Sentences with phrase «one's entrepreneurial culture»

It's a visionary society for tech with a strong entrepreneurial culture.
In particular, they indicated that schools should encourage more entrepreneurial cultures through partnerships with business savvy individuals and develop curricula that better prepares students for future jobs.
Our unmatched entrepreneurial culture, combined with an intensive focus on research, powers one of the top innovation hubs in the world.
There's a myth in American entrepreneurial culture that successful entrepreneurs need to be able to do it all.
It's a visionary society for tech with a strong entrepreneurial culture.
Our unmatched entrepreneurial culture, combined with an intensive focus on research, powers one of the top innovation hubs in the world.
Assimilating fast - growing niche brands with entrepreneurial cultures isn't easy.
The successful launch of Catalyst can be attributed to the bold, entrepreneurial culture at the SunShot Initiative.
Having worked in the US and in India on startups (and looked at entrepreneurial culture in other Asian countries), I've seen this in action.
«We are excited to see how the week's events animate faculty and student groups and create a collision space of ideas and opportunities that drive entrepreneurial culture,» says Kim Neutens, interim executive director of the Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking.
Employer retention strategies could benefit from creating environments that encourage entrepreneurial culture and opportunities for workers.»
«Our uniquely entrepreneurial culture encourages our colleagues to identify these trends and respond with actions that embrace them to continue to grow our business.»
Khosrowshahi says he spent his first two months meeting various Uber teams around the world, as well as dealing with a few «firefights» as he experienced Uber's entrepreneurial culture firsthand.
Basing your business in this global industry cluster brings enormous advantages: Network effects, economies of scale, access to the world's best talent, deep pools of capital, a rich ecosystem of resources and know - how for both startups and mature companies, a nurturing entrepreneurial culture, infectious energy, and strong trust relationships that make the impossible possible.
Strengthening Northeast Ohio's entrepreneurship networks to support all stages of business growth and foster a robust entrepreneurial culture
«Based on the innovative model from Start - Up Chile, Start - Up Chile launched with a mandate to attract foreign entrepreneurs to the local consumer market and foment domestic entrepreneurial culture»
«These are new and exciting times,» enthuses Aurélien Drain «The business code is changing, we are seeing a new entrepreneurial culture, especially through Millennial entrepreneurs, so it's important we continue to evolve and adapt our services too.»
If Canada is to reap the benefits of entrepreneurship — job creation, economic and social prosperity — we must be prepared to nurture a strong entrepreneurial culture rather than seeing it as a short - term trend.
Driven by a passionate and entrepreneurial culture encompassing a diverse, elastic set of skills, Anomaly has offices in Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, London, Amsterdam, Berlin and Shanghai.
Operating under the core philosophies of 80/20 business processes, customer - back innovation and a decentralized entrepreneurial culture, ITW's seven industry - leading segments leverage the ITW business model to generate solid growth with best - in - class margins and returns in markets where highly innovative, customer - focused solutions are required.
Without a vigorous entrepreneurial culture, Brenner believes that no matter how well a country may pay its scientists, they'll go elsewhere if they really want to explore their own ideas.
I talked about how, if students in all the schools and faculty can get together with a sound grounding in the humanities and social sciences, then there is no reason why in the long term we can't have a kind of innovative entrepreneurial culture that spins off in financial terms.
We believe there is a better way to attract, retain, and support the market's most talented lawyers, and it includes combining top compensation, flexible work arrangements, and a focused, entrepreneurial culture dedicated to efficiency and client satisfaction.
we've had featured articles written about us in the national press, we've created a truly entrepreneurial culture that has bred some very commercially focused recruiters, we've drank a lot of coffee, we've eaten a LOT of cake and we've changed lots of lives.
Self - Marketing for Military to Civilian Career Transitions looks at the new context of work with its universal entrepreneurial culture.
AND OBJECTIVE 30 + Years» experience health care accounting and finance: International Corporate and Entrepreneurial cultures practical problem - solving skills and experience to meet the challenges of fast - paced functions.
RE / MAX was founded in 1973 by Dave and Gail Liniger, with an innovative, entrepreneurial culture affording its agents and franchisees the flexibility to operate their businesses with great independence.
The comments are likely to raise the suspicions of Tory backbenchers, who are keen for the rich to be taxed less in order to create a more entrepreneurial culture in Britain.
Another reason is that cities with a strong entrepreneurial culture and local control of economic resources have more capacity to solve problems on their own and are more resilient and adaptable in times of distress.
«We wanted to have an entrepreneurial culture,» he says.
«They became the proof point that you could be involved in an organization that would provide a support centre without cannibalizing the entrepreneurial culture that made the agency successful in the first place.»
They'll help build an entrepreneurial culture and improve your business.
«At Spring Budget 2017, our entrepreneurial culture is on the line.
With its entrepreneurial culture and demographic profile, China was a ripe market for direct sellers.
Wald attributes it to Microsoft's entrepreneurial culture, which gives project managers tons of tasks to complete, so accounting procedures are low priority.
The inherent risk with such acquisitions is that the parent company swallows up the scrappy upstart into what food industry veteran Alan Murray calls «the machine» — a hidebound, groupthink corporate enterprise — rather than learning from its entrepreneurial culture.
The founders of Sam Adams beer, Dinner Lab and Papa John's describe what it takes to build an entrepreneurial culture.
In a bigger organization it might have been tough to switch plans, but our entrepreneurial culture can make it happen and happen quickly.
Capital One has been widely recognized for its entrepreneurial culture, progressive work place, and community engagement.
In pop - entrepreneurial culture, it's easy to accept, even to admire, extreme relationships with work.
Part of the entrepreneurial culture at Burning Man, says Dubois, is that there are no repercussions or penalties for failure when you are out in the middle of the desert.
One of China's top ranked and most successful venture capital investors (and a serial entrepreneur himself) shares his take on the challenges and opportunities for Chinese innovation and entrepreneurial culture.
Offering an entrepreneurial culture, Stifel has become the Firm of Choice for a growing number of financial advisors.
The Chamber is also focused on growing the region's innovation economy by promoting and strengthening connections to drive Atlanta's innovation and entrepreneurial culture.
AMC offers an entrepreneurial culture, cutting - edge technology, competitive / comprehensive compensation and benefits, and work / life flexibility.
Enterprise mobility allows businesses to create an entrepreneurial culture by allowing employees to work in a variety of environments — breaking traditional workplace boundaries.
Speaking in Boston, Investor says Middle East, Africa have thriving entrepreneurial cultures driven largely by the smartphone
It has an entrepreneurial culture, research powerhouses, support for early - stage entrepreneurs, sources of capital, a talented pool of workers, and a strong media to tell startup stories.
CED Accelerates the entrepreneurial culture of the Research Triangle and North Carolina by identifying, enabling and promoting high - growth, high - impact companies
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