Sentences with phrase «one's evolution over time»

The first vision is that all metric aspects of form contribute to adaptation and that, consequently, all are fine - tuned by evolution over time.
[14] The dollar sign, just as the British pound sign, has gone through evolution over time.
Here are a couple of interesting videos showing Benchley's evolution over time as an ocean activist:
Variation in space can be surprisingly easily confused with evolution over time.
Bingham sets as his goals to both redeem a genre that has been unjustly demeaned and to outline its dynamic historical evolution over time by tracing its «life - cycle changes... from the studio era to the present» (p. 10).
The GIF below, assembled by Gadgetlove, shows off the Kindle's remarkable evolution over time.
Permafrost degradation is a transient greenhouse gas source whose evolution over time is important.
Using such a method, Tett et al. (1999) estimate that the net anthropogenic warming in the second half of the 20th century was much greater than any possible solar warming, even when using the solar forcing reconstruction by Hoyt and Schatten (1993), which indicates larger solar forcing and a different evolution over time than more recent reconstructions (Section 2.7.1).
I have taken screenshots of notable companies from the Internet Archive and collected some of the interesting pics onto a timeline, so that others can easily see each startup's evolution over time.
We can observe the earth is much older, and that evolution over time has played a fundamental process in complex life on earth.
Find the beat and feel the vibrations of drums — big and small — from around the world and learn about their evolution over time.
Bailes» inclusion resulted in new insights on the pulse's shape, its evolution over time and the vast, extragalactic distance it overcame.
«New three - in - one blood test opens door to precision medicine for prostate cancer: Test picks out men for treatment, detects early signs of resistance and monitors cancer's evolution over time
The researchers then created virtual representations of these robots on a computer so that they could observe the robots» evolution over time.
Because no other city has a long - term record, no one's been able to look at the evolution over time across a city.»
By analyzing the evolution over time of ft mutant cells and clones, we show that ft clones reduce their cell - cell contacts with the surrounding wt tissue in the absence of concomitant cell divisions and over-proliferation.
LCO scientists were also able to take spectra of the kilonova, and using the spectrograph on Faulkes Telescope South in Australia they were able to observe its evolution over time.
The mission will tackle a wide range of subjects, including detecting the first galaxies in the Universe and following their evolution over time, witnessing the birth of new stars and their planetary systems, and studying planets in our Solar System and around other stars.
We trace yoga's evolution over time — from its roots 4,000 years in the past to the present day — capturing the story of its major branches with the metaphor of the sacred banyan tree.
And so, when development began, they thought it would be cool to capture the game's evolution over time, and share real stories from the development team.
Abstract: Terrorism and its evolution over the time.
Terrorism and its evolution over the time.
The presenters will share how the program started at Jack Jackter Intermediate School, evolution over time, organization, student selection, meetings, and the overall structure.
We relate Active Share to fund characteristics such as size, expenses, and turnover in the cross-section, and we also examine its evolution over time.
We can see this when we look at their evolution over time, and the changes in how dogs efficiently digest carbohydrates.
Its evolution over time is steady, but significant, as it consistently remains aligned with its roots while still providing small, meaningful steps towards the future.
A group show that addresses the idea of place as it pertains to social and ecological structures and to evolution over time.
The first comprehensive museum survey of Close's self - portraits, the exhibition and its accompanying publication offer a fascinating glimpse of an artist's self - examination and evolution over time and elucidate his unbounded, process - driven experimentation with media and techniques.
LANDMARK directly addresses the idea of place as intimately tied to social and ecological structures, to maintenance and stewardship, and to evolution over time.
The first can be traced directly to Darwin: Following the 1859 publication of On the Origin of Species, it became practice not just to note affinities among groups of birds but to make fine distinctions between subspecies and to track their evolution over time.
The coal industry, which last year created the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, has been equally busy priming Americans over the indispensability of coal (about half of all the U.S,'s domestic electricity comes from it) and its evolution over time as clean - er than it once was («emissions have been reduced by more than one - third» since 1970).
In order to assess the global energy agenda and its evolution over time, the World Energy Council conducts an annual issues survey with the Chairs of its Member Committees who are ministers, CEOs and leading experts in over 90 countries.
Here's an article about the planet's evolution over time, and here's an article about how Venus could be colonized with floating cities.
But it doesn't apply to forecasting climate, because you are only concerned with «average» conditions and their evolution over time, not with highly specific trajectories over that same span.
So either you need to study the literature sufficiently to be able to form a clear picture of the shape of the field, the areas where multiple lines of evidence agree and those where they disagree, the robustness of different observations, the potential confounding factors, and the diversity of opinion and its evolution over time.
Still, it is interesting to compare the performance of an investment in Bitcoin over the past three quarters versus a portfolio of major cryptocurrencies to comprehend the actual market dynamics and follow the evolution over time.
Show any evolution over time, listing any salary reviews alongside the date they took place.
In building a successful business strategy, one has to leave room for change and evolution over time, Greater Toronto - area family lawyer Andrew Feldstein says in Law Times.
Drawing on the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000 to 2012 data, this paper examines the risk factors of low achievement, defined here as scoring below the 10th percentile of the distribution, and their evolution over time, across 39 industrialized nations.
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