Sentences with phrase «one's entire year»

And yet, this guy, 28 at the time and now only 30, loses two entire years of his life in prison.
Many organizations seem to believe that one hour of performance feedback is enough to cover an employee's entire year on the job.
It was my favourite game of the whole entire year, you see.
My only problem with the original Destiny was that it lacked matchmaking and that it originally kinda sucked in it's first entire year.
My only problem with the original Destiny was that it lacked matchmaking and that it originally kinda sucked in it's first entire year.
also I have paid all taxes for entire year of 2018 in advance directly to city hall in Dec 2017 due to various news / rumors about federal tax changes on property taxes, so how I will get 1098 for year 2018 and when I can claim that, in 2017 or 2018, when I advance paid tax city hall have accessed for 2 quarters only, so paid twice of whatever they accessed for two quarter... Thanks
My entire family and bunch of friends are using ~ 10g C per day for entire year without any problems so far.
Just think, you are paying Just 2 - 3K per year and they assure you 25 - 30lac during entire year; they need more than 1000 such members to pay one claim.
The law has been amended over the years, and on June 21, 2010, Governor David Paterson signed a new provision that expanded the definition of an IMD to include a building in which three or more families lived independently of one another for one entire year at any point between Jan. 1, 2008 and Dec. 31, 2009.
All training plans are avaibale for one entire year from purchase date, and come with mobile app access, custom tracking and analytics, and coaching and athlete support.
Conrad Rangali Island lists who entire year as high season and 95,000 points vs. 50,000 points before — and before it was 37,500 with GLON, now at best it will be 76,000 / night — value is fully cut in half.
Many schools bring entire year groups which is something they could not do in a commercial season as many theatres restrict the number of school groups they will admit to each matinee.
You can buy a pack and it stays for the next entire year!!
This sort of brinksmanship has led to several government shutdowns over the years and even entire years without a federal budget.
Scenes sometimes move from one moment to the next, at other times entire years pass unmarked, unmentioned.
, I'm leaving the country for the next entire year -LRB-!?).
More recently, the BICEP1 and 2 telescopes at the South Pole have been looking at a patch of the southern sky for three entire years solely to find typical polarizations in the CMB — resulting in the findings presented at the March 2014 press conference.
This was a monumental occurrence in my young life, mostly because I had spent the previous three entire years lobbying my long - suffering, video game - fearing parents for a Game Boy, which is a heck of a long time for a 10 - year - old.
Sony is so greedy they couldnt even make the deal so PS3 can get atleast 3 AAA games for entire year.
You have done an amazing job - you've breastfed for what, almost three entire years of your life?!
There are times when I share a dessert immediately after making it (usually seasonal stuff — I don't make my holiday treats too far in advance), and then there are times when somehow a recipe goes almost a whole entire YEAR without making it live on the blog.
Happy summer solstice - the longest day of the whole entire year.
I believe both my sons are tied, first one I had all kinds of problems with, he would round the clock every hour or every two hours for probably the first entire year and then some, I always thought I have oversupply because he would spit up a lot and I could spray across the room!
For an entire year, the property didn't attract a single offer.
This is for the entire year, day by day.
This allows you to designate one person to fly with you for free for an entire year.
This was the total of her billable hours for an entire year when she worked as a lawyer.
In a tweet published by the retailer, Patagonia revealed that on Black Friday alone, it beat the amount it gives in an entire year through its everyday «1 % for the Planet» scheme.
When that official designation comes down, you will be left alone for an entire year.
They found it took top - tier CEOs until 1:11 p.m. on Jan. 2 to earn the $ 46,634 that an average worker makes in an entire year.
There may not be a hike for the entire year.
That's about as much as the average Canadian earns in an entire year.
It may visit you every day for a month and then disappear for an entire year.
You've spent an entire year planning your business launch — from forming an LLC to designing a website to hiring the right employees.
I saved as much money as I could, so that I had enough in the bank to last me an entire year, and put all of my attention into GoldieBlox.
Still, for the entire year so far, Nvidia is way ahead of its rivals with a 65 % jump.
Net sales for the quarter grew by 8.6 % year - over-year to $ 342.6 million, while net sales for the entire year hit $ 1.3 billion, up 7.1 % over 2012.
When you reflect on your budget for the entire year at once, it's much easier to put these costs into perspective, allowing you to plan ahead instead of weathering them as they come.
Five years ago, in January 2010, I decided to take a picture of myself every day for an entire year.
Santana - Li's start - up is growing at a rapid pace, with January 2017 contracts totaling more than the entire year of 2016 combined.
In retrospect, he says his biggest mistake was to spend an entire year looking for a job, instead of exploring his entrepreneurial options early on.
Harvest takes place between the months of September and November, and most grows provide crop for the entire year.
While this might seem harsh, it's better for business to cut your losses after three months than to keep an underperforming rep on staff for an entire year.
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