Sentences with phrase «one's dilemma»

They are faced with the moral dilemma of whether to call the police and turn in the cash or dispose of the body and keep the money for themselves.
You should try to find out the most common type of dilemma for employees in the job you are seeking and formulate an intelligent response.
I can think of two solutions to the major moral dilemma facing autonomous cars.
A solution to the ethical dilemma of using human embryonic stem cells to treat human diseases could be staring us in the face.
I would love to help take the pain out of this everyday dilemma by offering the following personal styling services.
If you are in dilemma as for which website to ponder upon, check out this piece of content and decide yourself.
The beds were comfortable that put me in dilemma on what to do first, lie down in bed to have some nap or enjoy the pool already.
I have the same dilemma with finding comfy and polished clothes to wear during the summer months!
I was faced with a bit of an ethical dilemma when I gave the article a final review before pushing the «Send» button.
So here's a little push from me if your having the same dilemma about cloth diapering your newborn.
As a result, your time dilemma is moot.
This is no mere philosophical problem; this is a real dilemma facing business people every day.
Now, how to do that and cut out fossil fuel use simultaneously is the present dilemma.
A common dilemma for many divorcing couples is how to handle the house.
It's not just a dating dilemma for daters over 40 and 50.
Here is an ethical dilemma at the heart of the profession.
My biggest dilemma of late has been getting them both out of the car (with their bags) and into daycare.
The strongest argument in favor of abortion is the very real dilemma which some pregnant mothers must face.
The author presents it a mutually exclusive false dilemma when anyone with half a brain knows they are not.
They have very good feedback as 4 and 8 year olds do on everything I try on and it made this dressing room dilemma extra fun.
It's been a design dilemma for a long time!
Car insurance quotes through online reviews can help to resolve such dilemma and help you to find covers that combine reasonable pricing with comprehensive features that allow you to drive worry free.
A similar dilemma faces those attorneys seeking to organize document reviewers.
Moreover, there is a major moral dilemma here.
Moreover, it encourages lifelong learning and enhances higher qualification, notwithstanding dilemma from physical to geological.
A terrible dilemma over the fate of a pregnant young mother throws a harsh light on the cost of the abortion debate.
Are you facing a decorating dilemma because of windows that are a challenge to cover and you haven't a clue to how to get started?
As soon as he hears you turn the tap on your little one will wake up thus taking your parenting dilemma out of your hands.
This puts me into dilemma whether I should go for partial redemption of units across all of the funds or just some of them.
The roots of our current dilemma lie in the enormous growth of the human enterprise over the last century.
Finally, this clients angled ceiling created a very difficult decorating dilemma on their mantel.
It's a classic dilemma where visible benefits are concentrated, while hidden costs are borne by millions.
Our current dilemma about what to do with these children provides an important opportunity for the country to engage in a broader conversation about children's rights.
They work together to help you and your sibling identity the legal dilemma as well as the emotions that are holding the conflict in place.
A common financial dilemma is how to get out of debt the fastest, cheapest way possible.
Since the pizza consumption is coming down drastically, that leaves us with a new dilemma in and of itself.
The issue of climate change is a significant political, economic and environmental dilemma confronting our nation and the international community.
My only dilemma with granola is that I find a majority of the store bought brands to be far too sweet for my taste.
One of the many great suggestions I received solved this age - old dilemma with a jar of quarters.
So rather than using a social dilemma game, the research team used a bargaining negotiation model.
The other dilemma with that is it is probably going to be freezing.
Your experience of needing to clean up after a four - legged family member reminded me of my own dilemma with my family's cat.
Still, this is not a complex dilemma if approached correctly.
Here I sit, ready to write my first ever «proper» game review and I face a bit of personal dilemma.

Phrases with «one's dilemma»

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