Sentences with phrase «one's desire for change»

The 84 % turnout reflected French voter's strong desire for change.
Up the build rate of alternatives — and get the public to accept that their expressed desire for change requires certain sacrifices.
She added that the 2016 election generated a deep desire for change.
These skills are exceptionally helpful for those who find themselves struggling and unhappy with their lives, despite their sincere desire for change.
Almost one - third of survey respondents citing «a personal desire for change» as the main reason for recently switching jobs.
But, it'll happen organically, not because of a passionate desire for change.
Something happens in my office when I sit with another person whose presence is motivated by a sincere desire for change.
Student initiatives such as Engineers Without Borders, Environmental Chemists and Net Impact not only provide students with experience - based learning, but also demonstrate their overwhelming desire for a change in curriculum.
A shared desire for change doesn't always signal shared political sentiments and positions within and across generations of artists.
During this campaign most fans have had enough of the disastrous turmoil the club finds itself in, with much desire for change and as a result of this it is only natural we would see a fall in attendance.
«The referendum result demonstrated a clear desire for change - strong leadership is needed urgently to begin the work of withdrawing from the European Union.
To be sure, Marxist - Leninists are there to exploit a valid desire for change, and since the Marxist - Leninists are ruthless and well organized, we who care about freedom as well as justice must not be blind to their totalitarian goals.
Everyone, even people who opposed him, understand that the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader was a signal of a deep desire for change among Labour members and supporters.
Anti-austerity and leadership dominated the 2017 campaign, with Labour's manifesto tapping into a widely felt desire for change, promising more spending on public services, the NHS, and education.
The Conservative Party faced a shambolic government, an unpopular Prime Minister, a recession, a huge budget deficit and an overwhelming national desire for change.
Through simple changes and real desire for change, Perry Beeches has achieved the seemingly impossible; radically transforming behaviour and academic achievement without any extra funding
Once identified, your reader's desire for change helps you prepare your book's table of contents by helping you create a table of contents with the steps and tasks, (or, sections and chapters), you need to include in your book.
Bilbao was ripe for regeneration — there was already an energy bubbling beneath the surface of the city and an active desire for change.
The Viennese creative scene is steadily growing, however, because there is not that much need and often little desire for change in the city, some creatives leave as they feel they can not use their skills as they would like to.
Not until the 1940s, when Liberals gained control of the arts establishment - aided significantly by the post-war desire for change -LRB-!)
We're glad that Collactive has joined these groups, though, as we could sure use a «killer app» to leverage the growing desire for a change of course on global warming.
Target audience analysis: Aims to identify apathetic voters, floating voters, desire for change within a population, the best medium for transmitting campaign messages, and whether a positive campaign will be most effective or a negative one.
The columns showcase what area the individual desires for the change to take place: internally (the self), materialistically (objects) or externally (social world).
Sebastian's artistic take is that the things we throw away reflect the innate human desire for change, what he calls «a constantly repeating pattern to satisfy our needs».
«With the level of our preparation and the people's desire for change in the council's administration, we will come out victorious,» he said.
Whether we realize it or not, every generation has had a prophet, and when they ascend into heaven and return, they bring back clues, strong desires for change, and unshakable faith.
Raeanne's own health journey began out of a personal frustration and deep desire for change.
You should be advised that honesty, providing all necessary information, cooperation, keeping appointments on time, and a sincere desire for change and improvement are all imperative to increase your chances of a successful outcome.
The people who come here to learn, teach and discover share a desire for change - whether that means changing direction, changing traditional thinking or changing the world.
Combining her desire for change across the globe and passion for financial management, Jennifer serves as the CEO and Co-Founder of Align.
For though some might want to say that a Christian should really be something else or should adopt different doctrines, they can hardly deny» indeed their desire for change requires them to assert» that the traditional doctrines are what defines a Christian.
I believe just as much as we should never feel compelled to change ourselves to fit some standard of society, we should also not be stereotyped for a desire for change either.
The question of pedagogical styles to encourage and train the imagination requires attention both because of emergent practices and because of the desire for change and transformation.
Telling seekers that they are right with God without the evidence of conviction of sin (the work of the Holy Spirit) that results in the desire for a changed heart, life, lifestyle, mind and character, is like picking green fruit, and after a bite or two wondering why it doesn't taste like it should.
«Once we heard that there was a desire for change to help herald a new era for club, it became of primary importance that the new crest clearly reflected who we are.»
There were many cheers and rounds of applause as the feeling of hope and desire for change was tangible in the room, which made up for the lack of feeling I had in my legs from the precarious way I was kneeling / squatting / sitting.
Just remember to be patient with the desire for change.
The Citizens Assembly has again proven that there is a strong desire for change and that there is a... Read More
We hope you will join us with an open mind and a desire for change and growth.
As the current protest has grown, it has rekindled a desire for change amongst lower - working class citizens, as their daily struggle has finally returned to centre - stage of political debate.
«By electing a Democratic majority for the third time in four years, New Yorkers made clear their desire for change in Albany.
He was reacting to assertions by a former Volta Regional Minister under the Kufuor administration, Kofi Dzamesi, that the fact that some chiefs and youth in Peki, Kpando and Hohoe have pledged their support for the NPP's Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo - Addo proves their strong desire for change.
Giambra remains convinced that his countywide victories in 1999 and 2003 underscore a desire for change that justified his maverick style.
People were literally drunk with the desire for change.
There was a certain level of awkwardness, though, as both he and the Cuban officials described their desires for changes which Cuomo has no power to make.
A spike in his popularity is fuelled by the public mood and his desire for change, and Sebastian wonders if he's found the man to help him change the face of politics.
Speculation - driven by younger members expressing a desire for change - also continues about the future of Pelosi, 77, and her leadership team of Reps. Steny Hoyer, D - Md., 78, and James Clyburn, D-S.C.
A Martin victory would signal the depth of the nation's desire for change, but a new president - elect with soaring popularity may not want to subject himself to such an early test on not - entirely - hospitable terrain.
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