Sentences with phrase «one's continuing conversation»

Also continue this conversation with your friends by sharing on your favorite social media platform!
Create a survey for parents and / or students this will help continue the conversation about food in your community.
We would love to hear your thoughts on school choice and continue the conversation on issues that affect you in the classroom.
And then continue the conversation by email with people who have responded to the initial message.
Also, schools need to partner with parents to help continue the conversation at home so that we can ensure the messages from home to school and back are consistent.
Audience members are invited to ask questions and continue the conversation over coffee.
For example, agree that if anyone in the house is getting too angry to continue a discussion, you'll take a 15 minute break before continuing the conversation.
To expand on the videos, today I am beginning a companion series on this blog to continue the conversation around deeper learning.
When someone responds with interest, we'll forward that email to your inbox so you can continue the conversation from where we left off and work on closing that deal.
You will meet people from all over the world who will answer questions throughout the set time of the chat, and then if desired, can then continue the conversation afterwards.
Each community includes an online learning management system, providing members with the ability to share resources and continue conversations between meetings.
If you're fit that's the intensity at which you can just continue a conversation and at which your fat burning is optimal.
As the researchers note, it's less socially awkward for the brain - depleted individual to continue the conversation until the person's intentions become more obvious.
If your teen chooses to take a time - out, don't follow him or insist on continuing the conversation while he's still upset.
This is the place to continue the conversation started in the webinar about what «tuning in» means for children, educators and families.
The webinars continued conversations initiated at the congress and anticipated new directions and innovations in 2014.
It also prevents you from continuing the conversation based upon a misunderstanding.
I really appreciate that you did and even cared enough to still continue the conversation even though I was not able to contribute to your professional fee.
We'll continue the conversation elsewhere until I write a post or two on the topic.
Ask if you can drop them a note during the week to continue the conversation during business hours.
It's easier to send a follow - up question or continue the conversation when the email is already open on their computer, and emails are easily searchable.
So if you'd like to continue our conversation offline, I'd be happy to meet for a coffee and a book marketing chat.
Your personal course site (or personal course landing page) keeps your course resources and reminders in one place, and gives you a place to continue the conversation online between meetings.
We recommend beginning over the summer and continuing the conversation throughout the school year.
We'll continue the conversation next week, focusing on the why: What makes bone broth good for you?
I'm going to open up the comment section at the bottom of this post, so feel free to continue the conversation there.
Another change is that if a friend shares music with you directly, you can now continue that conversation with a reply instead of just seeing a notification.
Make sure you set the right tone to encourage continued conversations and find solutions together.
I do think that the sermon is just the beginning, that one sign a sermon has done its work is that it prompts continued conversation.
These encouraging remarks give men the confidence to continue the conversation thus spending more credits.
Your statement about inability to continue conversations past 1 - 2 emails is just as doubtful — unless your definition of a «relationship» is corresponding online for months.
The coalition will hold continued conversations with multinational publishers as part of an effort to establish fair and reasonable prices and obtain more ebooks.
My work is all connected, and usually each work continues a conversation from another piece.
This allows us to continue our conversation using new bits of information.
At a recent women's retreat, I met ladies I had never known before and continued conversations with others that I had already casually known.
But I really look forward to continuing our conversation in next few months.
You can continue the conversation by reading books that explore emotions, such as Yesterday I Had the Blues.
Sometimes you will find the next step is simply to continue the conversation over lunch or coffee.
Instead of shutting down all communication, let your partner know that you'd like some time to cool down or think about things before continuing the conversation.
I passed the time talking with 2 Australian students across the aisle from myself, and we later continued the conversation at the station and on the train.
It indicates your desire to continue the conversation while leaving the ball in the employer's court.
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