Sentences with phrase «one's deep core»

The roll - up works deep core muscles while improving mobility of the spine and stretching your hamstrings.
The full ninja pop up is an * advanced * move that requires a LOT of deep core strength.
Use the wall to stabilize a pose, to open the hips and strengthen and engage deep core muscles.
The problem of the traditional plank is that it doesn't offer deep core activation on the long run.
Keep back rounded and use deep core to move the legs forward.
The goal is to develop and restore inner / deep core function.
What happens when you increase deep core strength, flexibility, balance, and new movement possibilities?
It is ideal for those who want to harness deeper core awareness and activation to enhance their daily yoga practice.
Bierman and four colleagues — from UVM, Boston College, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, and Imperial College London — studied deep cores of ocean - bottom mud containing bits of bedrock that eroded off of the east side of Greenland.
You've also got deep core stabilizers, your primary hip flexors — the psoas muscles.
Raabe ME, Chaudhari AMW: Biomechanical consequences of running with deep core muscle weakness.
Inspired by an extensive study of martial arts, Nardini drew from the parallels that have long existed between yoga and Zen, with emphasis on the «deep core line» of the inner body.
During the isometric hold, deep core stabilizing muscles such as transverse abdominis and iliopsoas and other nearby muscles get contracted simultaneously to stabilize and enable the straight body alignment.
Visible gas hydrate and possible pore - space hydrate samples have been recovered for the first time in North America from within ice - bonded permafrost in a 451 - m - deep core hole in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada.
Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck lead a team of deep core drillers to a giant asteroid to destroy it before it hits earth.
They report larger variations in measured CO2 with per - cm vertical distance in younger ice earlier in an ice core clathrate zone, and smaller variations in older ice at deeper core, consistent with increasing homogeneity with time.
Who wants to announce to the world you're getting married, invite hundreds of guests, and end up breaking up before the wedding due to deep core issues you find out during engagement planning?
Atmospheric nitric oxide and ozone at the WAIS Divide deep coring site: a discussion of local sources and transport in West Antarctica.
It's estimated that Lake Tuwuti sediments record up to 800,000 years of climate data, and Russell recently received funding to take deeper cores.
CORE videos are all about deep core activation, and progress safely to lay the foundation.
In this series you will incorporate the steel mace into your flow as an access to full body strength with an emphasis on deep core muscles.
Planks are a total abdominal exercise that shreds each different muscle group while creating deep core strength and strengthening the low back.
Now, using two deep cores collected at two Ocean Drilling Program sites in the Southern Ocean, Jaccard and colleagues have reconstructed ocean records of productivity and vertical overturning reaching back a million years, through multiple glacial - interglacial cycles.
Sonar helped them find the margins of the harbors, and then deep coring unveiled the detailed life history of the ports.
The coiled drilling tube, which was developed for the oil industry, is also flexible enough to allow the drill to be steered sideways while deep down, opening up the possibility of taking multiple deep cores from a single hole (Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research, special issue 56, p 5).
It is only recently that very deep cores have been drilled — and three of them contain ice more than 160,000 years old.
The team used a 300 - metre deep core drilled through the layers of sandstone and claystone at a site on the Illawarra plateau.
UNSW Australia study author and Ph.D. candidate Katarina David (left) preserves samples of moist rock collected by drilling a 300 - meter deep core through the layers of sandstone and claystone near Sydney, for later testing in the laboratory.
It reveals a supernova more twisted than Hollywood writers could have imagined, with parts of the star's deepest core hurled the farthest and fastest into space.
Yoga has amazing deep core work; we refer to it as bandhas, meaning lock, hold or tighten.
Now it's time to add in some more advanced deep core strengthening!
But remember to «zip it up» when you need an extra dose of deep core control.
A slow and powerful Yin inspired flow with deep core stability working three dimensionally with breath and awareness.
This is a series of 8 sessions each beginning with a short presentation on anatomy, followed by instruction in Pilates and pelvic floor exercise techniques designed to restore deep core and trunk muscle function.
Kelly Jean uncovers deep core support through a Yin / Yang flow.
Exercise sweating doesn't create enough deep core heating of the body.
When an asteroid the size of Texas is headed for Earth, the world's best deep core drilling team is sent to nuke the rock from the inside.
In order to do this they call upon the help of deep core oil driller named Harry Stamper (Willis, Mercury Rising) and his crew to go up to the asteroid to drill a hole deep enough to place a nuclear warhead in and blow the rock apart.
The indiscriminate use of high and deep potencies will affect deeper core areas and could produce unnecessary and undesirable mental and emotional symptoms.
We've added another map, Outpost 92 — a frozen, deep core mining facility drowning in snow and ice, cut off in the face of an onrushing blizzard.
So two independent deep cores were drilled between 1989 and 1993 starting at the highest part of Greenland's ice cap down south, where the sideways movement of ice was minimal and unlikely to contaminate the chronology (the «GISP2» American team led by Pieter Grootes drilled 30 km from the «GRIP» European team led by Willi Dansgaard).
The new evidence lies within 1,500 - foot - long cores of rock that Kent and his coauthors drilled from a butte in Arizona's Petrified Forest National Park in 2013, plus earlier deep cores from suburban New York and New Jersey.
• Supervise the design and implementation of drilling program for deep core petroleum deposit 17 miles off the coast of Texas.
This is a fun combination move for your entire core — lower back muscles and deep core stabilizers.
Kennett showed that changes in the sedimentation in the Channel coincided with the sudden and short - lived warming periods that had been established by taking samples from deep cores in Greenland's ice.

Phrases with «one's deep core»

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