a regular basis going forward as a means of hearing from, and interacting with, the gaming community as a whole.
This is great news for the crypto community as a whole, as it shows that the adoption of cryptocurrency is increasing.
We will continue to teach and to learn as well as to foster and maintain a culture of learning within our organization and the veterinary community as a whole.
But one of the most powerful aspects of Ring is its effect on communities as a whole.
My view is not that we should transform the business community as a whole so that every company becomes a co-operative.
Isn't this what the Supreme Court is really asking the judicial community as a whole when it states that «Each procedural step or motion that is improperly taken, or takes longer than it should, along with each charge that should not have been laid or pursued, deprives other worthy litigants of timely access to the courts», or are they really just suggesting to build more courtrooms and hire more staff?
The relationships he helped build cemented the outlook of A + Charter Schools as significant, unmitigated resources to the Southeast Dallas Community, and to the charter school community as a whole, as the founder of the North Texas Charter Schools» Superintendent Study Group, his service on the Region 10 Administrative Services Advisory Committee, and his involvement with the Texas Charter Schools Association.
We seek to keep people up to date with issues that concern the pagan community as a whole.
It is an issue that the scientific community as a whole needs to tackle, says Michael Halpern, who is program manager at the Center for Science and Democracy of the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) in Washington, D.C., and has not been involved in SAR or the report.
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