Sentences with phrase «one's daily calorie consumption»

Consider that most beverages will increase your total daily calorie consumption.
Have you ever tried decreasing daily calorie consumption in the hopes you would lose the excess fat?
For a dog, however, the total daily calorie consumption is much lower than for humans.
Scientists at Loughborough University have found exercising is more effective than food restriction in helping limit daily calorie consumption.
After three weeks, you have to go back to the normal daily calorie consumption, as recommended by the nutritionists.
In the end, as you say, I can only observe how my body reacts, unfortunately with such oedema it's extremely difficult to know what is affecting the swelling and what isn't (And thats with an extremely limited intake of fruits and veggies and very little daily calorie consumption!!).
Skipping breakfast has interesting behavioral effects; research shows that people who skip breakfast tend to reach for higher calorie foods once they do eat, leading to higher total daily calorie consumption than those who ate a solid breakfast.
Ginger isn't supposed to be ingested in large amounts and is almost always added to other food (unless taken in capsule form), so it won't significantly impact your daily calorie consumption or overall nutrition.
Anna Tolley, legal and crporate affairs director UK, says: «Consumers are getting savvier about their daily calorie consumption and are actively looking at nutritional information.
Despite aiding you in adding more muscle tissue during overall body weight gain, a diet high in protein (for example, 30 % of your total daily calorie consumption) will also aid you in sparing precious muscle tissue during a weight loss / cutting plan and will prevent you from regaining the same weight after you've lost it.
Capsaicin also has the potential to drastically reduce hunger, thus lowering your total daily calorie consumption.
One study which lasted for 12 weeks had its participants reduce their daily calorie consumption by around 500 calories.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has issued a study saying that 37 % of the daily calorie consumption of the average American comes from drinks sweetened with sugar that are horrible for your fitness and overall health.
If you decide to follow a rigorous diet and significantly decrease your daily calorie consumption, the rate at which your body is able to burn body fat will slow down.
With a less restrictive diet, you could get more of your calories from convenience foods or base your daily calorie consumption around carbs.
Ginger isn't supposed to be ingested in large amounts and is almost always added to other food (unless taken in capsule form), so it won't significantly impact your daily calorie consumption or overall nutrition.
You'll track your daily calorie consumption and nutrient intake, and you'll also get meal ideas so you're never confused about what to eat on a ketogenic diet.
If you follow the Mediterranean diet, you will enjoy lots of healthy benefits but you still need to lower your daily calorie consumption to achieve weight loss.
By merely upping your protein intake to 18 percent of your daily calorie consumption, you could also halve your chances of regaining pounds after weight loss, an issue that tends to be very common.
The first, which lasts for three days, restricts your daily calorie consumption to 1100 - 1400.
As your dog gets older he will become less active so you may need to reduce his daily calorie consumption.
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