Sentences with phrase «one's death for someone»

The risk of death for women of child bearing age overall is very very low, period.
Car seats and boosters provide protection for infants and children in a crash, yet car crashes are a leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 13.
Traffic crashes are the number one cause of death for people ages 15 - 19.
Each year 73 million women are affected by major depression, and suicide is ranked 7th as the cause of death for women between the ages of 20 — 59.
Provide an escape from certain death for hundreds of dogs and puppies in our community by providing temporary shelter and care until loving homes can be found.
There just isn't much risk from accidental deaths for most people.
Still, cigarettes have plenty of nicotine and even a small cigarette butt can mean serious illness or even death for a small pet.
The statistics show that behavioral issues, not infectious diseases, are the number one cause of death for dogs under the age of three years.
Car accidents are the leading cause of death for American children, with 1,000 lives taken each year on average.
But will you let us «do without» without constantly reminding us of your belief that we are headed towards a cruel fate after death for not believing?
It seems that they are still in many ways still emotionally and mentally back living in that era where both sides put people to death for not sharing their own beliefs.
Suicide has now become the biggest cause of death for men under 45.
All this has a bearing on death for the dying one, but it also changes the nature of the surviving community.
It was determined that the average age at death for dogs that had not been spayed or neutered was 7.9 years.
If you need another reminder to put your child in a booster seat, keep in mind that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for young children.
Of course, the greatest existential concern about sin and death for most people remains judgment and their ultimate destiny.
Flowers have gone hand in hand with death for at least 13,000 years.
Home - birth proponents say the practice is safe, and they point to a lower rate of deaths for infants to prove it.
The «miracle of birth» becomes a lesson in death for many innocent kittens and puppies.
Getting lost is the # 1 cause of death for pets.
It's the Number 1 cause of vehicle - related deaths for kids under the age of 14.
Being killed in a shelter is the number one documented cause of death for cats in this country.
Suicide is excluded from the reasons of death for which the nominee can file a claim.
That practice — some call it the «sunshine pump» — could spell death for companies that depend on accurate sales forecasts in a time when making any forecast is difficult.
I am very proud to say that I have made the difference between life and death for others countless times.
Actually I'm lying, I don't really care and I hope he dies a slow, painful death for what he's done to our country.
Below are the leading causes of accidental death for babies, listed in order, along with advice to keep your child out of harm's way.
Basically, shoot everything that moves, and avoid death for as long as possible.
This segment of the customer base is important for many reasons, but listening to them too much can lead to a slow death for your product.
It's the third leading cause of cancer deaths for women worldwide.
He would take our sin upon Himself, and taste death for every man.
Not only does it provide protection from an early death for families, but it can also protect companies and partnerships.
The messages, many deeply personal, focus on the regional boundaries that divide life from death for patients with liver disease.
Whole life insurance A whole life insurance policy is similar to term insurance, in the sense that it provides a fixed cover upon death for a low premium.
Gas chambers can not provide a humane death for animals in a shelter setting.
There are even specific traps that can lead to instant death for your zombies.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for individuals ages 10 to 24.
There are also dark narratives in black, narratives about death for example.
7 — Avoid keeping two different breeds of hamsters in the same cage, this could lead into death for one of the hamsters.
People who have watched television death for entertainment or who have read objectively about dying begin seeing subtle changes in their own bearing.
It's just a question of timing and perspective: It may seem like a slow - motion crawl to humans, but it's sudden death for thousands of species.
They've probably been freezing and starving to death for years, and now people are finally doing something about it?
As some of you know, I'm no fan of people who propose death for someone based on his environmental work or views.
After 2 days of that, I got the ring of death (fortunately, because xbox will service a ring of death for free).
Car accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers.
These types of crashes are considered more dangerous than most any other type of auto wreck because they result in greater injury and a higher risk of death for victims.
The difference between a personal accident and term insurance is that term insurance covers death for any reason whereas personal accident pays only if you have an accident.
Which is a long horrible death for the affected puppies.
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