Sentences with phrase «one's discipleship»

The poet Narayana Vamana Tilak was baptised and worked from within the organized Mission for a time, but in the end «visualized an Indian pattern of discipleship of Christ and a church of Christ transcending the community of the baptised.
But far more serious is our mandate to live charitably, joyfully, and boldly in discipleship of Jesus Christ.
So faithful disciples canvass the world near and far for those who do not yet enjoy the sustenance and liberation of Christian discipleship in order to invite them to it.
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Attention to congregations whose practice of worship is the practice of shaping persons» identities for discipleship in the shared public arena could not be parochially limited to what de facto goes on within congregations.
That is why get a guarantee of an A + grade for your coursework on discipleship with the help of our site.
Bonhoeffer opens his remarkable The Cost of Discipleship with an understanding of «cheap» versus «costly» grace.
And the Reformers pressed for a view of Christian discipleship as typically rooted in the catechetical nurture of the baptized community, rather than in radical conversions.
He has also written about discipleship for Leadership Journal.
If you check with the local Christian bookstore, you will find that the most common way to disciple someone is to take them through some sort of discipleship manual.
Jesus» radical discipleship sayings in Luke 9:57 - 62 reflect this tradition.
I had thought that the human state of falleness was a state that somehow through discipleship with Jesus would somehow in the long run work its way out and then the gate to the tree would be open.
But, 12 years ago, it just so happened that in one of those books, The Master Plan of Evangelism, my wife and I discovered what was missing from our own discipleship model — «Jesus was with them.»
The Union Rescue Mission and Christian Life discipleship Program is a drug rehab program and alcohol treatment center providing both long - term and short - term residential alcohol treatment and drug treatment in Los Angeles.
Frank Viola is the author of numerous books and heads up an online discipleship group called «The Deeper Christian Life.»
I really believe that's where the best and truest discipleship takes place.
Without this seriousness of intent, without this willingness to struggle with the question of what discipleship means, we can not hope to discover what our faith means to our way of life — which means we can not hope to be faithful.
Now, if we take Jesus seriously as a model for the Christian life, it means that not only will compassion be the primary ethical virtue, but also a passion for justice will be part of what discipleship means, of what taking Jesus seriously means.
No one goes sadly, reluctantly into discipleship with Jesus.
The Cost of Discipleship If you just read the passage in its context.
Justin D. Barnard is associate professor of philosophy and director of the Carl F.H. Henry Institute for Intellectual Discipleship at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee.
His call to costly discipleship does not come to people who are playing bridge or drinking beer in a tavern or potting flowers or are otherwise pleasantly engaged.
Since it sounds somewhat like the theology project I am working on, I was excited to read the volume on Discipleship by Jonathan Lunde.
This simplification in my own discipleship process was freeing and led me to write Guardrails: Six Principles for a Multiplying Church.
Go here to learn more and choose which Discipleship level is right for you.
This summer, Life Resources will be offering standalone discipleship classes on various subject matters.
In a disarmingly frank part of our interview Jeff Vines admitted: «The reality is, we megachurches don't do discipleship well.
During the July gathering at DePaul University in Chicago, Hauerwas spoke of the project as «an attempt to overcome loneliness» — the loneliness, that is, of pastors and academics whose vision of the Christian life — in which discipleship means opposing the war - making powers of the state — puts them at odds with parishioners and colleagues.
We should not try to leave aside even one area of life from discipleship, because that would weaken us completely.
Claims made for the path of rigorous discipleship do not always carefully distinguish ego needs from the Word of God, Those who take this path are often predisposed to it by a preference for self - denial or asceticism, and this preference can be just as self - centered as gluttony.
Seminar aimed at discipleship training and relationship health.
And then the sacredness of an ordinary life after an exhausting evangelical hero complex, my experiences as a mother, the ways I've fallen back in love with the Church while still wrestling with what that means and how to live it out, theology, social justice, my own discipleship journey, politics, and, well, pretty much everything else that you are not supposed to discuss in polite company.
For instance, we asked pastors what the most significant discipleship tool in their church was, and a large majority basically said that it was any time they were in the pulpit teaching.
Mentoring is more than a casual conversation in passing, a place to vent frustration or a space devoted to flipping through the chapters of the most recent discipleship book.
Faithful discipleship requires of us, Evangelicals and Catholics, that we «do good to all men, especially those who are of the household of faith» (Galatians 6:10).
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We would look briefly at the various apostles, and also discuss why Jesus chose these twelve, and what we can learn about discipleship today.
I have a new online discipleship course that goes along with my new book.
But when we say, «Our first task to to convert people, and after that, the process of discipleship begins,» we neglect a vital and critical element of the evangelistic process.
They are founders and directors of Family Discipleship Ministries and co-founders and board members of CHRISTIAN HERITAGE Home Educators of Washington.
Such approval is apt to increase the difficulty of authentic discipleship, and elsewhere Jesus gives the warning, «Woe to you, when all men speak well of you» (Luke 6:26).
We need more men like my youth worker volunteer, who had me read Dietrich Bonhoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship when I was a student.
But just war as Christian discipleship involves a thicker account of intent, revolving around issues of character.
If Bonhoeffer's Cost of Discipleship spoke to us clearly during the years of struggle, so his understanding of «Christ in a world come of age» (cryptically yet forcefully expressed in the prison letters) provides us with some clues for what it means to be faithful in our confession within a secular state.
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