Sentences with phrase «one's effect on one's life»

The women and men in the real estate industry have all in some way had a significant, even profound effect on the lives of almost everyone.
Unfortunately sometimes these recommendations can have a negative effect on your life insurance application.
The two researchers believe a prevailing conservative mood in society to have a positive effect on the life satisfaction of conservatives.
We understand that accidents can have devastating effects on the life of victims and their families so we're always here to provide a compassionate and personal litigation service.
They will begin to realize that every one of their actions will either have a positive or a negative effect on the life of their partner.
The volunteers develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.
As for the longer term effect on life satisfaction, «the jury is still out,» he said.
Studies done in the 1930's and 1940's give good indications that IF has positive effects on life expectancy and these studies seem to have been confirmed in more recent studies.
Because minimizing your risk of chronic health conditions like high blood pressure, cancer or diabetes can have a dramatic effect on your life insurance rate.
As the title states, this policy is in effect on your life for a specific term.
The internet has also had a huge effect on life insurance rates.
There are so many «clubs» that people find uncomfortable that have an enormous effect on the lives of it's «members».
Being listed as a smoker on your insurance application can have serious effects on your life insurance policy.
Having a DUI on your criminal record may have adverse effects on your life.
The reason is because these types of lifestyle choices could have a significant effect on your life insurance application.
Children tend to think that social media interactions, especially negative ones, have very real effects on their lives; and to some degree, they are right.
Generally any substance that people introduce into the atmosphere that has damaging effects on living things and the environment is considered air pollution.
It will have a major effect on your life for a decade or more.
The ways governments spend, raise revenue, and manage their assets and liabilities have huge effects on living standards now and in the future.
Whether you are decorating cozy condo or a large beach vacation rental home, ocean - themed decor items have a transformative effect on living spaces.
Sadly, these very often cause permanent damage and catastrophic effects on the life of the victim.
Though invisible, like radio and cell phone waves, electromagnetic energies have a powerful effect on all living things.
The compensation you receive in this type of event can help you get a fresh start without such a drastic effect on your life and finances.
Often, environmental changes have predictable effects on life histories.
Being able to connect with people like that and have that kind of positive effect on their lives is just amazing.
Some injuries may not have a direct financial effect on your life.
The ability to control the lighting in your home can have a big effect on your living space.
The net effect on life expectancy is therefore positive.
Knowing the age of the earth or the universe has very little effect on my life, and I could live a happy life never asking these questions.
These infections have dramatic effects on life quality and expectancy.
We could not save the number of dogs that we do or have such an incredible effect on the lives of animals everywhere if it were not for you.
However, there have been no good double blind studies to definitively document magnetic effects on living tissue.
... We show that the construction of a wind turbine within a radius of 4,000 metres has a significant negative and sizeable effect on life satisfaction.
This alters the light spectrum and will likely cause many, and as of yet unknown, negative effects on all life forms.
Being a solo lawyer can have many different effects on your life, not just professionally, but in your life as a whole.
It's true, while life insurance does wonders for your family, your family might have some not - so - desirable effects on your life insurance rates.
It couldn't have come at a better time and to think that TLC had a calming effect on my life today.
The illness had a pretty devastating effect on my life, both mentally and physically.
Passion about something has a profound effect on your life.
These investigations of early - intervention programs provide clear evidence that early - childhood education, in most cases of the developmentally appropriate kind, had lasting effects on the lives of participating children.
We do extensive testing to make sure our products do what they're supposed to do, and they will have a positive effect on the lives of animals.
You may believe that a misdemeanor arrest or conviction may not be a big deal or that it may not have a significant negative effect on your life.
When one deals with generalized insecurity for a long period of time, however, the doubt and negative feelings experienced may have a significant effect on life.
They have a dramatic effect on the lives of victims and their families.
In our modern - day environments stress, anxiety and poor health are having increasingly damaging effects on our lives.
Good point about beliefs having major effects on our lives.
Whether it's going to the gym or hitting the yoga mat, moving our bodies can have a transformative effect on our lives.
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