Sentences with phrase «one's darlin»

«Our Little Darlin romped in her first time out at Aqueduct,» said Dick's special bulletin under the heading: SAUCY SCORES!!
Hi darlin, your outfit made me smile today, the pretty colours and ladylike style, all works so beautifully:) Love the clutch too!
We are so proud of Mama Darlin» and grateful that we could show the births in real time on my Instagram account.
The shoes are $ 98, and come in two styles: midnight velvet embroidered with a light blue Hello Darlin» and black velvet embroidered in gold with Pretty Please.
So darlin» put on your own favorite Christmas carols, light a candle, and get something yummy to drink!
Well darlin», that makes you my hero.
She has all the supplies to make all kinds of darlin'things!
Sabby Style The Heart of the House Street Style Squad The Middle Page A Lo Profile Dashing Darlin
So, dear Sugar Pie Darlin», I hope my words gave your heart the hug that it needed!
Damon Darlin in the New York Times says he thinks in the midst of this cold and snowy East Coast winter it is time to question the viability of the locavore movement and those «so - called locavores who think they are part of a national trend.»
An excellent essay by Damon Darlin some Sundays back in the New York Times, «Serendipity: Lost in the Digital Deluge,» got me thinking — not for the first time — about the joys of accidental learning.
It seems to me that only by more eaters getting into the locavore idea can we reach the balance Darlin says he wants between factory farms and parsnip purgatory.
Oh darlin», you are always an uplift!
I am not a hooker or escort so if that's what you are looking for... keep looking Darlin».
She had ambitions about running for the US Senate in 2010, the seat held by Darlin» Arlen Specter.
A + + + darlin» (not that I'm grading you or anyting... you know what I mean:)-RRB-..
Ya know darlin's it's the little things that make joy - bells ring in my heart!
Los Angeles musician Adam Meyer Darlin put together this impressive music video using only coins.
Hope you get well soon Darlin and that you and your family have a wonderful and healthy holiday!
I can still hear my Collard Greens teacher, an elderly Nashville, Tennessee lady saying, «Just got to wash «em real good now darlin, get all that grit off.
Thanks so much for the shout out on my Huevos Rancheros Darlin!
Hubby will definitely realize as your little darlin gets older that she's even more consistent with her signals when you guys are out and about... and cloth (and even undies) will eventually become your norm.
OH yes, and not to forget my Aunt Joanne, Uncle Peter, and cousin Joel who rolled in right when I arrived with their melodic Trinidadian accent — «Heelllooo darlin»» was a thing of beauty.
Don't apologize darlin, we all learn and apply stuff differently.
You look very lovely in green and the polka dots are absolutely darlin!
Hi Elena darlin, I love those beauties heels are soooooo gorgeous..
I love the skirt / dress darlin:)!
When I saw this Celfie Darlin'tee at H&M in this gorgeous shade of pink I knew it would be the perfect piece to pair with pencil skirts, skinnies and as a swimsuit layering piece for my girls trip to LA later this week.
54 year old electrician, muscular, would love to hook up with a sweet lil darlin to keep both of us warm as we cuddle
In this Deep South fairy tale, McConaughey is paired for the first time with fellow rom - com darlin» Reese Witherspoon, who similarly relishes playing against type.
Tagged as: 2001, anish kapoor, Christo, cloud gate, Ikea, jesse darlin, jimmy mcbride, john mccracken, lauren van haaften - schick, Mark Di Suvero, nancy holt, richard serra, sun tunnels, tilt - a-whirl, tilted arc
Michael Darlin, chief curator at MCA Chicago, sees the Superflat concept as a broader statement about Japanese culture, wherein the distinction between high and low art is much less definitive than in the West.
Darlin Frometa traffics in superstition and magic in his solo show, the first at How's Howard, gallerist John Robert Roy's more commercial rejigger of the late alternative space Howard Art Project.
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