Sentences with phrase «one's dead relatives»

Sadly, though, he's just not very nice; lying about dead relatives and borrowing people's identities, his old schoolmates may feel sorry for Gary but we never do.
The guys who really would be able to fend of hordes of living dead relatives would be stone - cold fearless, armed - to - the - teeth gangsters.
Desperate to seize his moment on this day reserved for remembering dead relatives, he sneaks into a graveyard and snatches a snazzy guitar from a tomb.
The best way is to pray for one's own dead relatives on Fridays and chant the Qur» an.
See our altar for our favorite dead relatives above, as well as a picture of me with the divine Venus DeMille.
Dr Bawumia said the gesture was in recognition of the long - standing relationship between the NPP and the Muslim communities adding; «this is our small contribution to help you have a befitting cemetery in the Central Region to bury dead relatives».
They all say the same thing: they discovered their so - called dead relatives or spirit guides were actually demons, and at the name of Jesus Christ these demons left.
John Hughes is gone, John Candy's gone, Macaulay Culkin's innocence is gone; because of its place on the precipice of Hughes's»90s decline, revisiting Uncle Buck has long been a bittersweet prospect, but now that it's definitively the last good John Hughes film, it's taken on the funereal feeling of old home movies starring dead relatives.
Like a ghost ship emerging from the mist or a presumed - dead relative knocking at the door, the reappearance of a car stolen many years ago comes as a shock to its rightful owner.
In Madagascar, families dig up the bones of dead relatives and parade them around the village in a ceremony called famadihana.
Mother - of - two, 37, «saw dead relatives» as she narrowly escaped dying from toxic shock syndrome caused by «a...
They are served on many occasions in the home — to remember dead relatives, to treat friends after worshiping in the home, and to give to friends.
Miguel must meet Ernesto, fend off his own dead relatives (who KNOW why the family cursed musicians forever and ever) and negotiate a return to the land of the living in time for the Big Show.
If The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a loved one who bakes and then decorates a birthday cake and then surprises you with a birthday party attended by your living friends and your miraculously resurrected favorite dead relatives, Hyrule Warriors is a clown force - feeding you cotton candy in a loud basement.
He grilled me about my connection to this dead relative.
How would you feel if your dead relatives were «converted» to Judaism or Mormonism if they were Catholic?
I did not see a white light, a tunnel, dead relatives or any religious figure.
But unlike other people who tell of «NDEs,» I saw no lights, no angels, no dead relatives, no friendly saints; rather, I found myself very much awake in a weightless, imageless, gray hyperreality.
Those who can afford it build costly sepulchres for their dead relatives and observe the fortieth day of death with great ceremony, preparing rich food and inviting friends and relatives to partake of it.
No, I don't think Jews really think that dead relatives are going to be concerned about this... but I am guessing that Jews will be offended.
-- Some primitive tribes believe supernatural rewards accrue from eating their dead relatives brains.
I don't believe a damn word you just said about your dead relative.
When your dead relative actually comes back to tell you about it, then I might take you seriously... until then, not so much.
What I want to know is why Christians who reject science will push for their brain dead relative to be kept on a ventilator, a medical device (i.e. Science), why are the most religious states the ones where the most people use antidepressants?
How would the families of dead mormons feel if the church of Satan started baptising their dead relatives?
Mormon's don't do this for people that are living, only the dead relatives of members of their church.
They were supposed to be our dead relatives and they would give messages to the audience.
Since then, not once has a spirit appeared to me pretending to be a dead relative or spirit guide.
Sorry girl, I don't incense or light candles, or kneel, or pray, or sacrifice to my dead relatives.
It is best that u stick to your own members and their dead relatives.
Jews fear desecration of their dead bodies and many refuse autopsies for their dead relatives for this reason.
If I could actually have lunch with any three people, living or dead, I'd probably choose three of my dead relatives.
Or maybe two dead relatives and a really good chef, because someone has to make lunch.
They also worked out which of 221 dead relatives would have carried the gene variant, and analysed how long each of these lived.
As recently as the 1890s, some New Englanders believed that their dead relatives were vampires, feeding on the living.
Morse later videotaped the children recalling their experiences, which included such standard fare as long tunnels, giant rainbows, dead relatives, and deities of all sorts.
A failure by a bereaved relative to jump through all such hoops can have painful consequences — particularly when Facebook cheerfully reminds you to «reconnect» with a dead relative, as many have found.
He looked as if he had seen a dead relative (shocked) and handed the server another card.
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