Sentences with phrase «one's direction of travel»

It also gives the leadership a chance to appreciate the importance of understanding exactly how our key supporters and activists feel on the general direction of travel of the party.
Rear Facing is proven to be the safest direction of travel in the event of a head on collision.
He remains very popular with the party membership, which is now decisive in any leadership contest and seems content with the current direction of travel.
From this information it is possible to calculate the actual direction of travel.
Just about all the driver needs to do is turn the steering wheel in the desired direction of travel.
Most experts think this is the right direction of travel.
Enhanced professional development for teacher educators is also a necessary direction of travel.
When a person who is walking / running is struck by the front of a vehicle, they maintain some of their momentum and therefore continue in their original direction of travel.
Its ergonomic design means sufficient leg room is provided even as your child grows, meaning they'll be happy to remain rear facing for longer, the optimal direction of travel.
And each body segment has its own direction of travel.
This funding promise sets a clear political direction of travel - making a priority of more free schools and paving the way for a new generation of grammar schools.
However, the maps are strictly 2D, with the normal direction of travel and North - facing options.
They do this by learning to control the speed and direction of travel of their train.
Rear Facing is proven to be the safest direction of travel in the event of front impact crash.
We hope this Annual Report will both demonstrate the need for system - wide change around teachers» professional development and put forward a clear direction of travel for government, schools, the Teacher Development Trust and all organisations working to improve the support and opportunities we offer our teachers and school leaders.
The LED turn signal lights are sequential: meaning they illuminate in order from the inside to the outside, conveying the change in direction of travel.
The task starts with identifying larger and smaller numbers (number line prompt) Question 2 directs thinking about direction of travel along a number line Question 3 begins thinking about multiplication / balancing number equations Questions 4 and 5 are from UKMT Maths Challenge past papers and should consolidate thinking and uses the key word difference in Q5.
The Queensland Coastal Pass includes unlimited stopover in a single direction of travel over a one or two month period, which starts on the day the pass is validated (first day of actual travel).
Using this information, PSM is able to calculate the actual direction of travel at any given moment and initiates strategic braking of individual wheels to prevent you from deviating from your intended line.
To turn, a helicopter tilts itself in the intended direction of travel.
The government's direction of travel towards a fully academised system means we are likely to see more MATs in the future.
Joining the collaborative effort to scale up the sustainable alternative fuels market will help to present a clear direction of travel for policy makers to engage with and ratchet up ambition, with the backing of key industry players.
His suggestion that Momentum be included, even informally, in the future direction of travel for Labour perhaps hints at the desperate need for a peace - and a plan - to be struck, because Blunkett's attitude towards them is otherwise deeply critical.
For the overall cost implication there are plenty of alternative devices out there, from Ultrabooks such as the Lenovo Yoga 11S, less powerful yet cheaper tablet alternatives such as Samsung ATIV, or that opposite direction of travel from something like the MacBook Air.
Glory had done her job... providing a correct direction of travel, targeting evidence and solving the case.
Mileage Plan awards allow backtracking but do not allow the mixing of partners on a single direction of travel.
The law also requires, if multiple lanes are available in the same direction of travel, that drivers move over to vacate the lane next to the emergency vehicle if it is safe to do so.
For example, an automobile may act as a Turing machine as it determines a new direction of travel from the angle of the steering wheel and its current direction.
The major sponsors can certainly influence FIFA's onward direction of travel but that brings us back to filthy lucre again doesn't it?
However, although the Liberal Democrats might argue with the SNP, Labour and the Greens about the details of how this should be done, their proposed direction of travel is again shared with others.
Labour's direction of travel needs to be reversed which means uniting around the candidate most acceptable to the soft left, who will move Labour back into the realms of electability.
Businesses tell us of their frustration at the continued uncertainty around the economic direction of travel; some have postponed expansion plans, others are making contingencies to relocate staff overseas.
He hasn't reached conclusions on many of these issues but he makes it clear that his preferred direction of travel is towards a more demanding, more conditional and a more time - limited welfare system — especially for the young and physically able.
Since then, the only direction of travel permissible for Labour's public statements has been to the left.
The team's experimental results suggest that the surface electrons plunge into the crystal only when traveling at a certain speed and direction of travel called the Weyl momentum, said Yazdani.
After using its thrusters to point its engines retrograde in the boosters direction of travel, the stages four aluminum grid fins deployed.
If the NUT can not get more than 25 % of its own members to vote it clearly has a problem getting its message over, or most of its members think this is a wrong direction of travel.
For a given direction of travel, current flow through the motor armatures during braking will be opposite to that during motoring.
WOW Air is charging between $ 40 and $ 100 per direction of travel, which is crazy.
This «point» of rock or headland interrupts the swells direction of travel and forces it to break into a bay.
Provinces, states, cities, business, investors, and culture - shaping institutions look for political institutions like the G20 to affirm the global direction of travel, which is mainstreaming climate action and the low - carbon transition,» said Maeve McLynn, finance and subsidies policy coordinator at Climate Action Network Europe.
We may hear more of the Ministry of Justice's projected direction of travel at a conference under the auspices of the Civil Justice Council next week.
In this session, we will consider the likely overall direction of travel of key criminal enforcement agencies, looking at future developments from prosecutors, like the Serious Fraud Office and the US Department of Justice, and their Asian and European equivalents, and the latest policy, case law and sentencing issues affecting the business crime arena, as well as the prospects for private practitioners.
Businesses should be looking not just to what is currently on the statute books, but should be trying to identify with their policy and legal advisers where the potential direction of travel of any new rules might lie.
The Chairman of the Bar, Andrew Langdon QC said: «Today's speech from the Prime Minister has provided some much needed clarity on the Government's direction of travel over Brexit.
Its balance is neutral to understeer in any given corner and with 4Matic all - wheel drive, even the E 400 doesn't have quite enough grunt to break traction in the dry, so making haste is little more than a process of pointing the direct, firmly - weighted steering in your intended direction of travel and ensuring you're at vaguely the right speed to negotiate a turn.
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