Sentences with phrase «one's exclusive focus»

The affirming voter also does not place exclusive focus upon any one issue.
Teachers trained on these courses will not have the same exclusive focus on mathematics as someone trained on a Primary mathematics specialist course but will have a robust grounding in the subject nonetheless.
That program will keep an «exclusive focus on civil applications,» the proposal says.
Oladipo is Indiana's celestial center, and he'll be the almost exclusive focus of defenders when on the court.
Founded in 1993, Neuberger & Partners LLP is a high profile Toronto law firm with exclusive focus on criminal law.
A future relationship with the EU can take many different forms with specific reference to the possible trade arrangements (which have been the almost exclusive focus of the UK government):
But this nearly exclusive focus on improving the education of the poor has concealed the sub-par education being provided in many of our most affluent school districts.
They suggest that the same eternal principle may be recognized in other great spiritual teachers such as the Buddha and Lord Krishna, and that too exclusive a focus on Jesus is liable to ignore the evidence of God's presence in the other great faith traditions of the world.
We place exclusive focus on, and aggressively advocate for, those whose lives have been permanently altered by undiagnosed terminal illness, missing limbs from highway collisions with distracted drivers of large commercial vehicles, and traumatic brain injury (TBI) after accidents caused by drunk drivers.
Maybe because it's ok to be a loser in Arsenal Sanchez is under - performing, as in he is disappointed with the club and it's obvious exclusive focus on revenue.
From the 1990s until the end of the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) in 2015, state and federal education reform policies had a virtually exclusive focus on holding public schools accountable for student test scores in reading and mathematics.
Behind the success is the consistent exclusive focus on the reading - oriented device and innovation strategy
Hmmm... interesting... Easier to develop for, Mandatory paid online Timed CoD exclusives Paid exclusives Focus on indies In a lot of ways Sony has followed a lot of ques from what the 360 did last gen.
Paul Beliveau, a Canadian artist exclusive focus is to paint books - book spines especially — some from his own book collection, but most from his own extensive library of imagination.
Exclusive focus of H1B Legal group on H - 1B applications.
However, what the media chooses to cover about 1914 - 1918 adheres to a sort of group - think that I have elsewhere termed The Narrative: trenches, lions led by donkeys, the horror, a nearly exclusive focus on the Western Front (plus one - offs like Gallipoli that include English - speaking troops)-- and did I mention the horror?
FindLaw brings 20 + years of exclusive focus on legal web marketing to help Western Michigan attorneys become more successful online.
They've said his connections to Morneau Shepell could mean he's not approaching a significant change in drug coverage in Canada with an exclusive focus on evidence and the public's interest.
But an exclusive focus on valuation could lead market participants to overlook other, more decisive, factors.
It's easier to make business the exclusive focus but that is not why we became entrepreneurs and it won't lead to long term success.
Many long - held tenets of neoclassical orthodoxy have fallen by the wayside in the past 3 years, but perhaps one of the biggest dominos that is at least teetering precariously (if not fully tipped over) is the consensus that inflation targeting should be the exclusive focus of monetary policy.
Exclusive focus on bonds allows them to provide investors with deeper credit research, broader access to available bonds and potentially more efficient pricing and trading.
The terms of the purchase are as yet undisclosed but the platform's executives have expressed their intention to direct their exclusive focus on the above three products as well as on the international market.
The exclusive focus on corporate and systemic sins, such as racism, classism, and sexism, while ignoring the commission of those sins by individuals who can and should be held accountable.
Other social scientists have resisted the exclusive focus on the economic process as well as the overly benign interpretation of its effects.
Although maintaining an emphasis on individual transformation as the key, recent years have witnessed a movement beyond this exclusive focus to advocate the need for transformation on all levels — individual, interpersonal, institutional, and political — and the explicit valuation of social engagement as part of committed spiritual practice.
An exclusive focus on Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court case that lifted restrictions on abortion?
In a «great reversal» (Smith's term), evangelicals retreated from these reformist efforts around the turn of the century, fostering instead a social pessimism and an almost exclusive focus on evangelism and individual piety.
The model of the individual is sharpened by an exclusive focus on production and consumption.
Christians are often urged to get over their exclusive focus on Christ's death.
With an exclusive focus on soft drinks, Miteco has long been a leader in production plant design and installation.
It will become the unique club sponsored by PUMA in Brazil during the period, focusing on an exclusive
Since toddlerhood, she's had an almost exclusive focus on wildlife, and has verbally lamented more than once — with tears and everything — that she was born a human and not an animal.
Sally wondered if the exclusive focus on Max's dose of medication and his ability to get his homework done - they had added an evening dose when he got in to middle school and the academic challenges increased - had distracted them from seeing Max's true nature.
Although we dream of saturating national business plan competitions with UCSF - based biotech ideas, that is not our exclusive focus.
But some Chinese scientists disagree with the citation, particularly its exclusive focus on Tu.
All of them contribute, he said, and an exclusive focus on any one dimension, whether it's levees that are too high or the effects of global warming, «doesn't give people accurate answers.»
«Given the Buck's exclusive focus on aging, we believe that there's great potential to increase our understanding of the biology of aging and to accelerate the translation of emerging insights into therapies to help patients with age - related diseases.»
Additional limitations to the traditional approach include: costly failures to replicate positive results in larger trials; difficulty in determining the reasons for negative results; low yield in terms of identifying disease or intervention mechanisms due to an exclusive focus on symptom change and clinical endpoints; and, the expensive and very lengthy practice of first establishing multi-component psychosocial treatments followed by years of «unpacking» studies.
Main study limitations included the small size and an exclusive focus on overweight and obese men.
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