Sentences with phrase «one's domestic dogs»

An extensive number of domestic dog breeds were originally bred to work as farm dogs.
It is very likely that evolution is at work in domestic dogs when it comes to diet.
Domestic dog breeds are more varied in body size and shape — not to mention coat color and fur length — than any other land - based mammal.
Over time and breeding, black became the «default» color for domestic dogs.
Some like disease from domestic dogs or introduced wildlife are similar to lightning, they may initially strike in one place, but the consequences can quickly spread across an entire island.
This is pretty easy to understand with domestic dogs.
Animals in the wild, as well as domestic dogs, protect territory from competitors of their own species, and from predators of other species.
Dog bowl aggression is one of the most common and most destructive negative behaviours exhibited by domestic dogs.
Dogs in the wild get wet naturally, and many domestic dogs don't seem to mind the rain.
This alarming statistic includes domestic dogs and cats, wild animals and birds.
The arthritis pain is very common among domestic dogs but it is not specific to them and can be happened in any breed and gender of the dogs.
This, however, fails to take into account the fact that today's domestic dogs evolved in close association with humans, living on human scraps.
The first detailed genetic comparison of purebred domestic dogs promises to rewrite the textbooks.
Most domestic dogs are more closely related to ancient wolves than modern wolves.
Written into the genome of modern domestic dogs are the genetic footprints of the demographic and selective forces underlying their transition from ancestral gray wolves.
But different kinds of hamsters aren't different breeds of the same animal like domestic dogs are.
We will discuss behavioral, lifestyle and genetic differences between domestic dogs and wolves and how this impacts dog - owner interactions.
It is the end result of a progressively weakened heart muscle and is one of the most serious medical conditions affecting domestic dogs.
Remember that domestic dogs share genetics with wild dogs and wolves that wholly eat their kill, including stomach contents like grass and berries.
Even domestic dogs still possess a pack mentality and unless you demonstrate the necessary leadership skills, one of them will essentially try to become the leader dog.
Because domestic dogs generally are dependent on human care, it is natural for you to assume the dominant role and become pack leader to your dogs.
Domestic dogs rely on their owners to keep them safe, warm and dry.
They easily kill domestic dogs, no matter the size, in one - on - one fights.
The two species have lived together for more than 14,000 years, and in that time domestic dogs have changed themselves in fundamental ways in order to get along better with us.
Remember, there are millions of wonderful domestic dogs and cats in shelters that are waiting to become a life long companion to you.
Play also helps domestic dogs stay fit by burning off calories while keeping muscles, bones and organs in top shape.
Genetic variability and mutations in wolves produced domestic dogs of an amazing variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, dogs that were further refined into breeds created for specific purposes.
Domestic dogs sometimes eat animals they kill, and dead animals they find.
They have been bred since the 19th century and have had a significant impact on the development of domestic dogs worldwide.
These dogs had freedom and space and, in many ways, were more fortunate than the chain restricted domestic dogs.
So in domestic dogs, to our pets, there are very rarely limited resources.
I agree with you that rules are important for domestic dogs.
While the outbreak in 1993 - 1994 was likely due to transmission of a virus from domestic dogs, it is now clear that the routes of virus spread and maintenance are more complex.
These findings were then applied to wild wolves as well as domestic dogs.
Unlike humans, domestic dog breeds have been developed via heavy positive selection for specific traits.
Yes, domestic dogs evolved from wolves, and yes, wolves are hunters.
Indeed, by tracking their vision using similar methods used on humans, research has found that domestic dogs do prefer certain images and videos.
The assumption that wolves and modern domestic dogs have the same digestive system is therefore not so true.
Overall, our findings reveal a history of domestic dogs as intricate as that of the people they lived alongside.
Domestic dogs still have the instinct to form this hierarchy, and dominance is a status many dogs want to achieve.
Domestic dogs rely on grains, fruits, and vegetables, as well as meat, for a complete and balanced diet.
The dogs are further threatened by rabies, parvo and canine distemper viruses, which frequently break out in domestic dog populations in rural areas and spread to wild dogs that encounter them.
The Tibetan Mastiff is an ancient breed and type of domestic dog originating with nomadic cultures of Central Asia.
Most domestic dogs live in a sensory deprived environment, so the promise of fun and excitement outside the home is too much for them to ignore — escaping makes them feel good.
Immunity also tends to last only a year or two, and for domestic dogs there is a real benefit in using vaccination.
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