Sentences with phrase «one's everyday struggles»

From HR, I moved to Event but the environment do nt really suit me that everyday I struggle in the morning to choose what I want to do.
Go through everyday struggles as any normal human would while keeping up your disguise from family and citizens.
Go through everyday struggles as any normal human would while keeping up your disguise from family and citizens.
In addition, individuals learn how to overcome everyday struggles, including problems with organization and time management.
I enjoy working with individuals to help them through everyday struggles.
Everyday I struggle with being a gentle and loving parent and then when faced with a hard moment (like 2 children screaming in the grocery store), I remember that I am human and not perfect... this is empowering because it makes me feel okay about asking others for help.
Everyday I struggle finding healthy alternatives for chocolate.
The works locate the heroic within small everyday struggles and instances of resistance that make up the larger socio - political fabric.
Ollie Magee's award - winning «Fall» takes a primitivist approach to depicting everyday struggles.
Many of the most successful sitcoms chronicle the lives of fictitious but seemingly normal people whose everyday struggles, embarrassments, joys, and loves are played out before your very eyes.
We provide evidence based programs in the home and at our center so that we can provide solutions to everyday struggles while teaching the knowledge, skills, and abilities that every child needs to succeed.»
«The seamless connectivity inherent in LG's smart kitchen solution will revolutionize the cooking and dining habits of consumers... By streamlining food preparation and cleanup from start to finish, LG's use of artificial intelligence in the kitchen enhances quality of life by offering innovative solutions to everyday struggles in the kitchen,» LG said in a press release.
He is with us in our everyday struggles, and points us through death to eternal life.
If questions about right and wrong are everyday struggles, why are we so reluctant to preach about them?
A pastor can interpret passages to really reflect our everyday struggles today.
It's a desease, a everyday struggle.
As she puts it, «For parents, clinicians, and teachers, learning about how kids» (and their own) brains work is surprisingly practical, informing how they approach discipline, how they help kids deal with everyday struggles, and ultimately how they connect with the children they care about.»
Everyday we struggled.
You can also find online support, advice and information from award - winning health journalists, bloggers clinical experts and women who share the everyday struggles of the path to parenthood on our website.
Taking care of twins is undoubtedly an everyday struggle of trying to care for the needs of both babies while still getting everything else done.
We help sort through all types of crises from painful, everyday struggles to traumatic, life - changing events — all of which can paralyze families from moving forward and can be the cause of a great divide amongst family members.
The everyday struggles of being torn in multiple directions by your multiples make it difficult to do the more frugal, greener things you may have done pre-multiples.
I have 4 sweet kiddos and everyday I struggle to figure out how to be a great mom and wife, and be good to myself.
Basics Taking care of twins is undoubtedly an everyday struggle of trying to care for the needs of both babies while still getting everything else done.
Each has had their fair share of critics, but I'm sure few would dissent from the view that the backgrounds of Ken and David have given them real insight into the everyday struggles of working people.
«The WFP understands that this is not the time to elect wealthy, out of touch candidates who do not understand the everyday struggles facing working people.
Equally, the everyday struggles of people living with pollution are hugely diverse.
«The WFP understands that this is not the time to elect wealthy, out of touch candidates who do not understand the everyday struggles facing working people,» Wilson said.
«At this point in time, with all of the social issues going on in this country, I think it's more important that we get people involved in this process who know the everyday struggles of the people who inhabit this great district,» Gordon said.
It's safe to conclude that we our civilization is experiencing an energy crisis of gigantic proportions, and in our everyday struggle to boost energy levels and productivity, we've learned to rely on coffee more than we actually should.
For most, these may not mean much, but for the typical Gym Rat, Fitness Freak, Power Lifting, Bodybuilder or Whatever you want to call yourself, these should resonate in your everyday struggle to get Big and Swole.
Living with psoriasis is still an everyday struggle for me, but I have implemented many of these changes in my diet and lifestyle over the past several months and I am feeling better than I ever have.
An early morning practice sets the stage for the mindset we carry with us as we face these everyday struggles.
Personal, funny anecdotes from your own life and your everyday struggles.
it's still an everyday struggle.
The Rider is nothing short of a masterpiece, an elegant work of cinematic poetry that elevates the everyday struggles of real people to the level of high art.
They say you have to experience to fully know what it feels, Theron, in a performance of immense honesty makes you feel every ache, every strain, of her character's everyday struggles.
In the third of three hushed anecdotes concerning the everyday struggles of a clutch of Montanian women, Kristen Stewart's wayfaring supply teacher has to erotically scarf down a plate of diner food prior to an all - night drive across the state.
She's completely immune to the everyday struggles of paying the mortgage or worrying about what Medicare will cover.
He captures just how hard an ordinary life can be — the everyday struggles to make rent, to hold on to a crappy job, to beat back the past, to be a good father, son, and partner.
A Fantastic Woman dives into the Transgender experience in a way that is refreshing in its subtle, naturalistic simplicity, Marina's everyday struggle to unapologetically be herself achieving a dignified universality that's all - encompassing in its sympathetic warmth.
In addition to his everyday struggles, George also seeks out his estranged daughter (Jena Malone, The Hunger Games series).
In a series of tautly constructed dramas that imbue the everyday struggles of married life with suspense and tragedy, filmmaker Asghar Farhadi has proven himself a remarkable observer of the social, moral, and personal dimensions that shape contemporary Iranian society.
We consider it to be a good idea to help students with their everyday struggle.
The hero of The Book of Strange New Things is a missionary ministering to his flock and facing the normal, everyday struggles that entails — that is, if you live in the future and your ministry has taken you not to China, South America or Africa, but to a distant planet that is light years away from your true home and family.
This book gives a firsthand account of the everyday struggles of white low - income mother while raising her twelve bi-racial children in New York City.
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