Sentences with phrase «one's expected value»

In fact, 40 % of homeowners expect the value of their property to increase in the next year, while less than 10 % anticipate values to decline in the next year.
Clients expect value for every dollar they spend with you.
A lot like trying to find a positive expected value solution for the economy.
The total net expected value from this mathematical exercise is zero (0)!
Based on expected values, you should make the exchange.
If you do not expect the value of your taxable estate to exceed the applicable exclusion amount, then federal gift and estate tax may not be a concern for you.
The better expected value an option offer the better investment it makes.
In that case, a rational risk averse person willingly takes on a bet with negative expected value.
Strong women have a strong sense of morality so expect your values to be questioned.
For example, out of 60 keywords analyzed, «barn doors» saw the highest sale premium at 13 percent above expected values.
If expected value is negative, then this game is a net loser for me.
There are massive amounts of leverage that you can create, but at this point the odds on table games have greater expected value than your leveraged options trades.
Overall, 68 percent of industrial investors expect the value of their properties to increase.
But smart investors do nt trade to maximize expected value; they trade to minimize regret.
Analysts expect values to continue rising for the foreseeable future, but probably at a slower — and more «normal» — pace than previous years.
In each of the past two years, less than 25 percent of bankers expected values to increase or remain stable.
We then divided our bracket simulation results by these implied probabilities to determine the top expected values.
As such, you can take a look at foreign exchange rate futures and related instruments to estimate what the market as a whole currently expects the values to do.
Even a small change in the input assumption can greatly alter expected value of the share.
To the degree that risk is transferred, a reserve credit can be set up to reflect the discounted expected value of future claim payments.
Take a wild guess at what the 401 (k)'s expected value becomes with that number?
If you're not getting any additional expected value, why would you pay the additional cost?
Partners in some smaller firms expect the value of their capital accounts to increase as the firm grows in order to fund their retirement.
Since they are all trading at a discount this creates an opportunity with positive expected value, but you do have market risk while holding the position.
You should always be wary of calculations based solely on expected value.
You should never make a trade with a negative expected value.
Here's a quick summary of what you can expect the value of rewards to be given the different redemption options.
Analysts expect values to continue rising for the foreseeable future, but probably at a slower — and more «normal» — pace than previous years.
The stability in farmland values was due, in part, to fewer sales, and a significant number of bankers expect values to remain steady in 2018.
Statistically speaking, NONE of that should be taken to mean the long term projections are off in expected values in any significant way.
Calculating expected values factoring in the possibility of multiple winners is tricky, since this depends on the number of tickets sold, which we won't know until after the drawing.
Unlike many other speculative instruments, gold wont go bankrupt, be diluted away, expire, liquidate, etc. and doesn't have massively negative long - term expected value as its price has kept up with inflation.
For example, losing an investment mandate is a binary event — it happens, or it doesn't — which forces me to take a risk - weighted / expected value approach.
In the blogosphere, Wexboy added part III of The Great Irish Share Valuation Project, while Lewis at Expecting Value did up a detailed piece on Nationwide Accident Repair Services.
Matt Balderston, CFP ® explains how to make better investment decisions using expected value to achieve better results in the long run.
It also appeals from a rational perspective to buyers of all ages who expect value for money, even from a luxury marque.
No one would suggest it accurately reflects Emre's expected value over the next 5 years of his career.
But we also know that teachers are better at their jobs in some years than in others, so we would not expect their value added from one year to the next to be exactly the same.
If you become the example of above - average performance, those around you will see the performance that you have every right to expect from them because, 1) You pay above the average wage scale, 2) A law firm is a privileged place to work, and 3) Clients expect a value proposition.
As clients increasingly expect value based options in 2012, law firms will be forced to use LPOs and will likely include LPOs in RFP responses.
Explaining why people offer such small sums to play a gamble with infinite expected value remains a contentious question in economics and philosophy.
The researchers wrote: «the findings suggest that uncertainty increases motivation even though the uncertain reward had a lower expected value
Investors now face two sources of uncertainty: they do not know whether the rent in the second period will be high or low, and they do not know whether the price of land in the second period will reflected expected values or Pangloss values.
Perfect car for anyone expecting value for the money Check's all the boxes Average 38 mpg reliable transportation comfortable cabin lot's of storage CVT a plus Read full review
The 924 Turbo and later 924 S both carry a slight premium over the regular model, however as you might expect values really boil down to a car's history and condition.
Expected value analysis really helps; — RRB --RSB-
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