Sentences with phrase «one's dedicated fans»

What it does mean is that it's one for more dedicated fans of the point and click genre.
This makes a ton of sense for established authors and authors with any sort of dedicated fan base.
A ridiculous amount of collectibles is distributed all throughout this, and it's enough to keep the most dedicated fans busy for a long time.
Everyone involved in the process has been extremely supportive, especially our group of dedicated fans who've stuck with us since the beginning.
The small revisions to the combat system have provided a deeper experience for dedicated fans to sink their teeth into without losing the sense of fun and accessibility for more relaxed players.
They have a very, very dedicated fan base that is truly obsessed with the series and the characters.
«You can really try to have a one - to - one interaction with a smaller, more dedicated fan base and give them the thing they want,» he says.
Now we have to be the ones that create our history, so the team can grow a really dedicated fan base.
There are a few hours of fun to be had here, certainly, but even dedicated fans will find that it doesn't last long enough.
Each game even has their own dedicated fan base.
This show is a true masterpiece and a cult show that will be remembered through the generations if not by a lot of people but a group of truly dedicated fans.
By now the story has become so complex that only dedicated fans will understand what's going on.
Unlike social media platforms that we don't control or reaching out to random others with advertising and promotions, newsletters can be a source of dedicated fans eager to hear our news.
We had absolutely no part in any creation of any anime / manga series, and are just dedicated fans who have taken their time to create this website.
Yeah, that's a REAL dedicated fan base.
Sharing fresh excerpts of new writing, art related to your books, or updates on your writing are exactly the kinds of behind - the - scenes interaction dedicated fans want.
Destiny became an instant hit and created a large, highly dedicated fan base that supported the game for three years.
Is it fair to expect dedicated fans to spend so much?
It's taken a lot of hard work and dedication to get this opportunity, and I want to help create the masterpiece the wonderfully dedicated fans deserve.
The game shipped to a mediocre reception from North American audiences, but grew to become a fan - favorite among dedicated fans of the genre for its humor and heart.
With playtime exceeding a hundred hours for some of the games most dedicated fans, the game still has quite a bit of content remaining for fans to explore.
Over that time it has accumulated, not just awards and critical acclaim, but a magnitude of dedicated fans who are as lively today as they were when they first played the game.
The title has finally received a French makeover, thanks to a group of very dedicated fans.
The games were criticized for being glossy candy shells geared too much towards the casual fan leaving more dedicated fans with a hollow experience.
Dedicated fans of the sport sometimes run more than 100 miles across some of the world's toughest terrain over multiple days.
In addition to this the game's length is disappointing short and only truly dedicated fans will want to come back and try to earn high scores.
Read a few reviews and you'll see the type of dedicated fan base they have.
Rumours of the existence of Fallout 4 have been swirling for a long time now, with numerous leaks and even hoaxes created by dedicated fans fueling the flames.
(2) But the sales will trickle in, as dedicated fans get back from vacation.
Chicken Fries have become a key item on Burger King's menu since their return last year, a comeback driven by demand from dedicated fans on social media.
To celebrate the future launch of the much awaited DARK SOULS III, there are 3 exclusive editions available for the most dedicated fans on PC, PlayStation 4 and XBOX ONE:
Cawley has painstakingly reconstructed the bridge, the sick bay and the engineering station, among other iconic sets, by closely analyzing the tapes of the original shows and consulting with dedicated fans.
The gameplay systems which drive this survival - horror open - world crafting experience are as super deep as the original PC version, but the constant bugs, crashes, glitches and other technical let - downs may deter a large portion of home console players from becoming dedicated fans.
With a degree in Kinesiology and comprehensive and extensive movement - based experience, she transformed her love of fitness and movement into a workout which has changed the lives of dedicated fans worldwide.
Want to help make My Silent Hill the best dedicated fan site in the world?
Today every cloth diaper brand and retailer has their own Facebook page, Instagram account, live video chats, dedicated fan groups, and so much more!
Lin's fleet direction and the charismatic cast give dedicated fans their fix and the casual moviegoers a fun enough time, but Beyond offers a less memorable outing than its more ambitious predecessors, providing more for the eyes of its audience than for their hearts.
The translation team gave a long but very interesting interview that goes into more detail about the project and just what makes the Front Mission series so special that it engenders such dedicated fans.
It was originally released on the PlayStation in 1997 by Square, and recently re-released on the PlayStation Network, though many dedicated fans are still begging for a remake.
Take, «Marvel Origins» for example, which targeted a niche of dedicated fans while simultaneously resonating with the larger population based on location.
Now and then some deep - dedicated fan goes beyond the newspaper's daily statistics and constructs a rating system of his own, as elaborate as his skill or his fancy can manage.
There are a lot of really dedicated fans all over the racetrack, you know?
God of War has a huge dedicated fan base, and a handful of them would have surely purchased a Vita to get their hands on a new adventure for Kratos to slice and dice his way through.
Want to help make My Silent Hill the best dedicated fan site in the world?
I'm sure dedicated fans of Peter Chung's animated series will have to choke back bile when I say this, but the Aeon Flux feature is actually pretty good.
For its part, the popularity of the game itself didn't seem to be a problem, as Yo - Kai Watch Wibble Wobble has a pretty dedicated fan base, but I think this is a case of the monetization not being aggressive enough to earn enough money to keep things going. . .
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