Sentences with phrase «one's drinking habits»

Researchers gathered information on the diets and green tea drinking habits of a large group of Japanese adults aged 40 to 79 years old.
Let your veterinarian know if your pet is drinking more or less water than normal because a change in drinking habits is often the first signal your pet is ill.
The researchers drew their data from an ongoing Canadian study on nicotine dependence, which also asked questions about drinking habits at age 20 and 24, and measured blood pressure at age 24.
I took care of my binge drinking habit with the help of blue fat freeze system.
If the pet family doesn't mention water consumption, the veterinarian will usually ask about any changes in water drinking habits.
If you're primarily interested in coffee for the sake of fat loss, it may be best to cycle your coffee drinking habits to prevent a buildup of tolerance.
But when the reviewers looked at individual studies, they found that those that began tracking people's drinking habits at age 55 or earlier did not suggest a protective effect.
Children's own sugary beverage drinking habits did not alter the results, the scientists say.
Be aware of your dog's drinking habits as well.
Some dogs are prone to drinking too much, some to drinking too little, and any deviation from their normal drinking habits should be a cause for worry.
The findings also suggest that a student who binge drinks four times a month is 6 percent less likely to find a job upon graduation than a student with different drinking habits.
Certainly we would rather have an analogue unit given this car's frequent drinking habit.
If the truth be known, similarities in drinking habits too, I would seriously suggest.
I fully support your coffee and wine drinking habits.
If you struggle to transition to a more reasonable drinking habit, you might need to seek professional help.
The researchers also considered drinking habits, length of residence in the home, well construction and use of filtering procedures.
So if you drink a lot of fruit juices, or just can't kick the soft drink habit, at least consider protecting your teeth by adding some casein protein to your diet.
I had dramatically changed my eating and drinking habits overnight.
This is not meant to come across as preaching about my mature drinking habits, because, trust me, there are times when these wheels fall off.
Almost all studies show people and animals return to normal eating and drinking habits sooner when given relief from pain.
Recent changes in diet to canned food can change your dog's drinking habits considerably.
Insurance companies need to document your present health condition, family health background, smoking / drinking habit before issuing you a health insurance policy.
Be upfront about past and existing health conditions, and lifestyle - associated factors like drinking habits, smoking, etc..
Parents can't prevent their teenagers from experimenting with alcohol, but they can encourage sensible drinking habits.
It provided the perfect opportunity for me to conduct a small survey last fall on the personal drinking habits of the women in attendance.
The study compared the health and drinking habits of over 600,000 people in 19 countries worldwide and controlled for age, smoking, history of diabetes, level of education and occupation.
Hopefully, the little one mimics the mother dog in her water drinking habits.
A loss of appetite is mostly concerning because it can lead to a change in drinking habits, which might lead to dehydration.
It is important to know your pet's normal eating and drinking habits so you are more likely to detect any dietary abnormalities.
Think of your eating and drinking habits as an adult.
After he loses his wife in a terror raid, Skiles heads home to the U.S. where he lays low and works with local union reps, picking up a healthy drinking habit on the side.
The Home Office was keen to counter claims the initiative represents an overly paternalistic, if not futile, attempt by the government to regulate people's drinking habits during the festive season.
«So much research has compared drinking habits and effects between African Americans and European Americans, but no one is truly investigating the reasons,» Zapolski said.
Wines and beers with lower alcohol content aren't being actively marketed as alternatives to regular strength alcohol products and thus may not be promoting healthier drinking habits in consumers, according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Public Health.
This can be difficult to judge, so if your dog is at risk, or you suspect she might have diabetes, observe her daily drinking habits carefully, but do not limit her intake of water.
The claim that Coles and Woolworths were about to sell Foster's Group beers including Carlton Draught and VB at below cost is another instance of the gradual eating away of famous brands now vulnerable because of changing drinking habits.
While the majority of tea consumed is black tea, 20 to maximize the health benefits of your tea drinking habit you may want to consider adding or switching to green teainstead.
From a broom - wielding Eric Cantona to a cricketer whose drinking habits bankrupted a tour of Australia — discover our favourite five works showing the colourful world of sport.
Samaroo also credits the increased interest in high - quality spirits to a shift in consumer drinking habits.
Make sure you know your cat's eating and drinking habits well, and be observant if there are any changes.
Elad Hershkowitz, a zookeeper at the Zoological Center in Tel Aviv, documented the water - drinking habits lions, giraffes, lemurs, elephants, pelicans and ostriches by stationing a GoPro to the bottom of a water trough.
When they are confronted by criticism or remorse, they point to the fact that they are afflicted by the unfortunate drink habit.
So when recent studies showed the gap between male and female drinking habits is closing, we thought women would finally be included in awesome, hilarious, enticing boozy marketing campaigns.
• The UK Office for National Statistics released last week «Adult drinking habits in Great Britain: 2014,» reporting wine was the most popular drink among those who drank only up to 4.67 units on their heaviest drinking day.
Bill Shrapnel, research co-author and dietitian, said the research highlighted an important trend in how Australian drinking habits change.
Long - term trends in Australians» drinking habits include:
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