Sentences with phrase «one's conservative base»

The social conservative base should insist that he gets to speak at the convention.
Older policies that have experienced artificially high growth in the past may have been converted to a more conservative basis for cash value, temporarily causing the death benefit to stop increasing.
The school's explosive growth and strong conservative base have made it a prime venue for conservative politicians over the years.
Doing nothing may not play particularly well however with the governing party's socially conservative base.
The race drew significant national attention because of the relatively large amount of support for a third - party candidate from the national conservative base.
Instead, consider investing on a more conservative basis (perhaps using a balanced portfolio — or even investing in a bond portfolio, like our Flexible Income portfolio).
You can tell it was good for conservatives based on the extent of Senator Schumer's commentary.
I'm wondering if what my acquaintance told me about Grace is correct — That the $ 6K bill is really designed to keep Danielle from getting her transcripts and that Grace's entire response to the situation is intended to mollify Grace's very conservative base.
Even if he somehow won the GOP primary, you would see the same result as McCain and Romney where the social conservative base does not come out and vote.
He hopes to make up for this by offering news exaggerations to an ever increasing gullible conservative base.
From Elisabeth: Many Christian Conservatives base their advocacy or opposition for a policy (such as same - sex marriage) on their religious beliefs.
This week, Republicans face a delicate balancing act in trying to assuage the concerns of moderate women voters while also satisfying its religiously conservative base.
With six or seven possible candidates running, if her campaign thinks she will win with the social conservative base actively campaigning against her, she could be gravely mistaken.
But there are a lot of people who are going to vote Conservative based on the bullshit that the Tories are now softer, nicer people.
Though never a real threat to the Socialists» overwhelming hegemony in media and parliament in the 1980s, an isolated Fraga endured and rallied all Spanish regions to build a moderate conservative base, growing from a 7 % to a 27 % of the votes.
Jones has kept a high profile with the state's conservative base since losing the governor's primary in August 2014.
Yeah, just like Mitt Romney hiring & firing Grenell his gay campaign spokesman just to satisfy his bigoted GOP & Severely Conservative base that Etch - a-Sketch Mitt has fully embraced!!!
David Cameron has supported the idea in the past, but opposition from a cantankerous Conservative base has almost certainly left the prospects for legislation dead in the water.
The Republican - Conservative base rejected that,» LaValle said.
It had been well known that the Senate Republicans — and DeFrancisco in particular — are not big on the idea of another wage hike, fearful of further angering their already restive conservative base, not to mention their donors in the business community.
But I would argue that Cuomo actually did Skelos a favor by taking this approach with minimum wage, giving the Senate Republicans a path to voting «yes» on something that enjoys widespread public support, but risks further inflaming their already angry conservative base.
«If they wanted to be helpful on advancing solutions to climate change, they would do the difficult work of... assuring a wary conservative base and wary Republicans that this is not some sort of a game to advance the [liberal] interests,» Moylan said.
«She did a very good job of appealing to the strong conservative base who had problems with the Common Core.
This flexibility comes through the ability readers have to alter their bond - portfolio mix between the relatively conservative base of index funds and the more aggressive Upgrading selection.
I'd normally ignore resources in these categories (as I'm doing with the inferred resource), but based on the PEA I think it's justified to incorporate them into my valuation — albeit on a fairly conservative basis.
In addition, this will keep the IRA money in buckets with different conservative basis i.e. there will be a growth component as well for some of the funds.
Of course the wave of «blackwash» provided cover for elected officials serving conservative bases to build a case against climate legislation.
Since then, the mercurial frontrunner has had to rebuff a broadside launched by the Rush Limbaugh conservative base and tacitly accept praise (a kiss of death) from Al Gore on his sensible position.
it is also a very simple phone which is why most people especially older more conservative base goes for apple..
The media has lost any semblance of balance, fairness, and reporting the news as they now look to create news, mostly «news» regarding negative stories about conservatives based on lies, rumor and innuendo, such as the alleged McCain affair that the NYTimes ran shortly before the election, or the obviously forged National Guard docs about Bush CBS ran shortly before he was re-elected.
Barring a political earthquake, it is expected the Conservative Party candidate will win the by - election in this sprawling southeast Alberta riding with a large Mormon community and a strong social conservative base.
The longer trends all auger for a democratic takeover down the line, but for now, a GOP governor and a still strong conservative base will combine with an AZ candidate to give the state (narrowly) to McCain.
With Romney locking up support from much of the Republican establishment, Perry is working overtime to shore up his party's socially conservative base.
... When we look at value, we tend to look at it on a very conservative basis — not making optimistic forecasts many years into the future, not assuming growth, not assuming favorable cost savings, not assuming anything like that.
And even though you succeed, it comes back to haunt you,» he said, pointing to Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney's loss after he veered right during the primary to appeal to a more conservative base.
Trump has inflamed U.S. cultural wars since his election victory, pushing back on his predecessor's liberal polices and pleasing his conservative base.
To the extent that his budgets have any focus at all, they tend to be aimed at supporting what passes for an agenda in Stephen Harper's Ottawa: use targeted spending and boutique tax cuts to micro-target the electorate and keep the Conservative base ginned up, while doing just enough on the fiscal front to keep Bay Street more or less onside.
The policy is a popular one for the Conservative base because it's most helpful for traditional one - income families, where one spouse, usually the mother, stays home to take care of the children.
It allows him stand by his record as governor while simultaneously repudiating it to the conservative base.
But in Canada, you have a significant portion of cabinet, caucus and the Conservative base itself that is very negative about China.»
Income splitting is being done to placate a small part of the Conservative base at the expense of all taxpayers.
This legislation is all about sending a «message» to the Conservative base that, if elected, a Conservative government will not «run deficits».
I got a 3.7 gpa in all my GE's and really on a conservative basis planning to remain around there which would mean 1 B for every 2 A's.
From the very beginning his fiscal strategy has been driven by a commitment to his Conservative base and ideology and by a desire to show that he had «what it takes».
With hot - button right - wing populist issues like abortion and capital punishment largely off the table in Canadian politics, the long - gun registry took on disproportionate importance for that portion of the Conservative base.
Attacking the public service plays well with the Conservative base.
He hopes that this will convince Canadians, or more importantly the Conservative base, that the Government is on the right track, despite the bad economic numbers.
Their reputation has been suffering recently and they feel they must reassure their Conservative base of their commitment to Conservative fiscal principles and to smaller government.
It will play well with the Conservative base during the 2015 election by forcing the Opposition parties to support it, or waffle around it.
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