Sentences with phrase «one's dead baby»

Within a few weeks, we found the body of dead baby bird just below the nest.
I cried as I held this seemingly perfect dead baby in the palm of my hand.
I recently asked how many dead babies does it take to convince a homebirth advocate of the dangers of homebirth?
This is a woman for whom dead babies don't matter.
During this time period normally just one or two dead baby dolphins are found.
The circles that are 90 % dead baby club.
That's just what you call yourself when the authorities make those pesky inquiries about dead babies.
How the hell does your deli get fresh dead baby when it isn't even in season?
This is almost certainly what is happening in hours before a dead or nearly dead baby drops into a homebirth midwife's hands.
Of course, we don't know how many women never made it back to the tribe carrying their little bundles of joy, or how many left dead babies behind them.
So, whilst anything wedding themed doubles in price, anything dead baby themed tends to give you massive discounts!
And the bombs keep falling and the killing goes on and the photos of dead babies keep filling your social media feeds.
We would be haunted by the ghosts of dead babies.
You want me to use sense memories to cry about dead babies, I can do it all day long.
If ALL births were done at home, you'd have five times as many dead babies than you'd have when compared to ALL births done in a hospital.
Dead babies don't need antibiotics, i bought both.
Some one else said that the consumption of same is towards protein... well if that so maybe tomorrow even pet animals and humans would be considered as a source of protein with out any considerations to the warnings and teachings of the holy books since many consider them as rather words and books of men and not as of God... well already understand that there are countries consume stray animals and dead babies as a source of protein...!
All those homebirths where dead babies drop into the hands of unsuspecting homebirth midwives («the heart rate was just fine a minute ago») are not noted here.
This is particularly true of Dead Baby Jokes, which are a sub-genre unto themselves.
The story involved dead babies and dead women, the exploitation of poor and marginalized immigrants and minorities, filthy conditions, racism, and multiple governmental failures.
I have ferel cats in my bathtub having dead baby kittens.
Body bags in school yards and Cancer 2.0 and dead babies laugh evil in the face of all that seems right and fair.
We can keep a brain - dead baby alive while harvesting its organs for transplant; we can annihilate a country's population in a matter of hours, or we can airlift it food.
All we get is that fake processed dead baby subst.itute — a poor imitation.
SBS, one of the three major national television networks in South Korea, broadcast a documentary earlier this month about capsules from China containing dead baby flesh.
This practice of dressing dead babies, nursing them for hours and taking photos is widely used in HOSPITALS as healthy grieving.
When they nearly bleed out or their baby dies at their HBA2C attempt and STILL proclaim that homebirth is 100 % safe and natural and they're definitely going to do it again and NO WAY is their severe 100 % preventable PPH or 100 % preventable dead baby the fault of abysmal «medical» care... she calls them on it.
The public discussion at ICAN 2011 demonstrates two things: MANA is appallingly cynical in its willingness to boast about a low C - section rate while refusing to acknowledge how many dead babies CPMs left in their wake, and homebirth advocates are pathetically gullible.
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