Sentences with phrase «one's excess weight»

The answers I usually receive are; they fear anesthesia, pet parents are afraid of a behavioural change and the possibility of excess weight gain following surgery.
For every 5 percent of excess weight lost, you can lower your blood pressure by three points.
Many are also concerned about losing excess weight gained during their nine months of pregnancy.
But you'll still be carrying excess weight in those first 24 hours, much of which is water.
The fat we eat literally feeds our brain and is associated with everything from aiding our neurological functions, to lowering bad cholesterol and helping shed excess weight.
If that water is not replaced, it may be more difficult your body to lose excess weight in the long run.
Be cautious to not put excess weight on your head or neck.
Large breed pets susceptible to arthritis have to be monitored to ensure healthy weight limits as excess weight on the dog's joints, speeds up the onset of joint degeneration.
I was still carrying around excess weight from high school football.
Since excess weight puts undue stress on the hip joints, weight loss is strongly recommended in overweight dogs.
During this time, the patient should be monitored for excess weight gain and the family educated on the importance of maintaining a healthy body condition.
This dry dog food is made with chicken as the # 1 ingredient to support lean muscle development and helps your dog avoid excess weight gain.
Yes, you can actually lose excess weight by adding coconut oil to your diet.
This helps keep muscles strong for support, reduces excess weight, and keeps the joints flexible.
In essence, there can be so many different factors that cause excess weight, and you are not restricted to only having one issue on the list.
By adding certain teas and herbs to your diet, you can «prime» your body to release excess weight and feel better than ever.
Like most mothers, it is just so inevitable not to gain excess weight after giving birth.
Pay close attention to ensure your dog does not put on excess weight during winter months, when it may be less active because of shorter walks or less outdoor play time.
This helps her maintain muscle tone and avoid putting on excess weight which can put a great deal of strain on her bone structure and joints.
The amount of weight loss depends on many factors including how much excess weight you have and how much weight needs to be lost.
Because excess weight on pets doesn't just worsen their arthritis and slow them down, it can have significant financial and medical implications in the event of an emergency or illness as well.
One study found that 70 pounds of excess weight increases one's lifetime medical costs by an average of up to $ 30,000, depending on race and gender.
In turn this can help prevent excess weight gain.
Data from clinical trials and animal obesity studies further link excess weight to cancer.
Losing excess weight also reduces strain on the blood vessels, increases blood flow to the brain, and boosts overall brain function.
Obesity is a common problem for dogs, but you can help keep excess weight at bay by adjusting your dog's activity and food intake.
A 1.5 lb tablet device will carry maps and other paperwork that can weigh as much as 35 lbs, saving space in the cockpit as well as removing excess weight from the flight.
You're right - it's is vital to help our pets avoid excess weight so they can enjoy a better quality of life.
From shifting excess weight to boosting heart health, most of us recognize that exercise, along with eating well, is the key to a healthy lifestyle.
Unfortunately, excess weight leads to a host of health problems, including the potential for diabetes, so it's important to help your cat get exercise and eat a moderate diet.
Maintaining an ideal weight is crucial since excess weight give more stress to the joints such as the hip and knees.
Whether fat cats and dogs are overweight or qualify as being obese, health threats abound making excess weight a serious issue and one that pet owners should work to avoid or correct.
By simple consumption black cumin on a regular basis can balance your blood sugar level, control your cravings and see excess weight fall off.
The study showed that especially boys tended to gain excess weight if given antibiotics in the first year of life.
My guess is that most people would begin celebrating at this point and count the battle against excess weight over and done with — I would be tempted as well.
We are bombarded daily with dire warnings from the media about the dangers that excess weight places on our hearts, and how our joints are adversely affected by even a few extra pounds.
In the process, she discovered that when the body is in a toxic inflammatory state, it tends to hold onto excess weight.
One of the most important ways to drop excess weight and keep healthy is to exercise regularly.
Look no further than these three fat - burning supplements proven to help burn excess weight and help combat what you hate about dieting!
Just as with humans, excess weight takes a toll on our pet's health.
Getting enough sleep is very important for figuring out how to lose baby weight fast, especially excess weight gained after birth.
That water becomes unnecessary excess weight that the body has to carry around with it.
If you do so in a healthy manner, you will not need to worry about postpartum excess weight.
Your breasts, increased blood supply, increased fat supply, and enlarged uterus can all create excess weight from pregnancy that will be difficult to «lose» since you need them!
No, dads can help their children avoid the health and wellbeing pitfalls of excess weight simply by being good, involved, interested dads.
The new BMI charts will be helpful for evaluating excess weight gain, which is mainly a concern as children advance through the teenage years.
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