Sentences with phrase «one's diverse perspectives»

He emphasized the importance of diverse perspectives in leadership.
The forum had six speakers with diverse perspectives on how to design early childhood programs.
The national charter movement grew because people from diverse perspectives agreed on the need for a new form of public school free of bureaucratic and union constraints.
The panel, representing a wide variety of career and educational backgrounds, provided the audience with diverse perspectives on interviewing for jobs in science and technology.
The panel members bring diverse perspective on the issues, but the common purpose of trying to reach common ground on how to resolve these issues and plug our students into learning.
In addition, recent years have seen the emergence of more diverse perspectives in the creation of verse novels, with many new poets to know.
We know that the biggest challenges in science call for diverse perspectives and original thinking.
The four panelists offered diverse perspectives on the causes of and potential solutions for educational inequality.
These reasonable voices, representing diverse perspectives, deserve to be heard.
It is never too early to be a scientist; and the more diverse perspectives there are, the more innovative our research will be.
Whether our students take the full diploma or concentrate in our certificate or elective programs, they are educated to understand diverse perspectives necessary for success in today's interconnected world.
It will take thoughtful educators and leaders in the space to bring together diverse perspectives and approaches for true innovation to occur.
The concept of justice has been articulated through diverse perspectives.
• Strong interpersonal skills with willingness to work collaboratively by incorporating diverse perspectives and appropriately managing relationships in order to strengthen decision - making.
This lesson plan and classroom resources ask students to analyze reporting that presents diverse perspectives on the impact of global demand for land.
The group includes diverse perspectives, including some that have been described as «friendly» to some of the president's policies.
What authority do they have, and do they represent and share diverse perspectives?
Three jurors, reflecting diverse perspectives and considerable expertise, reviewed the 18 applications received.
With decades of investment experience and diverse perspectives across the globe, our equity team members bring an unparalleled depth and breadth of expertise to the management of client strategies.
How can we welcome diverse perspectives and hard conversations?
When a task can be approached in a variety of ways and utilize diverse perspectives and ideas, there are far more ways for students to engage.
We embrace diverse perspectives and value unique human experiences.
The series invites local and international scholars, art practitioners, and creative professionals to deliver guest lectures in the field of contemporary arts from a culturally diverse perspective.
In working to effect change, we need to engage people in a way that draws forth diverse perspectives.
It can create an organization that suffers from lack of diverse perspectives limiting problem solving and creativity.
The personal implication is a richer life that attracts diverse perspectives and meaningfully impacts many thousands.
There's just something about the way it changes the landscape in the midst of landscape that I could look at for hours... parallel and diverse perspectives all in the same frame.
Going forward, we are likely to see diverse perspectives on what emotion is and how to study it.
We want diverse perspectives and skill sets in each studio.
We need diverse perspectives to strengthen community support for education.
When we acknowledge diverse perspectives and backgrounds, we create an environment for healthy self expression and creativity.
Even amid these otherwise diverse perspectives, there are corresponding themes.
There were a lot of quite diverse perspectives and many discussions about the what's, why's and how's of climate science communication.
On the flip side, there is unique kind of genius that emerges when a team of people with really diverse perspectives are committed to solving a difficult problem together.
Again, this is because diverse perspectives can help teams get beyond the hype surrounding blockchain experiments.
This panel discussion looks at new directions in writing about socially engaged art from diverse perspectives.
Other school staff, such as school psychologists, counselors, school nurses, librarians, and bus drivers, bring diverse perspectives on bullying.
The work featured here brings together diverse perspectives and provides examples of how we can work together to advance assessment education.
We can also expose our children to new experiences by going out of our way to ensure that they are engaged with diverse perspectives in our communities and our daily lives.
There is nothing about having diverse perspectives in a marriage that will make it inherently better — in fact, it may be less likely to succeed in the long run.
We believe that boards that incorporate diverse perspectives can think more critically and oversee corporate managers more effectively.
After all, the more diverse perspectives we incorporate into building future technologies and scientific advancements, the more meaningful and thoughtful experiences we can all enjoy as users.
So instead of depending on a vocal few, they have formal and informal structures to help them uncover and understand diverse perspectives.
Allowing teams opportunities to talk over designs and think collaboratively about visual concepts includes diverse perspectives.
The series will invite local and international scholars, art practitioners, and creative professionals to deliver guest lectures in the field of contemporary arts, from a culturally diverse perspective.
,» which will provide diverse perspectives from panelists with unique insights into the U.S., Mexican and Canadian positions based on prior or present experience working for each of those states.
Respecting diverse perspectives requires self - awareness and self - regulation as foundational competencies
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