Sentences with phrase «one's exploratory committee»

In separate announcements, the two companies said their boards formed exploratory committees to discuss a merger, but that the talks were no guarantee of a deal.
Again, there is no legal distinction between a campaign committee with exploratory committee in its name and a «regular» campaign committee.
Three other Republicans have filed paperwork forming exploratory committees for statewide office: state Sen. Tony Hwang of Fairfield, state Sen. Rob Kane of Watertown and Peter Lumaj, a Fairfield attorney who sought the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in 2012 and ran for Connecticut secretary of the state in 2014.
Sen. Joe Pennachio (R - Morris) and Republican Whip Assemblyman Anthony Bucco have each created exploratory committees.
The site launch coincides with Romney's announcement of his presidential exploratory committee Monday, a long - anticipated move made official with a sober web video filmed at the University of New Hampshire.
Bouchard Scores Major Endorsement: Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land will end her gubernatorial exploratory committee today and endorse Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard's bid, according to a strategist close to Bouchard.
The former exploratory committee, New Hampshire for Scott Brown, amended its committee registration on April 7th to indicate it is now the principal campaign committee of Scott Brown, R-N.H.
Astorino last week opened a preliminary exploratory committee for governor and hired former Republican Party Executive Director Michael Lawler to run it.
And existing blogs such as Political Gastronomica and Blog P.I. have been weighing in ever since the first ’08 exploratory committee sites were launched, with the folks at the Bivings Report seeming to build a second career as online campaign critics (they're very good at aggregating the reviews of others as well).
Lancman has raised $ 130,000 through the end of November via his congressional exploratory committee, and had about $ 120,000 on hand.
Gibson, a three - term congressman from Kinderhook, formed his own exploratory committee to consider a campaign for governor in 2016.
The committee also gave $ 10,000 on March 26th to Brown's then exploratory committee, New Hampshire for Scott Brown.
Sources close to Pataki said the Hudson Valley Republican's departure from the 501 (c) 4 actually indicates that he is putting his ducks in a row for formation of a potential exploratory committee.
Republicans with exploratory committees include Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton, whose $ 33,790 in the third quarter brought his total to $ 195,941 (Boughton underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor during the quarter); State Sen. Toni Boucher of Wilton ($ 43,336 third quarter, $ 58,890 total) and Norwalk's Steve Obsitnik, who raised $ 63,696 in the third quarter and $ 265,363 to date.
On the Democratic side, Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim's exploratory committee raised $ 109,720.99 in the quarter for a total of $ 145,785.99.
A link at the bottom of the email, which went out to a list of more than 20,000 people, redirected users to a page where they could make donations of up to $ 375 to «Luke For CT.» Bronin's exploratory committee allows him to begin raising money without formally declaring himself a gubernatorial candidate.
Rossi filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission in Washington this week, and set up the Jane Rossi for Congress Exploratory Committee to begin accepting contributions for her campaign.
He played a role in all three of Gibson's successful House runs and sat on his recent exploratory committee for governor of New York.
While exploratory committees may legally raise money for potential candidates, Mr. Trump said his would primarily be advisory — telling him whether he could reasonably expect to win the White House next year as the nominee of the Reform Party, whose leading elected official is Jesse Ventura, the former wrestler who won the Minnesota governorship in an upset last year.
His allies commissioned a poll, and in one meeting even presented Mr. Trump with documentation to register an official exploratory committee, with a notary public at the ready.
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's new - stadium exploratory committee has generated much chatter about the Buffalo Bills and their future.
Chad Lupinacci of Huntington Station and David Gurfein of Manhasset in forming exploratory committees for the race.
The Courant polled the 13 Republicans and Democrats who have formed candidate committees or exploratory committees for statewide office and are actively raising money for 2018.
In 1999, he established an exploratory committee and briefly ran as Reform Party candidate.
Following revelations that Louisiana Sen. David Vitter hired sex workers, Daniels, a Louisiana native, in 2009 formed an exploratory committee to run against him the following year.
In recent months Romney's beefed up his campaign staff, and last month he formed a presidential exploratory committee.
Republican Councilman Eric Ulrich, a fiscally conservative, socially liberal lawmaker from Queens, is taking the first step toward running against de Blasio in 2017, filing paperwork with the Board of Elections to form an exploratory committee.
After coming on board in January, Rospars negotiated with the other staffers of the exploratory committee over the scope of the division's activities.
George Pataki's first housing commissioner, has created an exploratory committee that will allow him to raise money as he decides whether to challenge U.S. Sen Kirsten Gillibrand.
That refers to Clyde Williams, a former adviser to President Bill Clinton with ties to President Obama, who has formed an exploratory committee and recently hired one of Mayor Bloomberg's pollsters, Whitman Insight Strategies, to gauge his chances against the 42 - year incumbent.
Even though Gibson had an exploratory committee in 2016, he said he isn't interested in running this year.
The fun started early on Saturday with a «Special to The Washington Post» article by Zachary A. Goldfarb about Barak Obama and social networking: at his first rally since he formed an exploratory committee, Obama spoke Friday to a group of thousands of students assembled through Facebook (via SmartMobs).
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, D - Ariz., has formed an exploratory committee to challenge Rep. Martha McSally, R - Ariz.
Stewart, who received the state GOP's women's leadership award in 2014, registered her exploratory committee for statewide office in late January.
Stewart, who formed an exploratory committee in late January, declined to provide an exact total her campaign has raised so far but said she expected it would fall short of the threshold required for her to participate in a Republican gubernatorial debate at New Britain High School next month.
Mr. Wright, long rumored to be a top contender to succeed the 84 - year - old Mr. Rangel, opened an exploratory committee in January to run for the upper Manhattan and Bronx - based seat.
Lancman filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to begin an exploratory committee, which would investigate the feasibility of a congressional run.
Lesser last year formed an exploratory committee to run for secretary of the state if Denise Merrill decided not to run, but she said she will seek another term.
Spokeswoman Jessica Proud said Astorino continues to weigh running as he takes the step this week of creating an exploratory committee.
Another Republican, David Gurfein, a retired U.S. Marine from Manhasset, formed an exploratory committee last year and campaign aides say he has raised $ 250,000.
He has declared himself a candidate for the senate seat, while Lesser has formed an exploratory committee and said he is «actively looking at the 9th» District.
The Levy source noted that Steve Levy has been calling for a property tax cap since he launched an exploratory committee in January.»
Meanwhile, Rob Astornio also hasn't given a definitive yes or no, but has now opened an exploratory committee.
«This is not an exploratory committee,» Powell wrote in an email sent by his campaign committee just before 6 p.m. this evening.
According to the statement, he'll be closing his exploratory committee and returning donations collected.
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