Sentences with phrase «one's entire platform»

Instagram's Stories feature and Snapchat's entire platform also give brands the chance to create video content and share it immediately with their followers.
Like how can a politician whose entire platform is based on cutting taxes to stimulate investment have raised but one - tenth the money of his liberal, Democrat opponent?
The Avatar Press titles available today across comiXology's entire platform include Max Brooks» Extinction Parade, Jonathan Hickman's God Is Dead, Kieron Gillen's Uber, and multiple titles from Warren Ellis including Black Summer, No Hero and Supergod.
In 2014, to prevent abusive apps, we announced that we were changing the entire platform to dramatically limit the Facebook information apps could access.
It's five times as many people as watched the Super Bowl last year, and twice as many as Twitter has on its entire platform.
According to the investment startup Robinhood, Nvidia is the sixth - most - owned stock on its entire platform.
While Hudak has not said unequivocally and specifically that he would not provide financial support to Chrysler, it would appear to go against his entire platform.
These businesses picked up on consumers» behavioral trends and built their entire platforms around how shoppers want their experiences to look and feel.
Qihoo, one of China's most successful internet firms, started as a security software product that cross-subsidized the development of a new platform with products that they gave away for free, creating more value in the end for the entire platform.
He stretched the truth, claiming that the company does not sell its data to advertisers when its entire platform is built for advertisers to use that data to target consumers.
In 2014, to prevent abusive apps, we announced that we were changing the entire platform to dramatically limit the data apps could access.
Under such a scenario, the entire platform of Ethereum could become destabilized due to the raising costs of running distributed programs.
The presence of security authentication and the escrow system makes the entire platform highly secure and protected.
Brian Jean was all over the BC government's refusal to support Trans Mountain calling it a «body blow» to the energy sector and proof that Rachel Notley's climate strategy didn't deliver the social license Alberta needs to move ahead with energy projects because BC «rejected her entire platform
• Secured Blockchain: The entire platform and the cryptocurrency option is kept under tight security.
In short, the Liberals would have to ditch almost their entire platform to hit their own stated fiscal targets.
The GOP needs to adopt a more centrist approach where accepting one promoted principle doesn't mean you automatically accept and are lumped in to the entire platform.
However, virtually the entire platform of the death - of - God theology has been effectively rejected by process theology, primarily because Whitehead and Hartshorne have marked out a path that enables the process theologians to understand how it still might be possible and necessary for man to speak meaningfully about God.
Her entire platform is, in this regard, heresy!
HUMAN is now offering its franchisees an entire platform of potential revenue opportunities and avenues to materialize its goal to make «Easy Nutrition Everywhere.»
Although he will lay out an entire platform at a later time, Castorina said the drug epidemic, transportation, education and Common Core «are just a smattering of the issues that I feel strongly about.»
Featuring Holographic Glitters Covering the Entire Platform Bottom.
Featuring the Entire Platform Bottom Covered w / Multi Colored Glitters for an Ombre Effect.
Good thing I just walked down the entire platform looking like I bathed in a sewer.
It's amazing how online sourcing has changes the entire platform.
In August, just in time for the Spring 2017 shows, Launchmetrics will launch an updated version of GPS Radar — the system editors, buyers and influencers use to RSVP to events — with an overhaul of the entire platform scheduled for October.
On top of that, SkaDate Master II dating script features over 50 bugfixes and minor improvements across the entire platform.
Together, we will be a global leader in online dating, with the opportunity to drive growth across our entire platform
All in this entire platform will help you achieve your partner for sure.
If it did work, all the puzzles and the entire platforming element that sets Spidey's adventure apart from the Avengers «smash festival would be lost.
She said his favorable rating on education is 29 %, as his entire platform is teacher bashing.
The entire platform needs updated to bring it any further and evidently VW don't feel it's worth a multi-million # project to do so.
The springs of the Handling Speciale option are 16 % stiffer front and 19 % stiff rear, making the entire platform more rigid in all dynamic situations, although your mother - in - law might complain about the rough ride.
Chinese Cubes has built an entire platform for teaching Mandarin to readers of a variety of ages, while still keeping in mind the actual classroom uses of their platform.
Speaking of PUBIT, the entire platform will be retired once Nook Press sees a broader rollout.
First they plagiarize everything they can get their hands on, and rip - off the Simpson's entire concept — and call it a TV show, and now they steal the entire platform and gameplay of TSTO?
They could have elevated the entire platform to new heights instead of only the latest models.
BlackBerry's Hardware Root of Trust, a unique manufacturing process that injects cryptographic keys into the device hardware, providing a secure foundation for the entire platform.
It's built for collaborative writing, is open source and free, can push to all channels including print, and it allows anyone to build an entire platform and community around writing, editing, and publishing.
ComiXology users can now Continue reading their current comic at the same place they paused across the entire platform.
Yes it contributes to my entire platform as an author.
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