Sentences with phrase «one's current language»

This will mean, among other things, revising current language in the IDEA that allows states to tap children for special education based on a «developmental delay» only between the ages of 6 and 9.
Greenville SC About Blog In this blog, I use current language to talk about the magic that we can create in our lives through changing our thoughts.
These people tend to resent the efforts to communicate in new words and liturgical acts, object to translations of the Bible into current language, and fail to see the distinctions between various categories of language usage.
Improvise the type and the length of the utterance based on the toddler's current language skills.
Contextual analysis to identify strengths and needs of current language program policies and practices
The software that makes it possible to preserve an out - of - print book in this way allows for the choice between original text or updated and error - correction print to reflect current language conventions, as well resizing and reformatting of the texts to eliminate the page numbers that would not be compatible with increased or decreased font size on e-reader devices.
Rare Lore Items throughout the world will read in English, regardless of current language settings.
Current language in the draft climate agreement supports a «100 percent phaseout of fossil fuels by 2050,» something environmental groups have promoted for years.
The current language has the potential to affect a wide variety of industries — up and down the global energy, manufacturing, and engineering value chain.
One possibility is that we are simply using this current language to speak of the importance of the church's developing its doctrine of nature more fully and in ways appropriate to our new understanding of the relation between human beings and the natural world.
The current language debate is just one more indicator of how much the church lost when it got caught up in the philosophical / theological Christology debates, and replaced the name of Jesus with the titles Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The oppressed groups in our society — women, racial minorities, the poor — know well that current language is enslaving and insensitive to them as persons.
So while it's crazy to me that even after 2 years of studying Chinese full time, I had still never learned the word router, I was still encouraged to know that I could get by with my current language level and a dictionary.
And lastly, is the current language in the bill what Republicans were fighting for in 2013 when the government shut down for 16 days during the continuing resolution fight over Obamacare?
But deputy House Republican leader Vincent Candelora of North Branford said the current language of the bill is too expansive because it goes beyond bump stocks and instead covers any «rate of fire enhancement» that would include trigger cranks, levers, and other parts.
The current language requires the state to prove there is an «imminent danger,» which is seen as too vague to enforce.
For instance, if the Water Framework Directive lists EE2 as a priority hazardous substance, under its current language «emissions» of EE2 — and oral birth control by proxy — would need to be phased out within 20 years.
The issue in question is the current language of the Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT) provisions in the jauntily named Senate Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (also known in some circles as the Donor Relief Act).
A women's advocacy group had approached the board with suggested changes, arguing that the code's current language was too vague.
He maintains that the current language in the anti-bullying policy protects students and that events should be handled on a case - to - case basis.
Under the current language, these schools could be found to have complied with state guidelines «without making any improvements.»
Here is their current language as it relates to earning a Citi TYP card signup bonus after having earned it previously:
Her current language - based work, particularly her White Noise series, highlights the inability of language to fully capture notions of modern racial identity.
Our current vehicle of knowledge is language and our current language is a list of signifiers that delineate either economic determinism or fear.
In its current language, he explained, the Convention does not cover the modern parlance of tacit acceptance, making it, he said, «the biggest stumbling block under the Convention.»
One tab will be labeled with the current language and the other with your default one.
The current language in the killer robot debate suggests that those weapons are capable of acting without meaningful human control, and that their creation and use is somehow distinct from other sorts of collective actions.
When visiting a foreign language website, simply click the Translator icon to translate the page to your current language.
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