Sentences with phrase «one's congressional testimony»

He called this a «conundrum» during congressional testimony in 2005.
Even then, the «see my recent Congressional testimony» counts as an argument.
Congressional testimony about global warming WILL remain largely devoid of nuance.
Draft Congressional testimony, state and local legislative testimony as well as assist in drafting regulatory comments on topics of interest to the industry.
The art of writing effective Congressional testimony is an example of synthesis and integration.
Oral Summary Statement of Congressional Testimony of Dr. John T. Everett on Climate Change Impact on Oceans, Coastal Zones, Polar Regions and the resources they contain
And so, it was perhaps not the best time for reports to emerge that Petraeus had blamed Israeli intransigence toward the Palestinians for endangering the lives of American servicemen in the Middle East — at a reported Pentagon briefing early in March and again in congressional testimony on March 16.
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell was asked about how low he believed this level was in Congressional testimony last week.
All of these developments are sure to be subject of congressional testimony by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, which is now set for April 11.
«Without congressional action, health centers will once again face a 70 percent reduction of funding,» according to recent congressional testimony from Daniel Hawkins, senior vice president for public policy and research at the National Association of Community Health Centers.
U.S. President Donald Trump will decide whether to invoke his presidential powers to block former FBI Director James Comey from giving congressional testimony next week, White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway said on Friday.
During Congressional testimony today (03/20/17), Adm. Michael S. Rogers was asked (among other things) if US citizens were required to report all contacts with foreign nationals and if failure to report such a contact could result in a counter-intelligence investigation.
Quite frankly, the production of scientific papers from the World Trade Center project has been slowed by virtue of the fact that many colleagues and I have had to make multiple trips to Washington — giving congressional testimony, having private meetings with staff — to advocate what we all think is the right thing.
A top official from the Department of State was summoned for congressional testimony.
WASHINGTON (AP)-- With fired FBI Director James Comey's highly anticipated congressional testimony just a day away, the White House and its allies are scrambling for ways to offset potential damage.
«White House officials and political appointees in the agencies censored congressional testimony on the causes and impacts of global warming, controlled media access to government climate scientists, and edited federal scientific reports to inject unwarranted uncertainty into discussions of climate change.»
NSBA continues to lead efforts to reauthorize the Child Nutrition Act, through congressional testimony before the House Education and the Workforce Committee, a national pulse poll, and support for legislation, such as the Healthy School Meals Flexibility Act and the Reducing Federal Mandates on School Lunch Act.
Facebook «moving ahead» with ad regulation before scheduled Congressional testimony next week
Now, however, a new study and related congressional testimony call into question this picture of America's educational system and scientific work force.
At Jim Hansen's now famous congressional testimony given in the hot summer of 1988, he showed GISS model projections of continued global warming assuming further increases in human produced greenhouse gases.
US Congressional Testimony of Dr. John T. Everett on Climate Change Impact on Oceans, Coastal Zones, Polar Regions and the resources they contain
The White House also edited congressional testimony regarding the science of climate change.
Bills and Regulations Congressional Testimony Letters to Congress Letters to Federal Agencies
In his prepared congressional testimony, Zuckerberg said content from one Russian agency that tries to spread misinformation reached about 126 million people on Facebook during a two - year period around the 2016 election.
Caputo said he first retained attorneys in March last year, after he was named by Rep. Jackie Speier, D - Calif., in congressional testimony as being Russian President Vladimir Putin's «image consultant.»
NEW YORK, April 16 - A lawyer for victims of terrorist attacks in Israel on Monday urged a federal appeals court to revive their lawsuit against Facebook Inc, saying Mark Zuckerberg's congressional testimony undermined the social media company's argument that it bore no responsibility for content on its platforms.
Mr. Zuckerberg testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on his second and final day of congressional testimony over Facebook's handling of user data.
At least two facts to put things in perspective should be — this partly compliments the social network's resilience after unabated turbulence including the torrid congressional testimony centred around founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's first - ever Congressional testimony went so well that shares of the social media giant saw their biggest one - day percentage gain since April 2016.
A wonderful online childbirth class Congressional Testimony about the Hepititis B Vaccination Reasons to say NO to Vaccines Why is the Hepatitis B Vaccine Given to Newborns?
This «fact» about milk and soda is such a favorite of the HF that it was even included in its recent Congressional testimony submitted in opposition to any increase in funding for childhood nutrition programs.
Read more about vaccine side effects and congressional testimony linking the Hepatitis B vaccine to damage and death.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg faced myriad questions during his extended congressional testimonies about the Cambridge Analytica scandal, yet most of them probed at the same issue, over and over, from...
But Hansen's latest simulations — the ones he used in his startling congressional testimony — are more sophisticated.
In his October 12th congressional testimony about why he cost U.S. taxpayers some $ 56,000 for travel on non-commercial aircraft, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry suggested that his predecessor, Ernest Moniz, had done essentially the same...
The effect of the OSP today may be different than it was in 2004 because of the expansion in educational choices in DC over the last decade, as one of us argued in Congressional testimony earlier this year.
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