Sentences with phrase «one's emotional state»

She is tasked with carrying this whole film much of which finds her in a heightened emotional state of mind.
Looking for hints of emotional states in raw audio is an order of magnitude more difficult than speech recognition: A word has a beginning and an end.
Being on that soft surface can put the cat in the same content emotional state as when he was nursing from the queen.
However, in chronic inflammatory conditions, negative emotional states associated with long - term pain can put affected individuals at a higher risk for psychiatric complications such as depression or substance abuse.
This may involve learning how to influence one's own emotional state before projecting rage or behaving in a way that is toxic to the relationship.
To top it off, she will have that heightened emotional state before even reading the email.
All of these pieces of information can be put together in different combinations and reveal different emotional states of a dog.
Behind the vacation - like atmosphere is a sophisticated design to shift you and your partner to the most conducive emotional state for examining and repairing your relationship.
It is part of a strong positive emotional state in which we can treat others with respect while still setting appropriate limits on how others behave around us.
During the MRI scan, the participants were shown images of faces portraying different emotional states such as anger, joy or fear.
Dogs recognize people and can learn to interpret human emotional states from facial expression alone.
They key to remember is that behaviors can be taught, but are under the control of the dog's emotional state at all times.
By helping the pregnant woman improve her mental and emotional state during pregnancy, we are able to increase the chances that she and her child will experience a healthier relationship.
When you experience emotional states like sadness, joy or anger, physiological sensations occur in different areas of your body.
No association was found between emotional state and vigorous physical activity, but that can still be considered good news, say the authors.
If you want your kids to be happy and to have a healthy emotional state, then you will have to know what they feel.
It took some practice to remember to breath deep when I was caught up in a negative emotional state like anger or sadness.
Be mindful of your own emotional state while working with your dog.
I think it's fantastic if you do, but those essays can actually be kind of damaging to women who are in a fragile emotional state after the birth of their kids.
But they can also be turned on by certain emotional states, such as feeling depressed or lonely, a behavior known as emotional eating.
You might also want to experiment and see if you generally get a better read about someone's emotional state via a voice - only communication medium like the phone.
YOU: And, mustard seed DID cause great pain to someone whose emotional state is rather shaky.
Each new approach captures a particular emotional state or specific moment in time.
As we take stock of our personal emotional state, we might also begin to work with the collective turmoil and pain of this divisive election.
If your dog won't eat any treats during a training session, you might be overlooking your dog's underlying emotional state.
When we partner with someone, we create a chemistry that is unlike any other couple, and when we enter a high emotional state it is hard to think clearly and objectively.
There are also a few photographs of models that are meant to represent emotional states, such as loneliness and longing.
Whatever you say with your mouth or think in your head is usually a good indicator of what emotional state you are heading towards.
Mindfulness improves mood by allowing participants to better understand their own emotional states without getting caught up in identifying with negative emotions and belief systems.
Children come home from school in varying emotional states depending on the nature of their peer interactions.
When either individual lacks the emotional capacity to engage in any of the 4 emotional states above, then marriage counseling needs to shift to a deeper level.
Your clue to the cause and effect of your inner pain is your moment - to - moment emotional state.
Figures and props disappear, as raw emotional states are depicted in pure colour.
She is inspired by cellular structure seen under and election microscope, satellite views of a storm, or the quest to translate emotional states onto paper.
Whether it's divorce, job loss, relocation, death of a loved one or even a flat tire, life's stressors can trigger many emotional states, including anxiety and depression.
A colleague returning to work while still grieving welcomes kind words but their raw emotional state makes it easy to say the wrong thing.
While these scenarios may sometimes be true, in many cases, mounting is about anxiety, or an uncomfortable emotional state.
It's important to note that improvements in emotional state only occur from sustained moderate levels of cocoa.
I realized that shame and guilt are powerful emotional states that like to hang around.
Feeling less hungry, gaining control over cravings, and often experiencing a much more stable emotional state.
It's not a common emotional state in day - to - day life.
When older spouses launch their children and retire, they are likely to be each other's primary source of support, helping each other to achieve and maintain desired emotional states.
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