Sentences with phrase «one's default state»

We can't give up on it yet just because it's hard and a shift away from the easy default state of grabbing food on the go.
The recovery menu provides options to help recover your device — for example, you can reset your device to its factory default state from here.
If you've just purchased a new computer — or reset your old computer back to its factory default state — you'll often find it packed full of useless software.
The changes were noticeable at speed, faster than most passengers would put up with, so it will prove useful for only a few Q5 owners, probably lying fallow and in default state after the new wears off, along with the steering - wheel - mounted shift paddles.
Operating Agreements of Single Member LLCs are used to define the structure of your business, to show the financial separation between you and your business, to illustrate to investors how your business operates, and to protect your business from default state laws.
«With this new biomarker, we are measuring the brain's default state for processing sound and how that has changed as a result of a head injury,» Kraus said.
In terms of muscle growth your body's natural default state is actually one of laziness.
Five years after the initial default state and resulting garnishment of benefits, more than one - third of the borrowers were still in default, and for some the principal balance had actually increased.
Currently on view at Raid Projects in Los Angeles is the group exhibition Default State Network.
You can create restore CDs to easily restore your computer back to its factory default state if its software ever becomes damaged, and stores like Best Buy may charge you to do this for you on new PCs.
Windows computers generally come with recovery partitions that allow you to reset your computer back to its factory default state without juggling discs.
When you «reset» your PC to its factory default state using Windows 10's integrated reset feature, it'll give you a fresh version of your current build of Windows 10 rather than downgrading you to the original version of Windows 10 your computer came with.
(Part of The Complete Jacques Tati) Distributor: The Criterion Collection Release Date: October 28, 2014 MSRP: $ 124.95 Order at Amazon Film: B + / Video: A / Audio: A / Extras: C - Traffic is a car's default state of life, or so Jacques Tati's Playtime fol...
Borrowing its title from the network of regions in the brain that become active when «an individual is not focused on the outside world but rather in a wakeful - resting state such as daydreaming, speculating, or contemplating the past», Default State Network playfully explores creative production through a variety of media, methods and systems.
I had a number of requests for tutorial Nook Touch describing how to restore a rooted nook Touch to its factory default state.
They act as if name - calling is an acceptable substitute for thoughtful debate, as if anger and intolerance should be our default state rather than the optimism and openness that have always been the engine of our progress... And here in America, we don't give in to our fears.
Adam and Eve's story turned everything on its head for us, and shows us that the ability to rebel from our Creator turned into our default state as humans.
I am tired of the talk of «sexual addiction» being the default state of humanity according to the church.
Seems like believers not living according to Christ would find corruption their default state that wouldn't need the prayers of the church.
I'm never in any rush to «clean» and get things back to how they «should» be in their default state.
According to Scott Kaufman, «The default state is to act on impulse.
In the review, the authors propose that thoughts flow freely when the mind is in its default state — mind - wandering.
Jonathan Schooler, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia, says that Mason's study illustrates that daydreaming is really the default state of the brain.
We choose this comparative approach because in contrast to yeast, where the active, assembled holoenzyme in the vacuolar membrane is the default state, the insect plasma membrane V - ATPase is normally inactive and is activated by hormone - induced reassembly.
The general structure of Brainbow - 1.0 is retained in Brainbow - 3.0, but with mOrange2, EGFP and mKate2 as the fluorophores; mOrange2 is the default state.
This default state was disproportionately expressed by a majority of neurons, limiting the number of distinct colors that could be observed in a given area.
Our default state is supposed be the fasted state.
Ketosis is a metabolic state that gets the body to go from burning carbohydrates for fuel — the body's» default state — to burning fat.
It may come as a surprise to some, especially those with conventional medical training, but the default state of the body is one of ceaseless regeneration.
You can safely use this rack in its default state, unlike with sumo base power racks (e.g. T - 3, X-2), which should be bolted for safe use.
The film's default state is an ambient inertia that gestures vaguely in multiple directions without concerning itself with the hard work of constructing an argument, a convincing milieu, or even a compelling mood.
When you summon memories of this film, they are almost always of two men in a room, in a default state of discontent.
Kohn concluded that research fails to demonstrate homework's effectiveness as an instructional tool and recommended changing the «default state» from an expectation that homework will be assigned to an expectation that homework will not be assigned.
Istance's new study shows how to take schools, classrooms, teachers, and students out of their default state of seclusion and into the expanding network of global and diverse learning systems.
A new OECD report, Schooling Redesigned: Towards Innovative Learning Systems, shows how to take schools, classroom, teachers, and students out of their default state of seclusion and into the expanding network of global and diverse learning systems.
A survey disseminated to teachers, principals, and district administrators, overwhelmingly favored the Marzano Causal Model as the default state model.
Also I would like to have a «reset» interaction button so that I could reset the Drag and Drop interaction to its default state and start over again.
Rhode Island has established a default state model, but districts may also propose alternative plans that must be approved by the state education agency (McGuinn, 2012).
In its default state, Sync can be a bit chatty, reminding me with in its robotic tones that I could use Sync voice commands at the beginning of every single trip, but the advantages far outweigh the minor annoyances in this case.
That makes the Mazda2 easier to drive in its default state, and power delivery improves by selecting the Sports mode from the toggle just to the south of the transmission lever.
Hit «Build number» 7 times To restore the default state (Developer options hiding): 1.
If you want to update or to restore your tablet to its default state, then you can use the factory image files and install a clean new Android 5.1.1 OS build.
Additionally, this update tutorial can help you restore your device back to its default state, meaning that you can apply the steps explained below if you want to revoke root access, relock the bootloader, reinstall the stock recovery image or get rid of a particular custom ROM software.
But in its default state, the NOOK Color is hobbled; great e-reader, but very limited apps.
Also, the bootloader will be relocked and the factory restrictions will be reinstalled, so you will bring your phone to its initial, or default state.
While chronic fatigue is often a big warning sign of burnout, this is kind of the default state of mothers for the first few years of their children's lives.
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