Sentences with phrase «one's existing schedule»

• Proficient in directing schedules of shipments and integrating new orders and requests into existing schedules.
I made it a point to not interrupt my toddlers existing schedule as much as possible.
As much as possible, you want to try to adjust your vacation schedule to your baby's existing schedule rather than the reverse.
To avoid frustration and failed configurations, either change your already existing scheduled tasks (if any) or plan your power schedule around them.
In theory, the UK could just adopt the EU's existing schedule of commitments.
Key attributes required: • Customer services / sales admin experience • Excellent customer service skills • Effective communication skills with customers and internal colleagues • Ability to work within and to add support to all members of a team • Ability to manage and prioritise own workload, within existing schedules and deadlines • I.T. systems experience, including MS Office
Obviously, this is a wish list, but I see elements of the Healthy Mind Platter in my schools existing schedule, such as the early morning walking / jogging club.
Many leading educators agree that the most innovative high schools of the future will likely be «built anew,» unencumbered by existing schedules and structural barriers.
The new event is allegedly planned for July this year, but won't clash with existing schedules, and will apparently differ in format from the MSI and Worlds, possibly even taking the format of something like the World Cup, although the details aren't finalised according to Qiang.
While the night feedings were sweet and tender her first weeks of life I would not trade that for the sanity that comes from the existing schedule.
New learning methodologies allow learners to fit language learning around their existing schedules, with online and computer - based learning offering more convenient and accessible options than ever before.
You can either manually override the schedule or revert back to the existing schedule depending on what you need for your lawn to look it's best.
It's a workout that could be performed easily on most days for most people, and within the framework of their existing schedule no matter how busy they may be.
By working one - on - one, I'm able to integrate a plan into your existing schedule and make sure that your reach your wellness goals.
Start thinking about how you can fit the search for love around your existing schedule.
For all of the changes that have been slapped onto the existing schedules, however, it is safe to say they amount to nothing more than accommodations to internal and external pressures, small alterations that accomplish little or nothing in the work lives of teachers or the learning of students.
Using the existing schedule as a starting point, we created four variations that would allow the specialists to be in the grade - level classroom for the designated amount of service delivery time, and the entire duration of a subject whenever possible.
In addition to the existing scheduled sessions, we are adding a series of virtual opportunities to expand your Professional Development and growth.
Lessons are designed to be delivered in as little as 30 minutes, and adapt to existing schedules.
Here's their existing schedule of fees.
PADI E-Learning allows you to work from home, at your own pace and fit your studying around your existing schedule.
The new flights will be operated by Virgin Atlantic's 787 - 9 aircraft (just like the existing flights) and will fit in to the existing schedule as follows:
Because our courses are 100 % online, you can work around your existing schedule.
Go back and review as much as needed, and enjoy the freedom to work around your existing schedule.
Work on your lessons entirely around your existing schedule, and never deal with the hassle of driving to and from another location.
Rather, these websites are available 24 hours a day so there are no requirements in terms of sitting down with someone between 9 - 5 or trying to fit a meeting into their existing schedule.
The transaction was facilitated through Carahsoft, an existing Schedule 70 provider and designated reseller of Adobe offerings.
It's also a field with plenty of flexible work schedule options, so it may be easier to fit around your existing schedule than a traditional 9 to 5 job.
His story reminded me of how important it is to fit your career transition action steps into your existing schedule and your life, in order...
This is especially the case for those who are employed full time at the moment and would find it difficult to fit their education into their existing schedules.
Each curriculum runs for 10 - 12 weeks, and lessons are easy to fit into your existing schedule (especially with the new options for breaking them into smaller chunks).
This scientifically - based curriculum runs for 12 weeks, and lessons are easy to fit into your existing schedule (especially with the new options for breaking them into smaller chunks).
This scientifically based curriculum runs for 10 weeks, and lessons are easy to fit into your existing schedule.
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