Sentences with phrase «one's consultation with someone»

Specific activities are developed by Learning Together managers in consultation with families in each location, to meet the individual needs of families and communities.
Bad leads may eat up staff time and take advantage of free consultations with little or no chance that they'll become paying clients.
In initial consultations with clients I make sure to go over the different models of resolving a family law case.
I am creating online courses, designing workshops, enhancing a certificate program in professionalism, and scheduling consultations with veterinary teams in research, education, and hospital facilities.
Just what electronic means, and subject to what limits, is left for regulations after consultation with stakeholders.
In particular the statement focused on the need for governments to adopt new processes of consultation with Indigenous peoples based on collaboration and participation.
This program is supported by research and developed in consultation with families experiencing adolescent violence.
Given the schedule and potential need for consultations with other specialists regarding your pet's care, you may be asked to return to discuss our findings later in the day.
Book a free confidential consultation with a bankruptcy trustee.
Our injury lawyers offer FREE, no obligation consultations with accident victims.
Instead, you can schedule a free phone consultation with our in - house whole life expert.
Given the above, and following consultations with stakeholders, decide whether or not to deploy?
To decide if health coaching is right for you, I invite you to schedule an initial 30 minute consultation with me.
The review was conducted in consultation with stakeholders such as dog owners, animal welfare groups, veterinarians and the general public.
The proposal was developed in close consultation with local communities on different methods of fishing and relied on meticulous survey data from divers and researchers.
The new cover was designed in consultation with other families living with Type 1 diabetes, with medical professionals, and with professional book cover designers, and it has been very well received.
To request a FREE legal consultation with a member of our team, call now.
You can discuss the details of your accident or injury in a free private consultation with an experienced injury lawyer.
I work with students directly through group guidance and individual counseling, as well as indirectly through consultation with school faculty and parents.
This type of regulation is adopted by the legislature after extensive consultation with interested parties, including insurers.
It was created using a variety of resources, including consultation with Indigenous communities.
Using this information, and that gained through personal consultations with you, we will develop your personalized asset allocation policy.
Benefit from consultations with expert therapists and start your journey towards healthier living.
You can read more about booking consultation with me on that page.
The first phase of the initiative focused on that foundational research; Phase II will focus on consultation with legal industry stakeholders.
However, we are available during normal business hours for consultations with clients and referring veterinarians.
Note to parents and grandparents: A great graduation gift would be a one or two - hour consultation with a qualified and competent financial planner.
We invite you to enjoy a complimentary consultation with one of our expert fee - only financial planners.
So if you were setting out to make it work in the interests of schools and children, you might try to combine pace with consultation with the profession.
To design products and services in consultation with members of the legal community to meet their needs and improve the quality of our service.
This process will take time and any changes that ultimately occur will be carefully managed and involve close consultation with local communities and local governments.
These types of cases usually require consultation with accident and premises liability experts.
Performed group and individual consultations with clients providing professional input on color selections, painting techniques, textures and cost saving recommendations.
Receive an initial case consultation with a juvenile attorney for free.
We provide a free telephone consultation with no obligation so there is no risk for you to call us.
It complained parliamentary scrutiny was «inadequate» for international treaties and was no substitute for direct consultation with disabled people themselves.
You are always encouraged to seek ongoing consultation with professionals in your geographic area for mutual learning in handling high conflict cases.
Collaboration and training for medical professionals and allied health care professions is provided as well as consultations with health care facilities and staff.
It has also engaged in a number of consultations with government lawyers about its new regulatory vision.
This research was complemented by consultations with parents, children and practitioners from around the country.
Alternatively, you should seek consultation with the professional dog breeders to get detailed guidance in this regard.
Further consultation with Indigenous groups on this issue would therefore be required.
In consultation with relevant stakeholders, he will then consider what recommendations to make to states and businesses.
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