Sentences with phrase «one's criminal acts»

As the gig economy grows, stories of consumers being harmed by criminal acts of providers can be expected to increase.
The first is what he called the «couple bad apples» theory: that most lawmakers are honest and not committing criminal acts in office.
This is especially true of students who have committed criminal acts in or outside of school.
Violence: Characters discuss a man's past jail time for criminal acts.
In general, hotels are not responsible for warning or protecting guests against criminal acts by third parties, except under limited circumstances.
It is however unclear how this incident would turn out considering that such issues often end up being treated as party matters rather than they being pursued as criminal acts.
Every single lender on a national level has committed criminal acts against consumers.
He was never charged with insider trading or any other criminal act.
However, the law imposes a duty on property owners and managers to protect certain individuals against harm when such criminal acts are foreseeable.1 Id.
There is no coverage for intentional or criminal acts under that person's policy.
During a divorce case, the court may consider criminal acts committed against a spouse when determining legal issues such as child custody.
At the same time he committed criminal acts at different periods of his life.
Do people with otherwise clean criminal backgrounds suddenly perform criminal acts?
And, in fact, while white collar crimes may not rise to the level of more violent criminal acts, the repercussions for a conviction can be extremely far - reaching.
There is a link to aggressive driving or riskier driving and higher risk in other areas of life as well, even criminal acts.
However, death becomes an unnatural criminal act when a person's life is cut short due to the negligent act or decision of another.
What about criminal acts if they don't harm others?
Despite obvious privacy issues, I feel that would deter future and further criminal acts if people couldn't hide their crimes.
These behaviors are still criminal acts, but may not rise to the level of attempted murder.
Is it a personal choice or a borderline criminal act?
Although insurance covers negligent acts that may result in criminal fines, insurance does not cover intentional criminal acts.
However, the part of the law governing business and white - collar crime prescribed two new criminal acts of fraud — business fraud and insurance fraud.
Third party criminal acts can cause serious and life - changing injuries.
We work alongside police and other regulators in cases of drunk driving and other safety violation situations in trucking and drunk driving where potentially criminal acts have been uncovered.
And there is violence in the form of mostly criminal acts including what are considered terrorist acts.
The problem is beliefs get in the way of horrible criminal acts.
All this content is depicting criminal acts for sexual gratification.
The health authority applied to strike out his claim, arguing that the claim arose from the claimant's own criminal act.
A company could be confident in that admitting to an isolated criminal act would be unlikely to result in a charge so long as it otherwise had a commitment to prevention.
Unlike police officers, independent accident investigators are not dealing with proving criminal acts.
You need all the protection you can get when it comes to accidents — or purposeful criminal acts.
Moreover, accidental death benefit rider excludes self - inflicted injury causing death, alcohol abuse, taking part is hazardous activities, war, and aviation and criminal acts etc..
None of these actions can be accomplished by legal means so the company is either lying or willing to commit criminal acts in your name.
Those held will be investigated for «undermining the security of the state» and other criminal acts, the prosecutor added.
It is surprising that a store would not have at least one camera to protect against criminal acts of third parties.
There is no coverage for intentional or criminal acts under that person's policy.
The drug gang wars are considered criminal acts and are not acts of war or terror.
How does a child grow up to commit criminal acts?
In each of these scenarios, the property owners did not have adequate security measures in place to protect their guests / residents from third party criminal acts.
But did you know that renters insurance in California, and anywhere else, will protect you from criminal acts committed by others?
With hindsight their failure to highlight the hazard may be regrettable, but the inactions of a stressed risk - advisory system can hardly be construed as criminal acts on the part of individual scientists.
This latter provision is known as the «residual clause,» and uses language virtually identical to that which the high court declared unconstitutionally vague in the Armed Career Criminal Act in Johnson.
Smaller trees run the risk of being «view - obstructing,» says the researcher, which can make criminal acts like vandalism or burglary less easy to detect.
Charter of rights: These cases involve criminal acts committed by members of the armed forces.
My career as a defense attorney has led me to recognize that just because white collar crimes are not violent criminal acts does not mean that they don't carry heavy punishments.
The Faster Removal of Foreign Criminals Act On June 19, 2013, amendments to... Read More»
A more fair system, the union argued, is to remove only those teachers facing allegations of sexual misconduct, physical violence, or other serious criminal acts from classroom assignments, while teachers with performance, competence or judgment issues be allowed to stay in the classroom.
But you do not state that the reason there was so much energy behind these cases was the despicable past sexual criminal acts perpetrated towards African - American women by White men.
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