Sentences with phrase «one's developmental years»

Babies, being unable to talk during their early developmental years, use crying as a means to communicate.
Don't give those precious developmental years to a touch screen!
If someone misses a pivotal developmental year in their career through injury then that is a crying shame, but they can't get that year back.
A child's developmental years lay the foundation for their performance in school, so parents become that child's first teacher.
I so agree that in the early years, we need to focus on individual programmes in readiness for the more structured developmental years where they are preparing for further study and future work.
Don't give those precious developmental years to a touch screen!
Studies show that choline helps the brain make critical connections and protects against neurotoxins; animal studies suggest that if choline is abundant during developmental years, the individual is protected for life from developmental decline.
«The strongest research points us to other approaches, like expanding voluntary home visiting to support vulnerable families, and improving child care, where many low - income children spend thousands of hours in the earliest, most crucial developmental years of their lives,» writes Katharine Stevens, a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, in a Hechinger Report Op - Ed.
«During these critical developmental years, new daily experiences can cause baby to construct new things to worry about, to be aware of, to think about and to be afraid of.»
It's time to disband Washington DC public schools before the system can destroy yet another generation while adults launch more «reforms» we'll again soon find squandered developmental years children will never get back, plus billions more in taxpayers» money that continues to entrench the cronies who subvert the reforms.
Natacha's belief that children need a strong start during their most important developmental years drove her passion to create CEFA Early learning Schools for children ages 1 - 5.
Toys play an important role in a child's life, especially during the crucial first few developmental years.
No generation before this one has spent more developmental years slaying monsters in virtual worlds.
«It's the greatest changes in their lives, the most exacerbating developmental years, with puberty,» said Wiltz.
Their green - above - all approach makes lots of sense for children's furniture, from both a planetary and human health perspective: youngsters spend tons of time in their cribs, on a changing table, and surrounded by stuff in their nurseries; exposure to VOCs and other harmful pollutants that are off - gassing from their surroundings can lead to both short and long - term health problems, especially if they're living with poor indoor air quality during their busiest developmental years.
Trauma during the critical early developmental years hinders development.
The report, «Children and Weight: A Changing Perspective,» notes, for example, that stringent dieting during developmental years can retard an individual's growth, development, and reproductive capacity.
«The task of formulating the different elements of a compensatory package will often be complex and difficult, and practitioners would be wise to consult a financial adviser in all but the simplest of claims, especially during the early and developmental years of this reform.»
CEI is particularly concerned about the impact of drug and poverty - related trauma on children and their brains during their early developmental years.
Some experts believe this marriage - divorce patchwork may interfere during a child's critical developmental years, which can lead to a delay in their social maturation.
We are adult third culture «kids» who have spent all of our developmental years abroad... and then returned to our HOME country, where we must endure the commonplace ignorance and poorly educated adults who lack any interest in foreign policy and base all their opinions on what only goes on in their own backyard... Please give your head a good shake and crack open a book every little now and then!
You think and behave in ways that were likely established during your developmental years.
The prophetic voice in the music of Steve Taylor provided me with a foundation during the developmental years of my education.
(She is now a normal well - adjusted college student with no lasting ill - effects from so much time spent in Menard's during her developmental years — although she has an amazing knowledge of home improvement terms!)
2018 will be a developmental year, we've agreed on that — I believe we'll regress because our turnover differential was astronomical for last year.
You can enjoy informative interviews from youth sports safety guru, Dr. Mike; access resources, getting everything you need to know to help guide your child through their developmental years; and the great thing is whether you're a Parent, Coach, or Athlete, you can engage in real - time conversations with others who have the same passions and interests as you... NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE!
Lack of touch in children can cause severe stress not only throughout the child's developmental years, but also into adulthood.
DayOne Baby provides the support, information, and connection to other parents that can help you with your baby during their developmental years.
During the developmental years, it's important that all children get regular exercise to regulate their bodies.
«Because eczema often starts in early childhood, people are affected all through their developmental years and adolescence.
• Controls the growth process when we are in our developmental years • Controls how our body uses the food that we eat, which is why it is easier to lose weight and gain muscle in our teenage years than later in life • Maintains our youthful energy levels • Encourages cellular growth and regeneration
A lot of people think about getting healthier when they are an adult, but what about including pomegranate for children as they're growing up and going through their developmental years?
I think this was a developmental year for the gameplay, the extensions from the original game made for a deeper experience but the modes really lacked the depth that would normally keep you coming back for more in a tennis title.
Bruno Dumont Bruno Dumont, who was in the main comp last year with cannibal slapstick comedy Slack Bay, returns with an electro - pop musical on Joan of Arc set during the young girl's developmental years, as based in part on a work by Charles Peguy.
I have come to terms with the fact that video games had an integral part in my developmental years.
And save the «spoiling» until after his emotionally and developmental years are past... which is usually around three years of age.
Like many large breeds, they are prone to hip dysplasia, so it's important to watch their weight during their developmental years and avoid obesity to minimize joint stress.
«In doing this, they are ignoring inflation, the great expense of funding a child's developmental years, estate settling and funeral expenses,» Flis says.
Loeber's theory was field - tested beginning in 1986 with a longitudinal investigation in Pittsburgh, involving repeated contacts with the same male juveniles and their primary caretakers over a substantial portion of their developmental years (Huizinga, Loeber, & Thomberry, 1993).
An aversion to physical intimacy usually begins with observing negative relationships, and / or being in one during your developmental years.
«I believe that the root to most psychological issues lies in the early developmental years and psychotherapy works particularly well in this area.
Since then Leah has been focusing her time on working with children and teens to help them better manage many of the challenges they face in their developmental years.
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