Sentences with phrase «one's cosmology»

In her pioneering study of cosmologies of different peoples, she shows that the human body is our most accessible metaphor for figuring what we really suspect about our group's and the world's makeup.
The biggest discovery in cosmology in a decade could end up fizzling out.
With the developments in modern cosmology discussed in Gingerich's third lecture, the domains of science, philosophy, and theology again overlap.
Not even the cosmologists have recovered from the surprise and what it means for cosmology as regards the more interesting physics (rather than once more showing magic ideas for a scam), I'm sure.
This notion led the astrophysicist Fred Hoyle and others to develop the so - called «Steady State Theory» of cosmology as an alternative to the Big Bang theory.
Born in the Soviet Union in 1949 and raised in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, Vilenkin got hooked on cosmology in high school, after reading about the Big Bang in a book by Sir Arthur Eddington.
Professor Anne - Christine Davis is a theoretical physicist and professor of cosmology at the University of Cambridge.
I was immersed in the American Chemical Society's national meeting in Dallas this week, which meant that I could not catch more than wisps of the thrilling announcement from cosmology on Monday that could potentially confirm the prediction of inflation.
I think you get caught up in cosmology which is different than creationism.
I am interested in the consequences of adopting a framework of process cosmology for research in the neural and behavioral sciences.
The new cosmology suggests a more radical beginning than he envisioned.
Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University and Neil Turok, now at the Perimeter Institute in Ontario, Canada, devised their controversial alternative to Big Bang cosmology in 2002.
In these works, I was interested and inspired by cosmology, the idea of the multiverse, esoteric philosophy that acknowledges the inherent mystery around us, optical illusions, mindscape as landscape, and inversion of space.
Similarly inflationary cosmology doesn't claim that the entire universe derived from a point, not even that the observable universe did.
From God willing the Celestialized Cosmos into existance to any and all cellular cosmologies of Life's living abundancies, God's Sons and Daughters were God's to so order them their affording deededness works which is the building of all celestial life.1 Corinthians 3:9 «For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, [ye are] God's building!»
Fractal Cosmology deals with an idea that there are universes within universes ad infinitum.
Star Death and the Pain Body is an immersive video environment created by Rachel Mason as part of an ongoing performance - based cosmology in which she correlates the events in the life cycle of stars to different states of human trauma.
It tells the story of scientific cosmology from the ancient Greeks to the Hubble Space Telescope, including individuals, ideas, and tools that helped us learn about the universe in which we live.
The fashion is string theory; the fantasy has to do with various cosmological schemes, mainly inflationary cosmology [which suggests that the universe inflated exponentially within a small fraction of a second after the Big Bang].
We don't know what the right question is that we want our theory to answer in such cosmologies.
If you run statistics on the Planck data (don't worry, someone already did this for you), you'll discover a third oddity: The universe is distinctly less lumpy on large scales than it should be, according to standard cosmology models.
I believe this distinction was a decisive move beyond Weiss's teacher Whitehead from general cosmology into metaphysics; for this historical point see my review of metaphysics in the twentieth century, «Metaphysics,» in Social Research 47/4 (Winter, 1980), 686 - 703.
So MACS2129 - 1 is extremely compact,» says study leader Sune Toft, astrophysicist at Dark Cosmology Centre at NBI in Copenhagen.
During the final year of her degree, in 1999, Cruz spent 9 months working on the Supernova Cosmology Project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the United States with funding from the Portuguese National Foundation for Science and Technology.
These three artists all see art as the construction of parallel universes where personal cosmologies merge with collective utopias.
Our research casts new light on this — both on how dust is formed and how it survives the shockwaves,» explains Professor Hjorth, head of the Dark Cosmology Centre at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.
Hence, a distinction must be made between cosmology (i.e., the study of material changes) and history proper (i.e., the study of human thinking).
One should not expect to encounter fully developed cosmologies in the settings of parish story.
lionlylamb... Modern physical cosmology ALREADY offers the «Multiverse» theories where our Universe is just one of almost infinite number of Universes.
I think you are saying that you want to lay living cellular yet celestial atomized cosmologies deeply into the kindgom domains of superior beings.
«But supernova cosmology now allows us to do this with gravity.»
= > all pre big bang cosmology remains speculative as do all «spontaneous creation» or «something out of nothing» mussing.
Insofar as speculative cosmology aims for more generality and concreteness than science does, it needs a richer ontology.
After earning his Ph.D. in 1965 at the University of Cambridge, Hawking continued studying cosmology there for the rest of his life.
Tipler displays astonishing confidence in describing the final stages of the Universe, to a degree which makes the speculations of his quantum cosmology colleagues about the very early Universe appear quite tame and conservative in comparison.
«Dark energy is like the Wild West of theoretical cosmology right now; there are a lot of theorists out there on the frontier working on different things,» Scherrer says.
The Hindu cosmology exists on three levels: the gods above the mountain peaks, the demons below the earth and sea, and the human world in between.
Why then is there cellular cosmos of living cosmologies and when did such life become established?
«Ever since the CMB result came out and confirmed the accelerating universe and the existence of dark matter, cosmologists have been trying to make better and better measurements of the cosmological parameters, shrink the error bars,» says Peter Nugent, an astrophysicist in Berkeley Lab's Computational Cosmology Center (C3) and co-author on the paper.
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