Sentences with phrase «one's enjoyment of the film»

Thankfully, these weaknesses do not affect overall enjoyment of the film.
It's certainly not a wasted exercise, but neither is it indispensable for full enjoyment of the film.
Along with the terrific beginning, everything about this film is breathtaking except the meaningless script that essentially gets in the way of the overall enjoyment of the film.
This left me feeling rather frustrated and questioning my overall enjoyment of the film since when you think about the ending, it makes the entire film feel like a complete marketing ploy to sell two brands rather than tell a story that makes sense.
I can't deny the sheer enjoyment of the film and quality performances within and so those who like McDonagh, this genre, or any of the cast should check it out, even if I wish there was a bit more reasoning behind these particular psychopaths.
Not enough to ruin enjoyment of the film as a whole, but the last half hour is little more than a protracted chase scene that threatens to undermine what Dante had constructed so well up to that point.
Gone Baby Gone was good but not that good I think this looks much better and I think the bad sound in the theater may have hurt Alex enjoyment of this film.
Remarkably, however, alongside this diminished viewing came a significantly greater enjoyment of films.
As well as the array of eccentric oddballs on display, the beauty and enjoyment of the film lies in the mystery of it's titular character and even though Fassbender is masked under a massive, papier - mâché bonce, he still manages to bring humour and an intriguing depth to the role and leaves you questioning whether Frank is a non-conformist musical genius or a fragile, would - be artist with mental health problems.
Yet the main enjoyment of this film are the many surprises that are unveiled along its path, and keeping these under wraps necessitates a brief plot summary.
Shyamalan knows that his films are little more than sleight - of - hand tricks performed by a master illusionist, and there - in lies the major problem for this and future enjoyment of his films.
There are a few brief objectionable moments, but they are very minor and do not take away from the overall enjoyment of the film.
It should help expand fans» enjoyment of the film since it broadens their understanding of the material at hand.
I thought that it added a bit more to the enjoyment of the film due to the fact that you simply didn't care what happened to the characters, which were unlikeable.
I think your enjoyment of this film will depend on your age.
Do you think that this helps or hurts both our enjoyment of these films and their chances in the Oscar race?
Shot in soft honey hued yellows and baby blue pastels, there is no doubt you are stepping into a hyper - realized, dreamlike East coast college campus, and whether or not you're familiar with that world (or its sensibilities) will largely determine your enjoyment of the film.
Ultimately, how you view Christopher McCandless himself will affect your enjoyment of the film.
Call asks, in a final grace note that gives nothing away in the enjoyment of the film.
I had not read An Ideal Husband before seeing the movie, which may have helped my enjoyment of the film, for I was unable to nitpick over any changes, only feeling rewarded by what I was privy to.
I imagine that being a father of a toddler added to my enjoyment of this film.
Ralph Fiennes and Tilda Swinton's performances increased my enjoyment of the film but it wasn't enough to make it a must - see film.
Furthermore, neither the practical or computer generated effects look shoddy or unconvincing, furthering the enjoyment of the film.
Biao and Cheung are a joy to watch, and most of the enjoyment of the film comes not from the fight scenes, but from Biao's misunderstanding of the modern world.
If you're a newcomer to the world of Middle Earth, rest assured that the flurry of implied back - stories are faithful to Tolkien's myth - making, the encyclopaedic knowledge of which is not vital to your enjoyment of the film — it's more a matter of knowing that the places and things in this world have names than knowing the names proper.
For awhile after seeing «Lights Out» I wondered if my enjoyment of the film was for not entirely respectable reasons, if I enjoyed it for reasons closer to that of an MST3K film than that of a truly solid genre effort.
It's unsubtle and mildly distracting to the overall enjoyment of the film.
They always seem to lighten the mood, which adds to the enjoyment of the film.
The special effects let the film down a little bit, as do a few too many vulgar gags — but many will love these and it's not enough to detract from the overall enjoyment of the film.
Watching this on anything smaller like your laptop, tablet or even phone, will negatively impact your enjoyment of this film and is not recommended.
None of these problems though are so serious that it would spoil your enjoyment of the film, and to be honest they're the kind of thing you notice after repeat viewing.
There's little to no plot to this, so your enjoyment of this film is solely tied to your like, or dislike of the titular character.
It may be that at age 31, my own insecurities were hampering my enjoyment of the film, but I felt like the viewer would gain nothing from this bleak narrative.
Still this minor annoyance did not take away from my overall enjoyment of the film.
It is educational, heartfelt, and adds immeasurably to the enjoyment of the film, although as with New Line's excellent Infinifilm format, my wish is for the studios to reserve such treatment for films that actually deserve it instead of formula dreck with questionable scholarly value like Driven and Blow.
No matter if they were on screen for a moment or for the duration of the film, each added to the enjoyment of the film in their unique way and brought back memories of my childhood that I was so happy to revisit.
In an intriguing essay over at Asking the Wrong Questions, Abigail Nussbaum found herself unable to square the misogyny she found in the movie with her enjoyment of the film:
It is a major detraction from the overall enjoyment of the film.
I'm with Kurt — I see what you're saying but it didn't really impact my enjoyment of the film.
There are a few plot details mentioned here, but the list offers nothing that will likely SPOIL your enjoyment of the film.
On the one hand, you have to appreciate the talent of the actor (especially if he or she is clearly stretching themselves), but on the other... how much does that affect your enjoyment of the film?
The image is a fraction too caliginous, and while this doesn't have an impact on contrast, it does seem to draw attention to some mild edginess — not so much so that it inhibits one's enjoyment of the film, however.
And spoiling plot details doesn't add to the enjoyment of the film - going experience.
Although having a roster of famous actors to voice animated characters is trendy and seemingly felt to be necessary in the marketing of such films, in many cases those voices can distract from the enjoyment of the film itself.
I was looking out for how much the MCU had developed since its early days and how far the relationship between audience and character had grown as it is this that a contributing factor into your enjoyment of a film like Infinity War.
That being said, for me, it wasn't a deciding factor on my enjoyment of the film.
The anamorphic widescreen transfer of the feature film on disc one isn't quite so lovely as the packaging; the print exhibits some scratches and the subtitles (which, thankfully, are on the bottom black bar, so as to get a clearer view of the picture) have a strange tendency to sport quotation marks at random, but the flaws won't ruin one's enjoyment of the film.
Considering this is a film based on the making of a film with very little production value that also happens to be poorly shot and edited, Franco's average direction didn't take away from the overall enjoyment of the film.
That said, knowing who Quill's father is will not diminish your enjoyment of the film in any way.
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