Sentences with phrase «one's deepest convictions»

Many of us hold very deep convictions about it.
With such deep convictions gripping his soul, so all - important to him that he was ready to die for them, it is unlikely that he ever thought much about logical consistency.
At the end of the day, despite deep convictions and some fine performances, the final product can not be described as an enjoyable or even worthwhile experiment.
There is the little girl who speaks with such deep conviction.
The Advocate General went further than the Court and also looked at the conflict between the right of «human dignity» (para. 82 of the Opinion) or «deepest convictions of European society» (para. 85 of the Opinion) and the freedom of speech.
Imagine if, in an interview, you were able to speak out of a place of deep conviction in yourself - about your unique promise of value, your achievements, and your strengths - while also connecting genuinely with the unique other that is your interviewer.
Further, it is increasingly recognized by the thoughtful that the foundations of our civilization rest on deeper convictions than those generally acknowledged; that science and democratic life, literature and art, derive their ultimate orientation from religious faith; and that without renewal of the foundations the structure can not endure.
Driven by deep convictions and compassion, such organizations can provide loving forms of assistance and care that government programs can not offer.
This imbues him with deep convictions about democracy and compassion for those who are suffering and oppressed.
It's hard to explain how deep our conviction was that God had spoken.
Unlike that year though, left - wing organizations — such as Citizen Action NY, Make The Road New York, and the Working Families Party they are affiliates of — have chosen to throw their heft and organizing ability behind Cuomo's main opponent, unwilling to trust him again and challenging a governor whose progressivism they feel has come from political expediency, not deep conviction.
In a plot that combines a search for a dead body, a parentless teenage camping trip and a lifelong trauma, Rob Reiner's landmark coming - of - age story retains the sense of looming shadowiness so common to so many Stephen King stories, placing deep conviction in its youth protagonists (including River Phoenix, Corey Feldman and Kiefer Sutherland).
In the two seminaries we studied, it was the students» sustained exposure to the professors who were a consistent presence that gave them examples of character, behavior and deep convictions against which to measure themselves.
Ecumenism is founded upon deeper conviction than that, for it believes the will of Christ to be greater Christian unity than we know and show.
«We had this very deep conviction right from the start that having a diversity of styles would be important,» Singleton told Gizmodo.
The film plays like a Trump - state Big Lebowski, as Ruth and Tony's amateur sleuthing teases out a much deeper conviction, perfectly stated by its main character.
It conceives schooling as an institution more like a church, a profession, or a branch of the military, where one can choose to join or leave, but the choices reflect deeper convictions rather than mere consumer preferences.
Such boldness is often tempered by exacting line work and an attention to surface and texture that reveals deeper convictions about the conceptual processes of painting.
Key to Nvidia's ability to endure years of market doubt, Lebaredian adds, is Huang — a leader with deep conviction in the potential of graphics technology and an ability to think in 10 - year time horizons.
This practice reforms us through «a set of deep convictions about what time is for.»
New Mexico is certainly a state with deep conviction about this, and that ability to stay the course over time is now paying off for our teachers and students.
But we acted out of a deep conviction that it would be better for Uber, its employees, and investors to have a fresh start.
And, I hope too, the ability to have a sense of humor about our deepest convictions!
I felt a deep conviction to care for the environment — yet I knew no one at church who shared my views.
In the Middle Ages, the motivations for the Crusades were undoubtedly mixed, but without the deep conviction of conscientious Christians that they should rescue the Holy Land from the infidel, they would not have occurred.
But what social conservatives «have» is a vision of the good and a deep conviction that it would be good for everyone and therefore ought to be made as widely available as possible.
Paul wrote: «Our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction» (1 Thess 1:5).
It has recognized the opposition between its deeper convictions and the anthropocentric formulations that have done such damage.
«I saw a meticulous respect for the contrary views of others in his scholarly writing, and yet I have long admired the genuine strength of Judge Gorsuch's deep convictions, which he holds without a hint of being an ideologue.»
But I also care deeply about preserving a pluralistic social order, where individuals and groups have the opportunity to live out their deepest convictions — however disagreeable to people like me — within a framework of a shared commitment to the common good.
As a Christian, it is my deepest conviction that in Jesus Christ, God comes to call every one he has made.
The foundation of racial justice is a deep conviction of the unity of humanity and respect for the worth of every person.
I can not forsake or even modify my deepest convictions about the one I call Lord and Christ, but I can respect and treasure the tradition in which my Lord was born and from which he and the entire Christian movement have sprung.
The message is unqualifiedly opposed to the use of violence in order to achieve good, but also a deeply disturbing reminder that violence is made almost inevitable when the legal and political system is unresponsive to the deepest convictions of millions of Americans.
Both the predella and the triptych give visual expression to Luther's deep conviction that God, who is hidden and invisible, accommodates God's self to our finite and fallen nature by revealing God's disposition toward us through material things: in the incarnation, in the sacrament and in the Good News of scripture received, above all, through hearing (a material reality, but not visual, to be sure).
An epistemology of the cross shares with feminist epistemologies a deep conviction that we are accountable «non-innocents.»
This is my deepest conviction.
It is clear that you have a deep conviction of the supernatural and frankly there is no debate or answers that could sway you.
Can we affirm that truth with deep conviction and power and at the same time remain aware that we always see through a glass darkly, we never see face to face?
Even though I feel a deep conviction...
In a similar vein, and against the dogma that ours is a secular government in a secular society, Clinton urged politicians not to bifurcate their deepest convictions from their public responsibilities.
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