Sentences with phrase «one's conceptual model»

The research point out the importance of differentiating groups by gender and race in conceptual models of depression [26].
These findings have implications for dimensional models of social functioning and conceptual models for specific clinical populations (e.g., attention - deficit / hyperactivity disorder).
In fact, the way science progresses is by conceptual models being put forward and then testing them against observations.
We need to rely on conceptual models of the system we're studying and it's no different in any other field of science.
Many, many week - long conferences need to be scheduled over the decade, so these thinkers can spend time together sharing ideas, stimulating the development of new conceptual models.
A proposed conceptual model was tested using structural equation modeling and a good fit to the data was found.
We apply this simplified conceptual model to the principal components of precipitation and total water storage (Fig. 4).
None of this requires a mathematical model, but does require several conceptual models.
Under these conditions, current conceptual models that account only for parent - based effects on children's risk for anxiety are incomplete.
This question - and others - will be answered as students create physical and conceptual models for aircraft in flight as they learn the science behind this engineering feat.
«Pyunicorn works like a macroscope, [which], if used the right way, allows to distill the essence of information from a network or time series data,» said Jonathan Donges, a former Ph.D. student in the group of Jürgen Kurths and co-speaker of a flagship project, called COPAN, at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany, which aims to develop conceptual models of global socio - environmental dynamics.
A recent paper by Sloan and Wolfendale (2013) provides an example where they derive a simple conceptual model of how the greenhouse effect works from first principles.
Collaborated in the design process by offering multiple solutions in conceptual models, layout, theme and typography.
The duo came up with what it called the WSR approach: It integrated wuli, an investigation of facts and future scenarios; shili, the mathematical and conceptual models used to organize systems; and renli.
This not only fits with conceptual models regarding the atmospheric effects of El Niño, but is also strongly supported by model predictions.
Those fields «are in the NEDM conceptual model as possible attributes,» Jackl told PolitiFact in an email.
Cobb, then, presents us with two starkly different conceptual models of economic development for the poor, one primarily economistic, one primarily earthist.
Penkala plays with optics and film conditions as visual bait to conflate the actual and the representation; fragmenting the visual experience into a series of changing moments, into a state of flux, into an «unfixing» of conceptual models rather than concretizing them.
The simple conceptual model also provides a link between the GHE and the hydrological cycle and offers explanations for some issues that have been up for popular public debate, showing why the issue of» saturation» is not relevant and why a» hiatus» is not in violation with an increased greenhouse effect.
During the last years, the sequencing of complete genomes of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB), ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) allowed to establish the first conceptual model of their metabolism.
As an example, when I was studying a former lecturer (now Associate Professor John Lamp) was explaining ontologies and other conceptual models.
We believe that performance should be based upon conceptual models to guide decisions, and that such models should be presented, linked to steps in examples, practiced with, and used in feedback.
Like those other «neo-Dada» artists he was often associated with, such as Jasper Johns, John Cage, Morton Feldman, and Merce Cunningham, Rauschenberg's artistic activity requires a broader, more sophisticated conceptual model within which to interpret his
Like those other «neo-Dada» artists he was often associated with, such as Jasper Johns, John Cage, Morton Feldman, and Merce Cunningham, Rauschenberg's artistic activity requires a broader, more sophisticated conceptual model within which to interpret his work and one that is more faithful to the artist's own intentions.
However, dialog is often useful in getting examples to help refine conceptual models.]
In this Workshop, first the schema therapeutic conceptual model (schemas, modes, coping strategies), the underlying theory (central importance of core needs in the context of developmental tasks), and requirements in the therapeutic attitude (eg, concept of «limited reparenting» and «empathic confrontation») are briefly outlined.
An old conceptual model for the greenhouse effect is revisited and presented as a useful resource in climate change communication.
It's unclear how much of this highly conceptual model will survive the crucible of limited security budgets, competing national approaches and other realities.
A final conceptual model was created to explain the interrelated nature of the themes and may be helpful to those who work with fathers and / or families of new infants.
The NTNG Conceptual Model was an adaptation of the Biodevelopmental Framework by the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University and will guide the work of the NTNG Strategic Priority.
«Its existence was predicted by the standard model of particle physics and the fact that there's — we got a glimpse of it, it looks like it may very well be there — is a real victory for that model of science where you test, you put forward conceptual models of the way the world or the universe works and test those models against the observations and see the extent to which they can predict new observations and when they do, it gives you increased confidence in the models.
Theoretical and empirical work on relationships between teachers and children relies on developmental systems theory as the foundational conceptual model, drawing heavily from basic work in
In addition, students will address conceptual models and research designs for determining program effectiveness, and systems of data collection and analysis that can be applied to gather information and inform decision making on a regular basis.
FIGURE 1 Conceptual model for Hypothesis 1: c = the direct path from students» perceptions of school climate to students» NAPLAN results will be positive and significant.
Combining conceptual models from immigration and educational research, this study by former Young Scholar Robert Crosnoe, published in the International Migration Review (Volume 41, Number 1, Spring 2007) investigated whether a normative antecedent to the transition to formal schooling in the contemporary U.S. — early child care — links Mexican immigrant status to various aspects of school readiness.
This special issue of Contemporary Issues on Technology and Teacher Education also provides a view of complementary conceptual models of intercultural education and strategies for teacher education that include educational technologies.
All this time I have never encountered a book that so cohesively ties together so many of teaching and training best practices into a single, sensible conceptual model.
«The visual means I employ distinctly reiterate or re-enrich Conceptual models in their physical reality, often reinterpreting these models through an autobiographical twist.»
Current projects include «Models and Prototypes,» an exhibition dedicated to the growing importance of structural and conceptual models since the early 20th century, which is scheduled to open in the museum's new building this fall.
Mapping the Imagination V&A, London, UK Cover Versions Wallpaper at Ermengildo Zegna, Milan, Italy Beyond Measure Kettles Yard Cambridge, UK Conceptual Model, Recent Acquisitions Tate Modern, London, UK Tales of Time & Space Folkestone Triennial, Folkestone, UK Turned On Alan Cristea Gallery, London, UK
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