Sentences with phrase «one's dog whines»

One dog listened to the sound of its partner whining, a sign of stress, or an unfamiliar dog whining.
Additionally, most dogs whine when greeting people because they're excited, and in an extremely aroused state, they may not have control over their behavior.
Just think of dogs whining at the vet's office, when there are thunder storms or when left along during the day.
The bright lights, odd smells, sounds of dogs whining in the kennels... Read More «3 Training Tips That Will Make Your Vet Love Your Dog»
A common reason dogs whine is to notify their humans of something.
Of course, there are many reasons why dogs whine, and the best way to tackle whining in dogs is recognizing what your dog is trying to communicate through his whining.
If your overweight dog whines and cries for more food, hold firm.
Many dogs whine just to see what it gets them.
Addressing dog whining before you hit the field will ensure longer - lasting hunts and blind sits.
Anxious dog whining seems to be more like a reflex, something totally subconscious.
Rather, make your departures low key to prevent rewarding such behaviors and stop dog whining.
If your new dog whines or cries, don't cuddle or console him / her.
And when wanting to be outside will sit at the door and just look outside and serenade you with the working dog whine.
Let's take a look at just some of the reasons dogs whine.
«Do you notice that every time the dog whines he has to go out to do his business?»
For example, if your other dogs wrestle and your dog whines and tries to get up but is unable to participate, they are likely distressed by the situation.
If the dog whines when left alone, for instance, it would be a mistake to go to the dog every time it whines.
Fear can be another reason dogs whine.
Boredom is the main reason my dog whines.
Does your dog whine?
Some problems and issues I have training young pups are better dealt with later in the process — dog whining is not one of them.
Like all bad behavior, dog whining is like a weed you do not want to take root.
So you missed it at the puppy stage, and now when you sit in the duck boat your dog whines at the prospect of a good hunt.
Some dogs whine out of pain.
If your dog whines when you are eating, don't feed him table scraps when he whines.
This is typical when your dog whines while lying down in a passive posture without trying to get your attention.
My dog whines when hears familiar voices come into my apartment.
A good example is a dog whining at a squirrel going up a tree or at another dog behind a fence.
The owner's role in this case is providing negative or positive attention every time the dog whines.
If your dog whines when you leave the room, make sure you return only when your dog is quiet.
My dog whines at the TV and it drives me completely insane.
If your dog whines most of the time, mark with a clicker or a verbal marker those precious moments of silence or when your dog engages in other more acceptable behaviors.
Your dog whines when he wants to be pet?
Muzzling: Dogs whine and bark when they are lonely and are neglected by the humans they count on to take care of them.
Some dogs whine or bark when they are in pain.
My dog whines when he sees other dog videos on youtube and sleeps in front of my pc even when the pc is turned off.
If your dog whines, ignore it.
If your dog whines at night and it probably will, you should ignore it.
Some dogs whine, others even vomit!
Whining If your dog whines or cries while in the crate at night, it may be difficult to decide whether he's whining to be let out of the crate, or whether he needs to be let outside to eliminate.
Does your dog whine and bark at everything that moves?
If your dog whines, barks during your brief absence, may sure you don't come back or you'll be rewarding those whining / barking behaviors!
Some dogs whine persistently.
During the night, if your dog whines because she needs to go out, you must release her from the crate and take her to the toilet.
Some dogs whine or yelp for no reason and sometimes there is weakness, lack of coordination or lameness, or obsessive licking of the feet.
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