Sentences with phrase «one's crumbling infrastructure»

While the nation's primary passenger rail system is growing amid hopes for faster service, it's stuck with crumbling infrastructure.
Researchers are looking to fungi to help provide a fix for crumbling infrastructure, with promising results.
At the same time, school districts have raised similar concerns with their own crumbling infrastructure in older buildings, particularly in rural or urban communities.
Private sector investment can save taxpayers time and money, and enhances safety by replacing crumbling infrastructure more quickly.
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)-- As Congress debates how to help Puerto Rico with its $ 70 billion debt, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew is trying to prod lawmakers into action with stories of crumbling infrastructure on the island and a lack of basic...
Speaking to a crowd of around 2,000 who waited for hours in the cold to hear the address at Cohoes High School in the Albany area, Clinton focused on economic issues, saying she'd push for rebuilding crumbling infrastructures, and mentioning the ongoing water crisis in nearby Hoosick Falls.
Nixon added that «it was good that jobs were created» in the broader Buffalo Billion program, but she questioned the way in which economic development dollars are dedicated by the Cuomo administration and said more state money needs to be spent on crumbling infrastructure needs.
Improving crumbling infrastructure and creating new jobs is a worthy endeavour, but it will add significantly to Ontario's debt load, whether or not the government goes it alone on projects or partners with the private sector.
If the legislature returns in special session next month, it is more likely to take up Speaker Sheldon Silver «s proposal that some $ 5 billion in bank windfalls be invested in crumbling infrastructure.
Central government's proposed budget boost is too little to repair crumbling infrastructure, observers contend
With the box empty, the truck handles on - and off - ramps well, without veering off - course even over the Boston area's rapidly crumbling infrastructure at the end of winter.
Amid innovations that address crumbling infrastructure, creation of new low income housing and plans to synchronize traffic light timing, Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner, in her State of the City address Thursday night, announced plans for new fire and police classes this year.
Cuomo also says the state's crumbling infrastructure needs more investment, and he'd also like to use some of the surplus to cut taxes.
Yet today these gains are threatened by crumbling infrastructure that is increasingly congested, in need of repair, and unable to keep pace with technological change.
But the CEO of Martin Marietta is encouraged about repairing the nation's crumbling infrastructure after meeting recently with President Trump.
Our entire nation is facing a Flint - like crisis when it comes to our life expectancy because of financial instability and crumbling infrastructure around us causing a ripple effect that makes it harder for people to eat healthfully, get more exercise, and spend time outside in a clean, healthy, and safe environment.
Nixon underscored that herself this week in her two - minute campaign announcement video on Twitter, mentioning such issues as crumbling infrastructure, income inequality and sagging upstate economies, but not a word about gay rights.
As mayor of one of the snowiest cities in America, Miner has the credentials to complain about crumbling infrastructure; how cold, snowy conditions can crack water pipes and create craters in roads.
But many observers point out that inflation — projected to run at least 5 % in the coming year — will consume much of the increase and that far greater investments are needed to revamp crumbling infrastructure.
How can we best modernize schools with crumbling infrastructure so they can teach 21st century skills?
Districts that already faced crumbling infrastructure, outdated curricula and growing class sizes were forced to take out lines of credit to cover everyday costs.
«Nashville can't afford to shut down a bridge because of crumbling infrastructure — but unless Washington begins to invest in transportation again, it won't be able to afford repairing the bridge either,» said Secretary Foxx.
We must eliminate unfunded mandates to lower property taxes, create tax - incentive programs that work for all and improve crumbling infrastructure or we risk communities that can not adequately connect their vital services.
From California to Minnesota to Pennsylvania, states nationwide are grappling with crumbling infrastructure.
«Poor maintenance and crumbling infrastructure at Penn Station are causing massive delays, cancelations and service disruptions that make commuting a living hell for Long Islanders.
Kingston should have been bonding for 25 years, or saving up to fix its own crumbling infrastructure
When Artnet News asked him if the piece was meant to invoke a Bladerunner-esque dystopian future, Schanck explained his inspiration: «We're in Detroit and just surrounded by crumbling infrastructure,» he said.
CNBC's Michelle Caruso - Cabrera takes a look at the state of our nation's crumbling infrastructure, and whether there's a role for private sector investment.
Yet small businesses, which provide two out of ever three jobs in the U.S., are major users of our crumbling infrastructure, Mills said, adding that the disrepair is slowing down growth.
America's crumbling infrastructure is an ever - present, high - stress foe.
WASHINGTON, Jan 31 - In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Donald Trump called out the nation's crumbling infrastructure and called for more spending on bridges and roads.
WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters)- In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Donald Trump called out the nation's crumbling infrastructure and called for more spending on bridges and roads.
The hefty price tag likely raised some eyebrows among Congress members, but Trump is right in aiming high to fix the country's «crumbling infrastructure,» as he calls it.
Back in the summer of 2015, the two came up with an international tax plan that took one - time corporate repatriation money and funneled it into the Highway Trust Fund to fix the nation's crumbling infrastructure — an idea that has received the support in the past of Ryan and even former President Barack Obama.
At present, Puerto Rico is desperate for inputs — tools to fix generators so that electricity can be restored, supplies to purify water and avoid cholera, materials to buttress its damaged, crumbling infrastructure, and provisions to feed its population.
Initiatives that might reduce unemployment — such as investments in the nation's crumbling infrastructure, and a new Works Projects Administration or Civilian Conservation Corps to hire the long - term unemployed — have been rejected in favor of austerity economics.
Trump has pledged to reduce personal taxes across the board, cut corporate taxes to 15 percent from 35 percent and spend from about $ 500 billion to $ 1 trillion to rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure.
Looking inside our City limits, we have seen serious investment in our crumbling infrastructure and public spaces for the first time in decades.
After Puerto Rico declared a form of bankruptcy May 3, The New York Times used these words to describe the U.S. territory's fiscal woes: «borrowing to pay operating expenses, year after year»; «unable to provide its citizens effective services»; and «rising pension costs, crumbling infrastructure, departing taxpayers and credit downgrades.»
Hmmm, falling wages, higher unemployment, rising poverty, an unstable economy, a crumbling infrastructure, income inequality we haven't seen since the gilded age, and America losing ground as the world's economic superpower and builder of the world's best products.
They may still have a modicum of local color amid their crumbling infrastructure, but they are mostly places from which upwardly mobile people want to escape.
Our parents have bequeathed us a staggering public debt, a crumbling infrastructure, and a deep - seated skepticism about our ability to change the world.
If the US would keep its nose out of the Mideast and other locations, where it doesn't belong, and take care of the citizens of the US, there would be plenty of money to allow all to obtain a basic need and to rebuild the crumbling infrastructure of this country.
After a double - dip recession in 2012, Europe is mired in low growth, with growing divergences in competitiveness between Germany and the rest, and large swathes of the eurozone suffering high unemployment and crumbling infrastructure.
Comptroller Scott Stringer wants to tap into millions of dollars raised by the Battery Park City Authority each year to help fund the New York City Housing Authority's crumbling infrastructure...
This month, she blasted his comments about Syracuse needing to foster its own economic recovery in order to fix its crumbling infrastructure.
She's also criticized Gov. Andrew Cuomo for challenging Syracuse to fix its own pipes by adding more jobs instead of sending more state money to rebuild the city's crumbling infrastructure.
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