Sentences with phrase «one's energy choices»

Public sentiment can build if a lot of people work harder to convey the value of science, and of energy choices that work for the long haul.
Smart energy choices made by individuals and businesses can dramatically reduce CO2 emissions and slow global warming.
Common questions from potential tenants that figure into their decision making include energy efficiency ratings, renewable energy choices, and sustainable building materials and practices.
By increasing transparency and responsiveness, utilities and the states that regulate them will empower consumers to make the best energy choices for their needs.
· Sound sustainability criteria should be used as a basis for making sound decisions about future energy choices and investments.
Our Climate and Energy program is addressing the climate crisis by challenging fossil fuel extraction and use, promoting energy efficiency and promoting appropriate sustainable energy choices.
There's abundant evidence that humanity needs more energy choices that work for the long haul.
Hopefully, our decision makers and regulators will do the same and realize that we have other energy choices that don't sometimes pose irreversible and overwhelming risks.
I understand the logic of starting with the countries with the biggest emissions of greenhouse gases and most capacity to do something about energy choices.
That does not mean folks should sit around waiting to push toward less - polluting energy choices.
The same body of research on climate attitudes, for example, shows far less disagreement on the need for advancing the world's limited menu of affordable energy choices.
It follows that how our energy policies impact energy choices at home is of crucial importance — perhaps more than how they impact choices abroad.
And then there's the reality that several billion people still lack access to any reasonable energy choices.
That means society is going to have to make up its mind about climate policies and related energy choices without certainty on the level of threat posed by business as usual.
In the same places, you have no real energy choices.
Renters too will benefit from a system that protects their energy interests and offers them the same energy choices given to home owners.
The team is doing further studies on the properties of brown carbon to inform computational models to assess energy choices and their influence on the climate.
So far, humanity's main climate intervention, through emissions of vast amounts of greenhouse gases, has been an unintended consequence of pursuing the most convenient energy choice — fossil fuels.
Thinking globally, what's your proposal for social, financial or technological innovations that can create energy choices that work for the long haul in places with no reasonable energy options now?
Is the climate challenge one of communication style, of inadequate energy choices, of the hard - wired aspects of human nature?
This must be allowed to continue, through sound, bipartisan energy choices backed by the American people.
We know that there are many energy choices for your business and we're determined to offer companies the most inexpensive rates possible for their location.
We should not need legislation to give customers energy choices and enable affordable, abundant and reliable renewable energy to compete with fossil fuels, but unfortunately, we do.
Yet while prices often determine energy choices between oil and other fuels, energy efficiency fundamentally relies on government policy for its success.
Government programs designed to encourage and advance energy technologies should not reduce energy choices or supply.
A carbon tax would be the efficient way of encouraging businesses and consumers to make less carbon - intensive energy choices.
Check here for more information, and whether energy choice is available for your business.
And of course, as other surveys show, there's already plenty of consensus — with no red and blue divide — on climate - smart energy choices and policies.
Choosing a project in a more carbon intensive grid rather than your potentially less intense local grid can therefore dramatically increase the actual greenhouse gas emissions avoided by your renewable energy choice.
As I understand more, I tell them (all ages, not just teens) how to make good energy choices and why.
2.3 Future energy choices will primarily depend on the price of fossil fuels, on the availability of alternatives and on political priorities such as mitigating climate change or reducing dependence on fuel imports.
The benefits — whether they are cost savings, cleaner air, safer cars or more energy choices — are undeniable.
«America's Power Army, formerly known by the less - militaristic name Americans for Balanced Energy Choices until August 2008, sent its «Eye on Washington» Fall 2009 update from Washington in the form of a slickly - crafted email blast»
Lynas has lined up with other environmental campaigners and analysts who see the need for expanding non-polluting energy choices as requiring an intensified push on the next generation of nuclear technologies, rather than a reflexive retreat in the face of Japan's struggles.
It's been quite a week for those seeking to revive the country's focus on the importance of science and engineering to human progress, the need for new energy choices in a world heading toward 9 billion people, and attention to the degrading biosphere.
As social scientists keep wondering, without direct visceral impacts from global warming, can humanity marshal the will to make new energy choices on a scale that the atmosphere might someday notice?
To my eye, for example, as important as edge - pushing innovation is work facilitating the rapid spread of cleaner energy choices in poor places, many of which are unlikely ever to be linked to a conventional power grid.
The trade group for co-ops in Nevada and California hasn't taken a position on the state's current Energy Choice Initiative, but it doesn't see its members as retail providers.
Sure, we can get a couple million «suckers» to go for this, even with the $ 7,000 override, but I can guarantee it will be just like when people see of the green energy choice on their energy bill.
The IPCC is harming the public health and welfare of all humankind as it pressures governments to seek to limit energy choices instead of seeking ways to help expand energy availability (or, one would hope, just stay out of the market).
These ads reflect people's anxiety about the safety of nuclear reactors and the disapproval they feel about having their hard - earned money spent on something they clearly think is a bad idea, especially when safer, more affordable, less risky energy choices exist such as efficiency, wind, solar, and bioenergy.
They all tend to play down the value of a mandatory cap on emissions compared with the use of incentives and investment to spur intensified research on nonpolluting energy choices.
Moomaw and Mihaela Papa, a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Law School, sent me a short piece proposing ways to invigorate the faltering climate treaty process by shifting the focus from confrontations over emissions to collaborative work encouraging access to modern energy choices while limiting environmental harms.
Helen Clarkson, CEO, The Climate Group, said: «This year's Climate Week NYC is jam - packed with the best examples of corporate leadership — from cleaner, smarter energy choices through to ambitious commitments on electric transport.
While people will be angry and upset, like myself, many of us are just so overloaded with all the terrible news and negativity that we read that it would perhaps be a great choice to uplift us with the reality and the possibilities, the jobs that could be created to the benefit of Canada AND THE PLANET by renewal and environmentally responsible energy choices.
The second report from the Energy and Water in a Warming World initiative, Water - Smart Power: Strengthening the U.S. Electricity System in a Warming World, takes up this challenge by exploring how energy choices affect the resilience of our energy sector in the face of both periodic drought and long - term changes in water availability.
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